OKA b., Shoes That Love You, Mini Mules Review & Give-Away!!! {Give-Away Ended}

OKA b. Shoes that love you

OKA b. is founded on the principle that fashion and comfort should never be mutually exclusive. Imagine a shoe that not only looks great with every outfit but feels great with every step. A sandal given the thumbs up by your doctor and your best friend. A slide that matches your wedding gown and massages your feet as you dance down the aisle. A flip-flop so stylish it’s featured in fashion magazines. A shoe that’s 100% recyclable, waterproof, made in the USA and priced under $40.

OKA b. began with two basic styles – a slide and a thong, designed to feel like a spa shoe by integrating the principles of reflexology and ergonomics. Today the line has expanded to include dozens of styles and colors adorned with natural seashell, gemstones and ribbon, without compromising on comfort. Massage beads pamper the foot and promote good posture. OKA b.s are also crafted using a single piece of proprietary Microplast® material and are antimicrobial, waterproof and washable. Each season OKA b. designers adapt runway trends to introduce new designs to the collection. From summer brights to subdued fall tones, bridal collections to the casual weekend flop, there’s an OKA b. sandal for every look and for every occasion. These features make them a hit in upscale resorts, spas, hotels and fine gift shops around the world.

I was recently sent a pair of OKA b. Mini Mules, which is one of their all time best sellers. Right out of the package, they were so comfortable, no breaking them in, no blisters or irritation.  They feel so great on my feet, are so flexible and the massage beads keep your feet comfortable all day. The sizing is perfect and I love that they are machine washable.  I cannot wait  to try some of their other styles.



If you are looking for a way to pamper yourself this holiday season, try a pair of OKA b.  If you have to be on your feet, they are probably the most comfortable shoes you can wear.  We are adding them to our 2011 Holiday Gift Guide, Products to Pamper Yourself and Your Family Throughout The Holiday Season.

I am happy to let you know that OKA b. is sponsoring a give-away on Mommy Ramblings.  One lucky blog reader will win their own pair of OKA b. Mini Mules.  Thank you OKA b. for the review Mini Mules and for sponsoring this great give-away on Mommy Ramblings.  Open to US residents.

OKA b. Mini Mules Give-Away on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Mandatory Entry– Visit OKA b., and let me know another shoe you like.  Leave your answer in a comment on this post. (If this entry is not done, all others will be deleted)

Extra Entries: (make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry or they will not count)

1. Like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook and leave me a comment here that you did.

2. Like OKA b. on Facebook, then leave me a comment here that you did.

3. Follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter, and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name.

4. Follow OKA b. on Twitter, and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name.

5. Follow Mommy Ramblings by email, and leave me a comment here that you did.

6. Vote for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs (Button is on the side of our blog, “We’re on the Fence) and leave me a comment here you did.  You can do this once a day, just make sure and leave a comment each time you do.

7. Rate Mommy Ramblings on Top Mommy Blogs (button is on the side of our blog) and leave me a comment here that you did. (Can only be used as one entry per give-away.)

8. Tweet this give-away on Twitter and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name. You can do this once a day, just make sure and leave a comment each time you do.

9. Like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook and leave me a comment here that you did.

10. Write a review for Mommy Ramblings on Alexa.com (button is on our blog right under the We’re on the Fence button) and leave me a comment here that you did.  Can only be done once per give-away.

Good Luck Everyone!!!  Give Away Ends December 1st at 12am EST.  Winner will be selected by Random.org.


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380 Responses to OKA b., Shoes That Love You, Mini Mules Review & Give-Away!!! {Give-Away Ended}

  1. Sus

    I like the Amelia
    tnxns09 at gmail dot com

  2. Sus

    like mommy ramblings on fb (sus)
    tnxns09 at gmail dot com

  3. Sus

    follow mommy ramblings on twitter (tnsnx)
    tnxns09 at gmail dot com

  4. Sus

    Like OKA b. on Facebook (sus)
    tnxns09 at gmail dot com

  5. Sus

    Follow OKA b. on Twitter (tnsnx)
    tnxns09 at gmail dot com

  6. Sus

    like blueberry hill photography on fb (sus)
    tnxns09 at gmail dot com

  7. Sus

    email subscriber
    tnxns09 at gmail dot com

  8. Sus

    voted for you on the fence
    tnxns09 at gmail dot com

  9. Desiree Gutierrez

    My favorite is the Malia in copper (which is actually my niece’s name and its her 1st bday today!)

