I remember as a child seeing high quality felt sets on pre-school shows like Romper Room, and teachers using them in the classroom. They were always a favorite of mine. They were so hard to find, and I remember the kind of felt sets that were available at major retailers had much to be desired. Most of the time they consisted of a tiny paper thin board with a piece of green felt on it and some felt shapes in different colors. When I connected with Betty Lukens, and saw the felt sets they sell, I wanted them all. She asked me to pick some products to review and I chose The Four Seasons, Fun on the Farm and Carville. It was so hard to pick because they have such a wide selection of great play sets. When they arrived, I was even more impressed. They are so well made, the playsets come in a plastic tote that will hold the board and all the pieces for easy transport and storage. I really like that I can teach my kids with these playsets and they can play themselves as well. It is a great, quiet activity that stimulates little minds and is perfect for travel, eating out or just winding down at the end of the day. These sets allow your child to be the storyteller and be creative or Mom and Dad can tell the stories. There are so many ways to use these playsets, and they would be great for teachers and in the classroom. The Carville mat is so much fun and can be used indoors and out. It is even machine washable, so let the kids have a great time.
I have terrific news, Betty Lukens is sponsoring a give-away on Mommy Ramblings. One very lucky blog reader will win their choice of 3 Learning Fun with Felt Sets. Thank you Betty Lukens for the review products and for sponsoring this awesome give-away!!! Open to US and Canadian Residents!!!
Betty Lukens, Learning Fun with Felt Sets Give-Away on Mommy Ramblings:
Mandatory Entry– Visit Betty Lukens, and let me know what 3 Learning Fun with Felt sets you would choose if you win. Leave your answer in a comment on this post. (If this entry is not done, all others will be deleted)
Extra Entries: (make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry or they will not count)
1. Like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook and leave me a comment here that you did.
2. Like Betty Lukens on Facebook , and leave me a comment here that you did.
3. Follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter, and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name.
4. Follow Betty Lukens on Twitter, and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name.
5. Follow Mommy Ramblings by email, and leave me a comment here that you did.
6. Vote for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs (Button is on the side of our blog, “We’re on the Fence) and leave me a comment here you did. You can do this once a day, just make sure and leave a comment each time you do.
7. Rate Mommy Ramblings on Top Mommy Blogs (button is on the side of our blog) and leave me a comment here that you did. (Can only be used as one entry per give-away.)
8. Tweet this give-away on Twitter and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name. You can do this once a day, just make sure and leave a comment each time you do.
9. Like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook and leave me a comment here that you did.
10. Write a review for Mommy Ramblings on Alexa.com (button is on our blog right under the We’re on the Fence button) and leave me a comment here that you did. Can only be done once per give-away.
Good Luck Everyone!!! Give Away Ends November 12th at 12am EST. Winner will be selected by Random.org.
I would pick Carville, Rainforest(or oceans) and Katelyn & Friends: Sporty Kids. They were all very cute.
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I wrote a review of Mommy Ramblings on Alexa.com
I follow Mommy Ramblings on twitter @dezy721
now following Betty Lunkens on twitter @dezy721
tweet 10/13
I would pick Fun on the farm, Carville and Noah’s Ark.
I like Mommy Ramblings on fb.
I follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter! -MrsWmommy
Following Betty Lukens on /Twitter -MrsWmommy
I’m subscribed to your emails!
Picket fence vote 10/13
Rated you on Top Mommy Blogs!
I like Blueberry Hill Photography on fb!
Tweeted give away 10/13 -MrsWmommy
Mandatory: I would choose Cinderella, Noah’s Ark, and Day of the Dinosaurs!
I’m an email subscriber to Mommy Ramblings!
I’m a fan of Mommy Ramblings on FB!
I follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter! wrLOVESjj
Voted on Picket Fence 10/14
Rated you on Top Mommy Blogs today!
Tweeted this giveaway! 10/14 wrLOVESjj
I’m a fan of Blueberry Hill Photography on FB!
Wow! These look so fun! I would pick Castle Times, Day of the Dinosaurs, & Fun on the Farm.
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I like Betty Lukens – Learning Fun with Felt on Facebook
voted for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs
I like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook
rated Mommy Ramblings on Top Mommy Blogs
I would get Fun on the Farm, Katelyn & Friends: All Dressed Up and Basic Learning: Colors, Shapes, and Numbers.
like mommy ramblings on facebook
like Betty Lukens on Facebook
follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter
follow Betty Lukens on twitter
Rated on Top Mommy blog
voted picket fence 10/14
Daily tweet 10/14 Eat_Cake_
Like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook
Picket fence vote 10/14
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Picket fence vote 10/14
Tweeted give away 10/14 -MrsWmommy
I like Rainforest, Carville, and Safari
I like MR on FB.
