I am thrilled to offer you a sneak peak at one of JJ Cole’s newest diaper bags. The Myla diaper bag is part of the JJ Cole Boutique Collection and will be available on November 19th. Â I was recently sent this bag in the boysenberry fleur color for review and it is beautiful. Â It is truly a bag that does not scream, “Diaper Bag!” Â You will find yourself using this trendy bag long after your little one is out of diapers. Â This is a roomy large bag, my favorite. Â It is extremely well constructed and is full of details and features that make it a mother’s dream. Lots of pockets, changing pad stores in its own sleeve inside the bag, the side pockets are roomy and have magnetic snaps for easy open and close. Â The bag is PVC and Teflon free, has a comfortable padded adjustable shoulder strap, and comes in a colorful array of style options. I love this bag so much I am adding it to our 2011 Holiday Gift Guide.
From the Manufacturer
Product Description
With the Myla, there’s room for just about anything. Not only is there a spacious front pocket but also a large inner compartment with multiple elastic-topped pockets. Designed for all-day traveling and heavy-duty carrying, perfect for a mom with one or more children! Part of JJ Cole’s Boutique collection.
Re-Run, exterior fabric – keeps 6 plastic bottles out of landfill
Fully water-resistant and seam-taped lining
2 spacious side pockets and back pocket
Front pocket under flap for diapers and wipes
Adjustable, padded shoulder strap
5 metal feet on the bottom of bag to prevent scratching
Padded changing pad with velcro closure included
PVC and teflon free
Quality Guarantee
JJ Cole stands behind the quality of all of their products. Each of thier products is under warranty against manufacturer defects

JJ Cole Myla Diaper Bag Review & Give-Away on Mommy Ramblings Rules:
Mandatory Entry– Like JJ Cole on Facebook, leave a comment on their wall about this give-away.  Leave me a comment on this post that you did this. (If this entry is not done, all others will be deleted)
Extra Entries:Â (make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry or they will not count)
1. Like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook and leave me a comment here that you did.
2. Follow JJ Cole on Twitter, and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name.
3. Follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter, and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name.
4. Follow Mommy Ramblings by email, and leave me a comment here that you did.
5. Vote for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs (Button is on the side of our blog, “We’re on the Fence) and leave me a comment here you did.  You can do this once a day, just make sure and leave a comment each time you do.
6. Rate Mommy Ramblings on Top Mommy Blogs (button is on the side of our blog) and leave me a comment here that you did. (Can only be used as one entry per give-away.)
7. Tweet this give-away on Twitter and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name. You can do this once a day, just make sure and leave a comment each time you do.
8. Like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook and leave me a comment here that you did.
9. Write a review for Mommy Ramblings on Alexa.com (button is on our blog right under the We’re on the Fence button) and leave me a comment here that you did.  Can only be done once per give-away.
10. Subscribe to JJ Cole on YouTube. Â Leave a comment her that you did.
Good Luck Everyone!!! Â Give Away Ends November 29th at 12am EST. Â Winner will be selected by Random.org.
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Left a comment on there wall… love JJCOLE!
Following them all! Love the new bags and subscribed to all of the above! 🙂
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Left that I entered contest on JJ cole wall
AWESOME giveaway!!!!
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I follow Carly on Twitter. Mommyfox
I follow JJColeUSA on Twitter. Mommyfox
Followed all steps above 🙂
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i follow mommy ramblings on facebook
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I follow mommy ramblings on twitter @RebeccaTImmons
I liked JJ Cole on Facebook 🙂
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I like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook!!
I follow JJ Cole Collections on Twitter also!
I liked like the honey lotus, commented on JJ’s FB wall
I like JJ Cole on Facebook and follow on Twitter & I like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook and follow on Twitter. {my twitter name: madideasdesigns}
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this bag! I am having twins and am in DIRE need of a new diaper bag!
I commented on Facebook!
commented and liked JJ Cole. 🙂
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mandatory- liked them on FB and wrote on their wall
I am a fan of JJCole on FB! Love them! And I commented over there!
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I’ve liked you on twitter! I’m Aubrey@MPB
And I’ve tweeted about this giveaway (you should have been tagged in that post)
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11/4 pF vote
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Already like JJ Cole on fb and I left a comment on their wall!
picked fence vote for 11/4
I subscribed to JJ cole on youtube
Liked Mommy Ramblings on FB
Left a post on JJ Cole on FB…liked Mommy Ramblings on FB…and followed both JJ Cole and Mommy Ramblings on Twitter. My Twitter ID is SSGleasonzoo! Loving the Myla bag!
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Just voted for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs !
I love your in depth review and photo bomb…commented on JJ Coles fb as well. Darling daughter would look extra cute next to that bag!
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im following mommy rambling
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I left a comment on jj cole facebook page. I’d love to win!! 🙂
Allright, now I like Mommy ramblings on facebook 🙂
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I left a comment on jj coles wall… 😉
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amy rouse
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amy rouse
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amy rouse
dropastitch at yahoo dot com
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I have just voted mommy ramblings on were on the fence …. nov 6.
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voted Picket fence 11/6
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I liked jjcole on fb and left a message, these bags are amazing!
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voted Picket fence 11/7
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voted picket fence 11/7
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Commented on twitter about the contest ailua44
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11/8 PF vote
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Mandatory: I liked JJ Cole Collections on Facebook and left a message about this awesome giveaway!!
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Voted Picket blogs 11/19
I was already a fan of JJ Cole on FB, and I commented about the giveaway there!
I already like JJ Cole on fb, and I commented on their wall! Awesome giveaway! =)
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Alright! I’ve entered. I liked JJ Cole on FB and left a comment, I liked Mommy Ramblings on FB and followed both on Twitter (account name MadMad_me), and I am now following you by email. Thanks for the giveaway, it’s fun to get excited about something like this and to watch someone win. Have a great day!
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PFB vote 11/24 — Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂
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voted 11/24
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Emily C
es1237 at gmail dot com
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Emily C
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i’m naming my baby myla so this would be perfect!
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blueberry hills fb fan courtney bella
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PFB vote 11/28/11
Liked JJ Cole on Facebook!
liked jj cole on facebook! fun prize for my first little girl (we have four boys!)
I left a comment on JJCole wall about this give a way really hoping to win!!
“liked ” mommy ramblings on facebook!!
Shared on fb, liked mommy ramblings on fb! Hope to win 🙂
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Voted Picket Fence 11/28
Thanks for this giveaway, Hope I finally win!!! 🙂
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Tweeted give away 11/28 -MrsWmommy
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Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/28/2011
Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/28/2011
I left a comment on JJ Cole’s Wall!!!
Liked you on FB…wish there was a <3 button!
Left you a comment on your wall 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!
pfb 11-28
Picket fence vote 11/28
Winner is 235 Aida Lua-Tinajero!!! Congratulations!!!
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The bag is so beautiful and trendy. I am a week away to have my First baby. I hope to win this give away!
11/29 tweet
i voted for you on picket fences 11/29
voted 11/29