  10. Desiree Gutierrez

    i like Mommy Ramblings on facebook

  11. Desiree Gutierrez

    i know like OKA b on facebook

  12. Desiree Gutierrez

    I follow Mommy Ramblings by email

  13. Desiree Gutierrez

    Voted for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs 11/4

  14. Desiree Gutierrez

    Rated Mommy Ramblings on Top Mommy Blogs

  15. Desiree Gutierrez

    I like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook

  16. Desiree Gutierrez

    Wrote a review for Mommy Ramblings on Alexa.com

  17. I follow Mommy Ramblings on twitter, @dezy721

  18. I now follow OKA b on twitter, @dezy721

  19. Jessica C.

    I like the Sasha

  20. Jessica C.

    I like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook

  21. Jessica C.

    I like Oka b. on Facebook

  22. Jessica C.

    I follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter Eat_Cake_

  23. Jessica C.

    I follow OKA b. on Twitter Eat_Cake_

  24. Jessica C.

    I am a subscriber to Mommy Ramblings’ e-mail

  25. Jessica C.

    Voted picket fence 11/4

  26. Jessica C.

    rated you on Top Mommy blog

  27. Jessica C.

    I like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook

  28. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/4 Eat_Cake_

  29. Daisy

    like the lucy style

  30. Daisy

    Like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook

  31. Daisy

    Like OKA b. on Facebook

  32. Daisy

    Follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter daisy242

  33. Daisy

    Follow OKA b. on Twitter daisy242

  34. Daisy

    Vote for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs 11/5

  35. Daisy

    Tweet this give-away on Twitter daisy242 11/5

  36. Daisy

    Like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook

  37. Kitty

    Victoria Hot Chocolate

  38. Like oka b on FB – Kitty

  39. email subscriber maynekitty [at] live [dot] com

  40. follow you on twitter @maynekitty

  41. follow you on twitter @maynekitty

  42. Sarah

    I like the Isabella!

  43. Sarah

    your Facebook follower as Sarah B.

  44. Sarah

    OKA b. Facebook follower as Sarah B.

  45. Sarah

    your Twitter follower as @sarebstare

  46. Sarah

    OKA b. Twitter follower as @sarebstare

  47. Sarah

    email subscriber

  48. Sarah

    Picket Fence vote!

  49. Sarah

    I rated your blog on Top Mommy Blogs!

  50. Sarah

    Blueberry Hill Photography Facebook follower as Sarah B.

  51. I love the Jacquwline and Victoria and Kathleen all in black! Cute shoes.

  52. liked mommy ramblings on facebook

  53. follow mommy rambling via email

  54. liked blueberry hill photography on facebook

  55. MC

    I like the Audrey in black

  56. Rated you on top mommy blogs.

  57. Jacqueline’s are nice shoes

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  58. email subscriber

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  59. twitter follower

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  60. voted @ picket fence

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  61. rated site @ top mommy

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  62. ammaka

    I like the style “Grace” in black.

  63. ammaka

    Voted on Picket Fence (11/5)

  64. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/5

  65. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/5 eat_cake_

  66. Daisy

    Tweet this give-away on Twitter daisy242 11/6

  67. Daisy

    Voted for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs 11/6

  68. Heather Collins

    I like the Maggie style 🙂

  69. Heather Collins

    I like MR on FB.

  70. Heather Collins

    I follow you on twitter. RileysMommee

  71. Heather Collins

    I follow Oka. B on twitter. RileysMommee

  72. Heather Collins

    I subscribe with my email.

  73. Heather Collins

    I like Blueberry Hill Photography on FB.

  74. Heather Collins

    I voted on PF. 11/6

  75. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/6

  76. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/6

  77. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/6 Eat_Cake_

  78. I am impressed that they are machine washable! I like the Madison in Licorice with the striped bow.

  79. Tweeted give away 11/6-gummasplace

  80. Like OKA b. on Facebook-Gumma Medlin

  81. Like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook-Gumma Medlin

  82. Follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter-gummasplace

  83. Follow Mommy Ramblings by email

  84. Like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook-Gumma Medlin

  85. Daisy

    Voted for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs 11/7

  86. Daisy

    Tweet this give-away on Twitter daisy242 11/7

  87. Patricia N

    I like the Milly style in Slate.
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  88. Patricia N

