Froebel Gifts, Yarn Balls Review & Give-Away!!! {Giveaway Ended}

In our last review, I told you about the Tieramid Blocks that were influenced by Friedrich W. Froebel, the originator of the “kindergarten system.”  Well, back again with great learning toys and manipulatives that are all based on Froebel’s philosophy.  The Froebel® Gifts are educational materials developed for Friedrich Froebel’s original Kindergarten. Perhaps the world’s most intricately conceived playthings, these materials appear deceptively simple, but represent a sophisticated approach to child development. The Gifts are arguably the first educational toys. I recently had the opportunity to review Gift One-The Yarn Balls from this collection. Froebel recognized that a ball is often a first or favorite toy of infants. It is lightweight and easy to grasp or hold. For Froebel, the ball symbolized unity because it is a complete whole, a pure form. The whole is the beginning of understanding and everything else is derived from the whole. I have told you many times before how much I love to use hands-on learning concepts with my children.  These yarn balls are great for expanding from the simplest concepts to more advanced.  For instance with my 2-year-old we do counting, colors, sorting, and shapes among others.  It also is early physical activity to improve of eye-hand coordination and gross motor control. My 4-year-old can do more advanced work with them like distinguish form, color and movement — the qualities of matter in the physical universe. For instance my husband will show him the structure of atoms and how protons, neutrons and electrons interact.  I know that most children absorb even advanced concepts easier when they have something tactile they can touch and see when learning.  These yarn balls are great for home, home schooling, and the classroom.  Froebel Gifts has many other gifts that will educate your child through play.



Froebel Gifts is sponsoring a give-away on Mommy Ramblings!!!  One lucky blog reader will win their own set of Yarn Balls.  Thank you to Froebel Gifts for the review Yarn Balls and for sponsoring this terrific give-away on Mommy Ramblings.  Open to US and Canadian residents.


Froebel Gifts, Yarn Balls Give-Away on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the give-away using Rafflecopter below.  Good Luck!!!


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16 Responses to Froebel Gifts, Yarn Balls Review & Give-Away!!! {Giveaway Ended}

  1. Diane Melendez

    I think the Triangular Prisms are very neat.

  2. Heather Collins

    I like the pallet game for kids.

  3. Rochelle Sindelar

    I like the Wood Sticks Set

  4. Shannon F.

    I like the Sphere Cylinder Cube.

  5. karenmed409

    Gift 6-Classic Building Blocks is another gift

  6. Jessica C.

    They also have the Sphere, Cylinder and Cube gift.

  7. Kim

    Froebel Gift 7 – The Tablets

  8. Melissa

    I like the Triangular Prisms

  9. Angie M

    Sphere Cylinder Cube

  10. Cristen C.

    I like the Triangular Prisms.

  11. Casey

    They also have Classic Building Blocks

  12. Kristine

    They sell the Classic Building Blocks.

  13. Pamela

    Wood Sticks Set

  14. Jessica Dawson

    I would love the Geoblocks for Brain Builder, my son is a mat lover like his daddy.

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