My 2 year old was enthralled with his new playmate! He usually doesn’t care much for “ouchie” bees, but this one is adorable and friendly, they became fast friends! At first, he was cautious and went slowly, but they were soon zipping around together having the time of their lives! The 360 degree wheels allow him to make any turn he needs to! The inflatable bee seat gives kids a smooth, comfortable ride with soft antenna grips for small hands. My son loves riding on his bumble bee, going fast and making quick turns! The bee is absolutely adorable and is quite the unique toy, without the wheels it becomes a rocker for smaller toddlers who don’t like rolling fast. The inflatable material is durable and soft with no sharp or pokey edges that could hurt your child.

Mandatory Entry-Visit Diggin Active, and let me know another product that you like. Leave me a comment on this post with your answer. (If this entry is not done, all others will be deleted)
Extra Entries: (make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry or they will not count)
1. Like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook, and leave me a comment here that you did.
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3. Follow Mommy Ramblings by email, and leave me a comment here that you did.
4. Vote for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs (Button is on the side of our blog, “We’re on the Fence) and leave me a comment here you did. You can do this once a day, just make sure and leave a comment each time you do.
5. Rate Mommy Ramblings on Top Mommy Blogs (button is on the side of our blog) and leave me a comment here that you did. (Can only be used as one entry per give-away.)
6. Tweet this give-away on Twitter and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name. You can do this once a day, just make sure and leave a comment each time you do.
7. Like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook and leave me a comment here that you did.
8. Write a review for Mommy Ramblings on (button is on our blog right under the We’re on the Fence button) and leave me a comment here that you did. Can only be done once per give-away.
Good Luck Everyone!!! Give Away Ends December 1st at 12am EST. Winner will be selected by
I like the pop out bowling
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Voted Picket Fence 11/4/2011
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This is so cute!! I also like the cute Big Boom Bat & Tee
I like blueberry hill photography on fb.
voted Picket fence 11/4
Like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook-Gumma Medlin
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I like the Jumpsmart™ Electronic Trampoline!
I like you on facebook – Janet Watson
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I Like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook – Janet Watson
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The Skuut bike looks like it would be a hit for my 3-yr-old son!
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love the Wooden Balance Bike
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The Pop Out Bowling game looks the most interesting to me and my 7 yr old.
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i really like the Jumpsmart™ Electronic Trampoline!
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daily tweet 11/4 Eat_cake_
I like the Scoot and Shoot Soccer. 🙂
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I subscribe with my email.
I like blueberry hill photography on fb.
I voted on PF. 11/4
Tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/4
I like the Jumpsmart trampoline- looks like a great way to burn energy!
Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
The Jumpsmart Trampoline looks like it’d be a blast!
Lbrouse1 (at) gmail (dt) com
(Lori Chilcott Brouse and/or Brouse House Mouse)
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(Lori Chilcott Brouse and/or Brouse House Mouse)
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I wrote a review at Alexa for your blog (BrouseHouseMouse)
Mandatory: I also like their Jumpsmart Electronic Trampoline!
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love the Skuut™
Wooden Balance Bike
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daily tweet 11/5 Eat_Cake_
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I like the Pop Out Bowling and the Go Golf. Looks like fun 🙂
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mandatory- Jumpsmart (which I would LOVe to get for my daughter)
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I did the top mommy blogs rate too.
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I like the Box Sets–both the cars and the trains would make nice kids’ gifts.
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at picket fences
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Pop out ring toss-mandatory
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PFB vote 11/22
I really like the pop up bowling!
I liked Mommy Ramblings on Facebook! I would really love to win one of these for my twins! What awesome Christmas presents it would make!
voted picket fence 11/22
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11/22 PF vote
voted Picket fence 11/22
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Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/22/2011
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11/23 pF vote
Tweeted 11/23 AngieMoeller
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Voted on Picket Fence! 11/23
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voted 11/24 at picket fences
PFB vote 11/24 — Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂
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squap looks like a fun game for my 8yo!/aahaft/status/140099875802062848
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Daily tweet 11/26 Eat_Cake_
voted Picket fence 11/26
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I voted for you on picket fence
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Daily tweet 11/27 Eat_Cake_
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I visited their site and I really like the Jumpstart electronic trampoline
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voted Picket fence 11/27
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Electronic Trampoline!
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Winner is 468 aahaft!!! Congratulations!!!
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