    I follow you on Twitter as pmernick1
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  89. Patricia N

    I follow OKAb on Twitter as pmernick1
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  90. Patricia N

    I’m an email subscriber
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  91. Patricia N

    I voted for you at We’re on the Fence
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  92. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/7

  93. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/7

  94. Tweeted give away 11/7-gummasplace

  95. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/7

  96. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/7 Eat_cake_

  97. Patricia N

    I voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs 11/8
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  98. Daisy

    Voted for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs 11/8

  99. Daisy

    Tweet this give-away on Twitter daisy242 11/8

  100. Casey

    I like the Isabella pair

  101. Casey

    I like mommy ramblings on fb

  102. Casey

    I like blueberry hill photography on fb

  103. Casey

    I subscribe to your email

  104. Angie M

    mandatory- I LOVE the Isabella

  105. Angie M

    11/8 pF vote

  106. Angie M

    i rated you on top mommy blogs

  107. Angie M

    i reviewed you on alexa

  108. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF 11/8

  109. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/8

  110. Tweeted give away 11/8-gummasplace

  111. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/8

  112. Daisy

    Tweet this give-away on Twitter daisy242 11/9

  113. Daisy

    Voted for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs 11/9

  114. Jessica C.

    voted picket fenec 11/9

  115. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/9 Eat_Cake_

  116. Patricia N

    I voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs 11/09
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  117. ammaka

    Voted on Picket Fence (11/9)

  118. Patricia N

    I voted for you at We’re on the Fence 11/10
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  119. Tweeted give away 11/10-gummasplace

  120. Daisy

    Tweet this give-away on Twitter daisy242 11/10

  121. Daisy

    Voted for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs 11/10

  122. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/10

  123. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/10

  124. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/10

  125. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/10 Eat_Cake_

  126. Daisy

    Voted for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs 11/11

  127. Daisy

    Tweet this give-away on Twitter daisy242 11/1

  128. Heather Collins

    I voted on PF. 11/11

  129. Heather Collins

    Tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/11

  130. Angie M

    11/11 PF vote

  131. Patricia N

    I voted for you at We’re on the Fence 11/11
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  132. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/11

  133. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/12

  134. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/12 Eat_Cake_

  135. Daisy

    Voted for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs 11/12

  136. Daisy

    Tweet this give-away on Twitter daisy242 11/12

  137. Patricia N

    I voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs 11/12
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  138. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/13

  139. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/13 Eat_Cake_

  140. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/13

  141. Heather Collins

    Tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/13

  142. Patricia N

    I voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs 11/13
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  143. Patricia N

    I like you on Facebook as Patti Mercier Nicklas
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  144. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/14

  145. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/14 Eat_Cake_

  146. Daisy

    Tweet this give-away on Twitter daisy242 11/14

  147. Daisy

    Voted for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs 11/14

  148. Angie M

    11/14 PF vote

  149. Angie M

    Tweeted 11/14/

  150. Patricia N

    I voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs 11/14
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  151. Patricia N

    I voted for you at We’re on the Fence 11/15
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  152. Patricia N

    I like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook as Patti Mercier Nicklas
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  153. Daisy

    Voted for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs 11/15

  154. Daisy

    Tweet this give-away on Twitter daisy242 11/15

  155. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/15

  156. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/15

  157. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/15

  158. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/15 Eat_Cake_

  159. Tweeted give away 11/15-gummasplace

  160. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/16

  161. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/16 Eat_Cake_

  162. Mary Catherine

    PIckte fence vote 11/16

  163. Angie M

    11/16 PF vote

  164. Angie M

    Tweeted 11/16

  165. Patricia N

    I voted for you at We’re on the Fence 11/16
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  166. Tweeted give away 11/17-gummasplace

  167. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/17

  168. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/17 Eat_Cake_

  169. Patricia N

    I voted for you at We’re on the Fence 11/17
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  170. Daisy

    Tweet this give-away on Twitter daisy242 11/17

  171. Daisy

    Voted for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs 11/17

  172. Patricia N

    I voted for you at We’re on the Fence 11/18
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  173. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/18