I follow you on twitter. hdc1986
I subscribe with my email.
I like Blueberry Hill Photography on FB.
I voted on PF. 10/14
I tweeted this giveaway. hdc1986 10/14
I like the learning ABC’s, a day at the fair, and the zoo.
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I like Betty Lukens on Facebook.
I follow you on twitter. heidiglo1.
I follow Betty on twitter.
I receive your emails.
I voted for you – we’re on the fence.
Tweeted – heidiglo1 – http://twitter.com/#!/heidiglo1/status/125184262612860928
I like Blueberry Hill on facebook.
voted picket fence 10/15
daily tweet 10/15 Eat_Cake_
I would pick Day of the Dinosaur, Fun on the Farm and The Four Seasons.
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I follow MR via email.
Picket Fence vote 10/15
I rated you on top mommy blogs!
picket fence vote 10/15
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PFB vote 10/15
Voted on PF. 10/15
Picket fence vote 10/15
Tweeted give away 10/15 -MrsWmommy
I would choose the Katelyn & Friends: All Dressed Up!, 2- #00201 Carville, 3-Katelyn & Friends: Animal Care
Like Betty Lukens on Facebook-Gumma Medlin
Like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook-Gumma Medlin
Follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter-gummasplace
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voted Picket fence 10/15
Voted on Picket Fence! 10/15
Tweeted this giveaway! 10/15 wrLOVESjj
picket fence vote 10/16
tweet 10/16
voted Picket fence 10/16
I voted for you – on the fence.
That was fun, I was there a while lol 1. RainForest Adventures 2. Days of the Dinosaurs 3. Learning your ABC’s
Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
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Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
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Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
Like Blueberry Hill Photography on fb
Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
Follow YOU on twitter
Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
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Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com.
Email Sub
Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com.
Picket Fence Vote 10/16
PFB vote 10/16
Picket fence vote 10/1 6
Tweeted this give away 10/16 -MrsWmommy
Voted on PF. 10/16
Voted on Picket Fence 10/16
Tweeted this giveaway! 10/16 wrLOVESjj
voted picket fence 10/16
daily tweet 10/16 Eat_Cake_
Picket Fence Vote 10/17
Voted – on the fence.
PFB vote 10/17
Picket fence vote 10/17
Tweeted this give away 10/17 -MrsWmommy
voted picket fence 10/17
daily tweet 10/17 Eat_Cake_
picket fence vote 10/17
tweet 10/17
Voted on PF. 10/17
Tweeted this giveaway. hdc1986 10/17
Voted on Picket Fence! 10/17
Tweeted this giveaway! 10/17 wrLOVESjj
Voted today – on the fence.
Tweeted – heidiglo1 – https://twitter.com/#!/heidiglo1/status/126241504837648386
voted Picket fence 10/18
Voted on PF. 10/18
Tweeted this giveaway. hdc1986 10/18
Picket Fence Vote 10/18
voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs 10/18
Picket fence vote 10/18
Tweeted give away 10/18 -MrsWmommy
Mandatory- Princess Friends, Fun in the Sun & Tea party
10/18 PF vote
picket fence vote 10/18
tweet 10/18
voted picket fence 10/18
daily tweet 10/18 Eat_Cake_
Voted on Picket Fence! 10/18
Tweeted this giveaway! 10/18 wrLOVESjj
picket fence vote 10/19
tweet 10/19
New tweet – http://twitter.com/#!/heidiglo1/status/126626896535490560
Picket Fence vote 10/19
voted for you on PFB 10/19
voted picket fence 10/19
daily tweet 10/19 Eat_Cake_
voted Picket fence 10/19
Picket fence vote 10/19
Tweeted give away 10/19 -MrsWmommy
Voted on Picket Fence 10/19
Tweeted this giveaway! 10/19 wrLOVESjj
picket fence vote 10.20
tweet 10/20
Tweeted give away 10/20 -gummasplace
voted Picket fence 10/20
Picket Fence vote 10/20
voted picket fence 10/20
daily tweet 10/20 Eat_Cake_
Picket Fence vote 10/20
10/20 pF vote
Voted on Picket Fence! 10/20
Tweeted this giveaway! 10/20 wrLOVESjj
Picket fence vote 10/20
Tweeted this give away 10/20 -MrsWmommy
Picket fence vote.
