“John Deere Fun on the Farm,Part 2” DVD Review & Give-Away!!! {Give-Away Ended}

Logo TM Books and Video

If you are a regular reader of Mommy Ramblings, you will remember we did a review and give-away on,  “John Deere Fun on the Farm, Part 1 DVD.”  Well, we are back again with Part 2.  I have to tell you, we received this and it was such a hit, it was watched 3 times in one day!!!  My boys love tractors and we live in the country so they love seeing how everything works and this DVD is also full of great songs, games and learning fun.  If you have a little one in your family who loves tractors and farm equipment, then you need to check out this DVD.

This DVD is such a hit we are putting it on our 2011 Holiday Gift Guide. It makes a great gift for the pre-school age children, on your list this holiday season.

John Deere Fun on the Farm,
Part  2

This second part of the popular preschool series, Fun on the Farm, makes learning fun. See how big farm tractors plow, plant, and cultivate. Then the busy combines harvest. Have fun playing the counting, alphabet and cloud games. Learn about colors and shapes then draw a barn and a tractor.

We visit Fair Oaks Farms in Indiana, where ice cream and cheese are made from the milk of dairy cows, and we visit the birthing barn. See jobs tractors do with different implements, and watch little seeds grow into vegetables.

Fun farm action – milking cows, cutting hay, plowing, planting, cultivating, harvesting, big tractors, combines, and baby animals. Sing-along and smile to our favorite singer/songwriter James Coffey’s eight new songs.

John Deere Fun on the Farm, Part 2 will captivate and educate. Don’t miss it!

33 minutes


So do you have some little ones who would love this DVD?  Then you will be happy to know that TM Books & Video is sponsoring a give-away on Mommy Ramblings.  One lucky blog reader will win their own copy of, “Fun on the Farm, Part 2”.  Thank youTM Books & Video for the review DVD and for sponsoring this great give-away.  Open to US residents.

TM Books & Video, “Fun on the Farm John Deere Part 2″ DVD Give-Away on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Mandatory Entry: Go to TM Books & Video, and tell me another DVD you like. Leave your answer in a comment on this post.  (If this entry is not done, all others will be deleted.)

Extra Entries-Make sure to leave a separate comment for each one or they will not count.

1. Like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook, and leave me a comment here that you did.

2. Follow TM Books & Video on Facebook, and leave a comment on their wall that Mommy Ramblings sent you.  Then come back here and leave me a comment that you did that.

3. Follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter, and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name.

4. Subscribe to Mommy Ramblings by email and leave me a comment here that you did.

5.Vote for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs (Button is on the side of our blog, “We’re on the Fence) and leave me a comment here you did.  (You can do this every day for an extra entry, just make sure you leave a comment.)

6. Rate Mommy Ramblings on Top Mommy Blogs (button is on the side of our blog) and leave me a comment here that you did. (Can only be used as one entry per give-away.)

7. Post this give away on your Facebook status and leave me a comment here that you did.  (You can do this every day for an extra entry, just make sure you leave a comment.)

8. Tweet this give-away on Twitter and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name.  (You can do this every day for an extra entry, just make sure you leave a comment.)

9. Like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook and leave me a comment here that you did.

10. Write a review for Mommy Ramblings on Alexa.com (button is on our blog right under the We’re on the Fence button) and leave me a comment here that you did.  Can only be done once per give-away.

Good Luck Everyone!!!  Give Away Ends December 2nd at 12 am EST.  Winner will be selected by Random.org.


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244 Responses to “John Deere Fun on the Farm,Part 2” DVD Review & Give-Away!!! {Give-Away Ended}

  1. Melissa

    I like the John Deere For Kids the Music DVD

  2. Melissa

    I like mommy rambling on fb.

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    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/5/2011

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    Reviewed alexa.com

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    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/5/2011

  10. Melissa

    I like bhp on fb.

  11. Jessica C.

    I like Christmas Train Spectacular

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  13. Jessica C.

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  20. Ryana

    I love big machines
    ryanac32 at yahoo dot com

  21. Ryana

    fb fan
    ryanac32 at yahoo dot com

  22. Ryana

    follow TM books on fb
    ryanac32 at yahoo dot com

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  26. Ryana

    like BHP on fb
    ryanac32 at yahoo dot com

  27. Ryana

    tweeted: ryanac32
    ryanac32 at yahoo dot com

  28. Heather Collins

    I like the I Love Christmas DVD

  29. Heather Collins

    I like MR on FB.

  30. Heather Collins

    I follow you on twitter. RileysMommee

  31. Heather Collins

    I subscribe with my email.

  32. Heather Collins

    I like Blueberry Hill Photography on FB.

  33. Heather Collins

    I voted on PF. 11/6

  34. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/6

  35. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/6

  36. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/6 Eat_Cake_

  37. our guy would love watching All About Cowboys!

  38. Follow TM Books & Video on Facebook-Gumma Medlin

  39. Like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook-Gumma Medlin

  40. Follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter-gummasplace

  41. Follow Mommy Ramblings by email

  42. Like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook-Gumma Medlin

  43. Tweeted give away 11/6-gummasplace

  44. Heather Collins

    voted on pf. 11/7

  45. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/7

  46. Melissa

    voted pfb 11/7

  47. Melissa

    tweeted @smrlovingrl 11/7

  48. Tweeted give away 11/7-gummasplace

  49. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/7

  50. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/7 Eat_Cake_

  51. Velva Stepp

    My grandson would love all about cowboys..he watches westerns with me all the time..

