I recently had the chance to review “I Believe in Me!” Building Character, Cooperation and Confidence with EQ! DVD and curriculum guide. This DVD is a for preschool age children 2-5 years old. Sue Elizabeth Lee is the creator of “I Believe in Me!” The DVD focuses on EQ and not IQ, EQ is the emotional quotient or emotional intelligence. and scientific studies show EQ can be learned and is just as important for success and happiness as IQ. This DVD teaches children character, cooperation and confidence.
Emotions, memories and messages metaphorically connected to color – capturing children’s attention and their hearts.
Children are more open to creative expression and color recognition is one of the first things they learn.
In this very unique dialogue they open up children’s imagination and carry on an imaginative conversation of their connection to color with events, memories and feelings. Children readily respond and connect to this teaching method.
The curriculum/guide is designed to help extend the use of the DVD viewing experience, whether a parent, teacher, grandparent…it is full of lessons and activities!
Let “I Believe in Me!”™ help your child to live life more fully!
I Believe in Me uses A Color Metaphor Teaching Tool That:
Captures and Keeps Kids Attention
Encourages Creativity
Stimulates Left & Right Brain utilization
Improves Expansion Thinking
Metaphorical expression ~ the imaginative comparison of one dissimilar thing to another as if it is that thing ~ has long been a tool of creative thinking and a means to capture the attention of an audience. This early learning of metaphorical expression will serve children well when they are asked in later years to express and interpret the written word.
Development of Expansion Thinking and Creativity
Thinking beyond the normal possibilities and delving into, a wondering of “What if?”, “What else?”, and “Why not?” Creativity shuts down early in the current academic culture, dropping significantly by age seven.The “I Believe In Me!”™ series is using color as a metaphorical means to convey a message as well as setting the stage for creative expansion thinking. If color were something else, what might it be? What if color were a feeling? An event? A smell? A taste? A moment? There are no wrong answers… only playful exploration of the mind to freely wonder, imagine and explore.
When we ask, “What is your Chili Pepper Red?” be aware that there may be no response. You may never “hear” an answer, yet the wondering of it, might be churning around in the child’s head… and one day they may reply with an answer ~ or simply begin noticing things in a new way ~ that in and of its self is worthy ~ trust the creative stimulus is working.
Right -Brained vs. Left-Brained
The “I Believe In Me!”™ series, assists the right-brained learner and yet appeals to the left-brained thinker for it makes “sense” and is logical in application. The series is appealing to the visual learner for the children actually “see” the immediate application in real life scenarios acted out.
Jeffrey Freed, Author: Right-Brained Children in a Left-Brained World “The “I Believe in Me!”™ series will help children associate early learning with fun, setting the stage for a positive foundation that will benefit children throughout their school years. The creative use of color is a great way to reach the emerging visual learner, who processes information emotionally, pictorially and associatively.”
Pattern of Language
In using color as the metaphorical carrier of the lessons, we are breaking what is known as the pattern of language, forcing children to listen in a new way, catching their attention, allowing children to pick up messages they might have otherwise missed.
Anticipation of what is yet to come
Using color as we do captures the imagination of the children who already have seen it. They’ve come to enjoy the messages and ask, “What colors will be in the next one?” Anticipation and expectation are often the spark to creativity.
I put this DVD on and both my 3-year-old and 5-year-old really enjoyed it, my 5-year-old wanted to know where blue, purple and yellow were. It definitely captured their attention and they found it very enjoyable and related to the children and their feelings. The curriculum guide is on a cd and you can pop it in your computer and it will give you lots of in-depth ways you can expand on the DVD. If you are looking for something to incorporate in you preschoolers education, this is a great DVD that will really help kids develop and understand their EQ.
Watch The Video Below to Listen to Dalton Sherman and know what confidence looks, sounds and feels like.
Dalton, speaks about the need for teachers
to believe in their students and in each other.
He speaks so eloquently of his own belief…
What if every child believed they had what it takes to live life fully?
How different would or world be?
How different our classrooms?
The “I Believe in Me!”™ program, teaches the
sort of skills that are so beautifully demonstrated
by Dalton Sherman.
How to “believe” in one’s own potential…
How to believe and uplift others…
How to “think” big…
Emotional Intelligence is
the ability to utilize your emotions,
your thoughts, the words you say
in your head, the words you say out loud
and the actions you take, in order to make
a positive difference in your world.
When a child has a high Positive EQ they radiate confidence,
happiness, an assurance of self
and a belief that they can be who they most desire to be.

This dvd earned Receives Endorsement from KIDS FIRST! in 2011 and is the Silver Award Winner Parent’s Choice Awards 2009
Emotions, memories and messages metaphorically connected to color – capturing children’s attention and their hearts.
I learned that their visions is
For all children to grow up believing in themselves.
I like how the teach the child to be more self confident and learn about themselves.
I learned that their mission is…..
To help answer the unheard child’s cry of:
“How do I grow up to believe I can do this thing we call life?”
Helps preschoolers be more confident