PIcket Fence vote 10/21
Voted on Picket Fence 10/21
Tweeted this giveaway! 10/21 wrLOVESjj
picket fence vote 10/21
tweet 10/21
Voted on PF. 10/21
Tweeted this giveaway. hdc1986 10/21
10/21 pF vote
Picket fence vote 10/21
Tweeted this give away 10/21 -MrsWmommy
Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
Definitely Fun on the Farm (my husband’s is from a family of farmers), Learning your ABC’s, and Day of the Dinosaurs. On a side note, I love all the biblical felt items as well!
Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
(Lori Chilcott Brouse and/or Brouse House Mouse)
FB Follower Mommy Ramblings
Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
(Lori Chilcott Brouse and/or Brouse House Mouse)
FB Follower Betty Lukens
Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
Twitter Follower (@BrouseHouse)
Mommy Ramblings
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Betty Lukens
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Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
(Lori Chilcott Brouse and/or Brouse House Mouse)
FB Follower Blueberry Hill Photography
voted picket fence 10/21
daily tweet 10/21 Eat_Cake_
picket fence vote 10/22
tweet 10/22
Picket Fence vote 10/22
voted picket fene 10/22
daily tweet 10/22 Eat_Cake_
Picket fence vote 10/22
Tweeted give away 10/22 -MrsWmommy
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I voted for you on PFB Today 10/22
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Voted 10/23 – We’re on the Fence!
PFB vote 10/23
voted picket fence 10/23
daily tweet 10/23 Eat_Cake_
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I voted for you on PFB Today 10/23
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10/24 – Voted for you – We’re On The Fence.
Voted on PF. 10/24
Tweeted this giveaway. hdc1986 10/24
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voted picket fence 10/24
daily tweet 10/24 Eat_Cake_
Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
I voted for you on PFB Today 10/24
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Tweeted Today 10/24
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Tweeted give away 10/24 -MrsWmommy
voted Picket fence 10/25
Tweeted give away 10/25 -gummasplace
picket fence vote 10/25
tweet 10/25
PFB vote 10/25
Voted on PF. 101/25
Picket fence vote 10/25
Picket fence vote 10/25
Tweeted give-away 10/25 -MrsWmommy
Voted on Picket Fence 10/25
Tweeted this giveaway! 10/25 wrLOVESjj
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daily tweet 10/25 Eat_Cake_
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voted Picket fence 10/26
Tweeted give away 10/26 -gummasplace
voted picket fence 10/26
daily tweet 10/26 Eat_Cake_
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i am a mommy ramblings FB friend
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I voted for you on PFB Today 10/26
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Voted 10/26 We’re on the fence.
picket fence vote 10/27
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voted picket fence 10/27
daily tweet 10/27 Eat_Cake_
PFB vote 10/27
Voted on Picket Fence 10/27
Tweeted this giveaway! 10/27 wrLOVESjj
Fruit of the Spirit
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
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ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
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rated site @ top mommy
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ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Voted on PF. 10/27
Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
I voted for you on PFB Today 10/27
Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
Tweeted Today 10/27
voted Picket fence 10/27
Tweeted give away 10/27 -gummasplace
10/28 Voted for you – We’re on the Fence.
mandatory- Princess friends, Cinderella a day at the fair
I rated you on Top mommy blogs
10/28 PF vote
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voted picket fence 10/28
daily tweet 10/28 Eat_cake_
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voted on PFB 10/28
Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
I voted for you on PFB Today 10/28
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voted Picket fence 10/28
Tweeted give away 10/28 -gummasplace
Picket fence vote 10/28
picket fence vote 10/29
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10/29 Voted for you “We’re on the Fence!”
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voted picket fence 10/29
daily tweet 10/29 Eat_Cake_
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Voted on Picket Fence! 10/30
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Tweeted give away 10/30 -MrsWmommy
picket fence vote 10/31
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Voted on Picket Fence! 10/31
Tweeted this giveaway! 10/31 wrLOVESjj
10/31 Voted for you – Picket Fence
PFB vote – Happy Halloween!
Voted on PF. 10/31
I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee (new twitter acct!) 10/31
voted picket fence 10/31
daily tweet 10/31 Eat_Cake_
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I voted for you on PFB Today 10/31
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Tweeted Today 10/31
voted Picket fence 10/31
Tweeted give away 10/31-gummasplace
picket fence vote 11/1
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Picket fence vote 11/1
voted for you on PFB 11/1
Voted on Picket Fence! 11/1
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Picket fence vote 11/1
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Voted on PF. 11/1
Tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/1
voted Picket fence 11/1
Tweeted give away 10/31-gummasplace
11/1 PF vote
voted picket fence 11/1
daily tweet 11/1 Eat_Cake_
11/1 Voted for you – We’re on the Fence.
Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
I voted for you on PFB Today 11/1
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Tweeted Today 11/1
picket fence vote 11/2
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11/2 Voted for you – picket fence.
voted Picket fence 11/2
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Picket fence vote 11/2
Tweeted this give away 11/2 -MrsWmommy
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daily tweet 11/2 Eat_Cake_
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picket fence vote 11/3
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I voted for you on PFB Today 11/3
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voted Picket fence 11/3
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Picket fence vote 11/3
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PFB vote 11/3
11/3 PF vote
I rated you on Top mommy blogs
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I voted for you on PFB Today 11/4
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Tweeted Today 11/4
picket fence vote 11/4
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voted picket fence 11/4
daily tweet 11/4 Eat_Cake_
voted Picket fence 11/4
Tweeted give away 11/4-gummasplace
PFB vote 11/4
Picket fence vote 11/4
Tweeted give away 11/4 -MrsWmommy
Voted on PF 11/4
Tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/4
Voted on Picket Fence! 11/4
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picket fence vote 11/5
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11/5 Voted for you – picket fence.
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Picket fence vote 11/5
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PFB vote 11/5
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picket fence vote 11/6
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PFB vote 11/6
voted picket fence 11/6
Daily tweet 11/6 Eat_Cake_
Picket fence vote 11/6
Tweeted give away 11/6 -MrsWmommy
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11/6 Voted for you – Picket Fence.
voted Picket fence 11/6
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Voted on Picket Fence! 11/6
Tweeted this giveaway! 11/6 wrLOVESjj
picket fence vote 11/7
tweet 11/7
Voted on Picket Fence! 11/7
Tweeted this giveaway! 11/7 wrLOVESjj
voted picket fence 11/7
Daily tweet 11/7 Eat_Cake_
PFB vote 11/7
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I voted for you on PFB Today 11/7
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Tweeted Today 11/7
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Tweeted give away 11/7 -MrsWmommy
Voted on PF. 11/7
Tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/7
voted Picket fence 11/7
Tweeted give away 11/7-gummasplace
picket fence vote 11/8
tweet 11/8
Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
I voted for you on PFB Today 11/8
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PFB vote 11/8
Voted on PF. 11/8
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Picket fence vote 11/8
Tweeted give away 11/8 -MrsWmommy
voted Picket fence 11/8
Tweeted give away 11/8-gummasplace
voted picket fence 11/8
Daily tweet 11/8 Eat_Cake_
picket fence vote 11/9
tweet 11/9
voted picket fence 11/9
Daily tweet 11/9 Eat_Cake_
tweeted 11/9
11/9 pF vote
PFB vote 11/9
Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
I voted for you on PFB Today 11/9
Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
Tweeted Today 11/9
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Picket fence vote 11/9
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picket fence vote 11/10
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Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
I voted for you on PFB Today 11/10
Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
Tweeted Today 11/10
love the carville, fun on the farm and noah’s ark
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Follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter @curious_kitty
voted picket fence
Picket fence vote 11/10
Tweeted this give away 11/10 -MrsWmommy
voted picket fence 11/10
Daily tweet 11/10 Eat_cake_
I would pick Carville, Fun on the Farm and Days of the Dinosaurs
I subscribe via email
I voted on Picket Fence
PFB vote 11/10
voted Picket fence 11/10
Tweeted give away 11/10-gummasplace
Voted on Picket Fence! 11/10
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picket fence vote 11/11
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Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
I voted for you on PFB Today 11/11
Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
Tweeted Today 11/11
11/11 Voted for you – Picket Fence.
I would choose the Noah’s Ark, the princess dress up, and fun on the farm
Voted on Picket Fence! 11/11
Tweeted this giveaway! 11/11 wrLOVESjj
11/11 PF vote
Picket fence vote 11/11
Tweeted give away 11/11 -MrsWmommy
Picket Fence vote 11/11
I’d get forest camping, spring garden tea party, and panda bear dress-up.
I like Betty Lukens on Facebook.
I like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook.
I follow Betty Lukens on Twitter (@hsewell305).
I follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter (@hsewell305).
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I retweeted this give-away on Twitter (@hsewell305).
voted picket fence 11/11
Daily tweet 11/11 Eat_Cake_
voted today
Voted on PF. 11/11
Tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/11
Winner is 36 Jessica C!!! Congratulations!!!
11/12 Voted for you – Picket Fence