  52. Velva Stepp

    I follow Mommy Ramblings on FB

  53. Velva Stepp

    I followed TM and video on GB

  54. Angie M

    mandatory- the christmas dvd

  55. Angie M

    I rated you on Top mommy blogs

  56. Angie M

    I reviewed you on Alexa

  57. Angie M

    11/8 pF vote

  58. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/8

  59. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/8

  60. Tweeted give away 11/8-gummasplace

  61. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/8

  62. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/8 Eat_Cake_

  63. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/9

  64. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/9 Eat_Cake_

  65. Melissa

    Tweeted @smrlovingrl 11/9

  66. Melissa

    voted pfb 11/9

  67. Tweeted give away 11/10-gummasplace

  68. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/10

  69. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/10 Eat_Cake_

  70. Melissa

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/10/2011

  71. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/10/2011

  72. Wendy W.

    Mandatory: I also like All About Cowboys Parts 1 and 2!

  73. Wendy W.

    I’m a fan of Mommy Ramblings on FB!

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    I follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter! wrLOVESjj

  75. Wendy W.

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    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/11 wrLOVESjj

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    I’m a fan of Blueberry Hill Photography on FB!

  80. Angie M

    11/11 PF vote

  81. Melissa

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/11/2011

  82. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/11/2011

  83. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/11

  84. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/12

  85. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/12 Eat_Cake_

  86. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/12

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  88. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/12/2011

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  90. Jessica C.

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  92. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/13

  93. Wendy W.

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  94. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/14

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    daily tweet 11/14 Eat_Cake_

  96. Angie M

    11/14 PF vote

  97. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/14

  98. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/14 wrLOVESjj

  99. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/15

  100. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/15

  101. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/15

  102. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/15 eat_cake_

  103. Melissa

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/15/2011

  104. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/15/2011

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  106. Wendy W.

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  107. Wendy W.

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    voted picket fence 11/16

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  110. Angie M

    Tweeted 11/16

  111. Angie M

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  112. Wendy W.

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    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/16 wrLOVESjj

  114. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/16/2011

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    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/16/2011

  116. Tweeted give away 11/17-gummasplace

  117. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/17

  118. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/17 Eat_Cake_

  119. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/17/2011

  120. Melissa

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/17/2011

  121. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/18

  122. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/18

  123. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/18

  124. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/18 Eat_Cake_

  125. Tweeted give away 11/18-gummasplace

  126. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/19/2011

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    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/19/2011

  128. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/19

  129. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/19

  130. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/19

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    daily tweet 11/19 Eat_Cake_

  132. Tweeted give away 11/19-gummasplace

  133. Melissa

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/20/2011

  134. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/20/2011

  135. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/20

  136. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/20 Eat_Cake_

  137. Tweeted give away 11/20-gummasplace

  138. M&M

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/21/2011

  139. M&M

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/21/2011

  140. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/21

  141. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/21 Eat_Cake_

  142. Tweeted give away 11/21-gummasplace

  143. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/22

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    daily tweet 11/22 Eat_Cake_

  145. M&M

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/22/2011

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    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/22/2011

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  148. Pamela

    “I Love Christmas” dvd- mandatory

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  155. Wendy W.

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    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/23 wrLOVESjj

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    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/23/2011

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    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/23/2011

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  160. Jessica C.

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  162. Jessica C.

    Voted picket fence 11/25

  163. Jessica C.

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  164. Jessica C.

    Voted picket fence 11/26

  165. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/26 Eat_Cake_

  166. Tweeted give away 11/26-gummasplace

  167. Jessica C.

    Voted picket fence 11/27

  168. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/27 Eat_Cake_

  169. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/27

  170. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/27 wrLOVESjj

  171. Tweeted give away 11/27-gummasplace

  172. Shannon Thompson

    Hi-Rail Layouts,
    Part 2


  173. Shannon Thompson

    follow you on twitter
    Sha t

  174. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF 11/28

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    voted picket fence 11/28

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  177. Angie M

    11/28 Tweeted

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    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/28/2011

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  184. Wendy W.

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    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/28 wrLOVESjj

  186. Jessica C.

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  188. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF 11/29

  189. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/29

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    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/29 wrLOVESjj

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  192. Angie M

    11/29 PF vote

  193. Angie M

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    Angie Moeller

  194. M&M

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/29/2011

  195. M&M

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/29/2011

  196. Tweeted give away 11/29-gummasplace

  197. Jessica C.

    Voted picket fence 11/30

  198. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/30 Eat_Cake_

  199. Angie M

    11/30 PF vote

  200. Angie M

    Tweeted 11/30

  201. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF 11/30

  202. Heather Collins

    Tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/30

  203. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/30

  204. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/30 wrLOVESjj

  205. M&M

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/30/2011

  206. M&M

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/30/2011

  207. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence!

  208. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! ^^^12/1^^^ wrLOVESjj

  209. Heather Collins

    Voted on Pf 12/1

  210. Heather Collins

    Tweeted this giveaway RileysMommee 12/1

  211. Angie M

    Tweeted 12/1

  212. Angie M

    12/1 pF vote

  213. I love toy trains looks cute!

  214. I like you on facebook!

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  216. I wrote a review on Alexa!

  217. Jessica C.

    Voted picket fence 12/1

  218. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 12/1

  219. Jessica C.

    Wrote review on Alexa

  220. M&M

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 12/1/2011

  221. M&M

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 12/1/2011

  222. karenmed409

    Voted on Picket Fence! 12/1

  223. karenmed409

    Tweeted give away 12/1-gummasplace

  224. Winner is 150 Jessica C!!! Congratulations!!!

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