  174. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/18

  175. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/18

  176. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/18 Eat_Cake_

  177. Daisy

    Voted for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs 11/18

  178. Daisy

    Tweet this give-away on Twitter daisy242 11/18

  179. Tweeted give away 11/18-gummasplace

  180. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/19

  181. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/19

  182. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/19

  183. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/19 Eat_cake_

  184. Daisy

    Tweet this give-away on Twitter daisy242 11/19

  185. Daisy

    Voted for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs 11/19

  186. Patricia N

    I voted for you at We’re on the Fence 11/19
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  187. Tweeted give away 11/19-gummasplace

  188. Daisy

    Tweet this give-away on Twitter daisy242 11/20

  189. Daisy

    Voted for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs 11/20

  190. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/20

  191. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/20 Eat_Cake_

  192. Tweeted give away 11/20-gummasplace

  193. Patricia N

    I voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs 11/20
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  194. Patricia N

    I voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs 11/21
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  195. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/21

  196. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/21 Eat_Cake_

  197. Tweeted give away 11/21-gummasplace

  198. Daisy

    Voted for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs 11/21

  199. Daisy

    Tweet this give-away on Twitter daisy242 11/21

  200. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/22

  201. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/22 Eat_Cake_

  202. Patricia N

    I voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs 11/22
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  203. Tweeted give away 11/22-gummasplace

  204. Angie M

    11/23 PF vote

  205. Angie M

    Tweeted 11/23

  206. Angie M

    I like Oka B on FB

  207. Angie M

    I am a mommy ramblings FB friend

  208. Angie M

    I am a blueberry hill photo FB friend

  209. Pamela

    mandatory- angelica

  210. Pamela

    I rated you on Top mommy blog

  211. Jessica C.

    Voted picket fence 11/23

  212. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/23 Eat_Cake_

  213. Tweeted give away 11/23-gummasplace

  214. Patricia N

    I voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs 11/24
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  215. Jessica C.

    Voted picket fence 11/24

  216. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/24 Ear_Cake_

  217. Jessica C.

    Voted picket fence 11/25

  218. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/25 Eat_Cake_

  219. Jessica C.

    Voted picket fence 11/26

  220. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/26 Eat_Cake_

  221. Patricia N

    I voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs 11/26
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  222. Tweeted give away 11/26-gummasplace

  223. Jessica C.

    Voted picket fence 11/27

  224. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/27 Eat_Cake_

  225. Kristine

    I like the Savannah shoe

  226. Kristine

    I like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook

  227. Kristine

    I like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook

  228. Kristine

    Voted Picket Fence 11/27

  229. Kristine

    I like OKA b. on Facebook

  230. Tweeted give away 11/27-gummasplace

  231. Patricia N

    I voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs 11/27
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  232. Shannon Thompson


  233. Shannon Thompson

    follow you on twitter
    Sha t

  234. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF 11/28

  235. Patricia N

    I voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs 11/28
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  236. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/28

  237. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/28 Eat_Cake_

  238. Angie M

    Tweeted 11/28

  239. Angie M

    11/28 PF vote

  240. Angie M

    I am a mommy ramblings Twitter follower

  241. Angie M

    I follow OKA B on Twitter

  242. Angie M

    I am a mommy ramblings email subscriber

  243. Kristine

    Voted Picket Fence 11/28

  244. Bettylou Stopfer Eckenrod

    I want these.

  245. Jessica C.

    Voted picket fence 11/29

  246. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/29 Eat_Cake_

  247. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF 11/29

  248. Kristine

    Voted Picket Fence 11/29

  249. Patricia N

    I voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs 11/29
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  250. Tweeted give away 11/29-gummasplace

  251. I like the womens fuchsia Jacquline shoes. Super Cute!!

  252. Fan of Blueberry Hill Photography on FB

  253. Subscriber by e-mail @Bearlvr15@roadrunner.com

  254. patti gurney

    “Victoria in Licorice” are adorable! Great site.

  255. Angie M

    PF vote

  256. Angie M

    Tweeted 11/30

  257. Jessica C.

    Voted picket fence 11/30

  258. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/30 Eat_Cake_

  259. Heather Collins

    Voted on Pf 11/30

  260. Heather Collins

    Tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/30

  261. Daisy

    Tweet this give-away on Twitter daisy242 11/30

  262. Daisy

    Voted for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs 11/30

  263. Patricia N

    I voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs 11/30
    PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com

  264. Kristine

    voted Picket Fence 11/30

  265. Carolyn

    Winner is 252 Daisy!!! Congratulations!!!

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