The Flex Belt, Ab Belt Toning System Review & Giveaway!!!

The Flex Belt is the first Ab Belt Toning system that you can use to tone, firm and strengthen your abs that is cleared by the FDA!  The Flex Belt is great if you do not have time or are too busy to stop and do a traditional workout session.  The Flex Belt works stimulating nerves that cause your muscles to contract and relax and just using it 30 minutes a day you will benefit from a workout that targets all of your abdominal muscles.

We were recently sent a Flex Belt for review.  My husband was the tester, he is a world champion powerlifter and so I was anxious to hear his opinion. He found the instructions for attaching the pads very straightforward and easy to follow. The pads are covered with plastic covers that you remove when using and replace when finished. The instructions said for him to start his first 2 workouts at a low intensity so he began with a setting of 40 for the first 2 sessions and then raised it to 50.  His next were at 60 and he said he could feel some very noticeable muscle contractions with that.  As he progressed he kept increasing the setting until he was at 110 and he could really feel the muscles contracting pretty intensely.  He feels that anyone can see good results from this belt if they use it consistently.  He will add to this review with his results around the New Year then again in the spring.

He heard some folks say they had problems with the battery, charger, and controller connector which does not seem right unless the connector has been improved.  This connector has little steel wires that are shaped to hold it together and can only be deliberately unplugged.  The product is a very welcome addition to a busy person’s workout.  Or, a very welcome addition to someone whom wants to easily shape their abs while uncovering them.  He really likes the Flex Belt and plans to continue to use it regularly and keep increasing the intensity in addition to his other physical activity and training.  You can like The Flex Belt on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.


Flex Belt is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings.  One lucky blog reader will win their own Flex Belt.   Thank you Flex Belt for the review product and for sponsoring this awesome giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US and Canadian residents.

The Flex Belt Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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27 Responses to The Flex Belt, Ab Belt Toning System Review & Giveaway!!!

  1. Debra b

    I think the mandatory entry still has comment leftover from the previous sweep for the yummy earth organic gummy bears so,
    I visited the The Flex Belt site and am posting what I learned, I read with daily use you should see results within 4-8 weeks and then continue to use it 2-3 times a week to maintain the result, I love that it does the work for you toning your abs without having to do all those useless sit ups

    Thanks for the fantastic giveaway

  2. Rochelle Sindelar

    I think this comment is for the previous giveaway for Earth Organics.
    Another candy they make is Sour Beans 🙂

  3. ellen

    They make organic lollipops

    re:flexbelt I learned you can purchase new contact pads on their site as they need to be replaced.

  4. Lol, yes, I knew there was something I forgot to change. Taking care of it now. Thanks ladies.

  5. Rust

    I learned that in a six week study, 100% of the participants reported more toned and firmed abs. This means there is hope for meee! Oh, and those sour worms sound good. 🙂

  6. Carl

    The Flex Belt will stimulate all your major stomach muscles at the same time providing you with the perfect abdominal contraction.

  7. Sonya Morris

    In a 6 week clinical study, 100% of the users said their abs felt more toned and firmed.

  8. Wendy W.

    The Flex Belt will stimulate all your major stomach muscles at the same time providing you with the perfect abdominal contraction – that means your upper abs, the lower abs and even your obliques are going to get worked from The Flex Belt.

  9. Melissa

    I learned that “the unique construction of the FLEX Belt features three pre-positioned, medical-grade GelPads, covering the central abdominal muscles and external obliques.

    Signals from the ab belt reach out to nerves where they are most concentrated.
    These nerves branch out to reach all the abdominal muscles (not just those under the pads) causing them to relax and contract naturally, working all the muscles at the same time”.

  10. Carmen Van Deursen

    In a 6 week clinical study, 100% of the users said their abs felt more toned and firmed.

  11. Karen Medlin

    the medical-grade Gel Pads are effective for approximately 20-30 sessions

  12. Casey

    The Flex Belt will stimulate all your major stomach muscles at the same time providing you with the perfect abdominal contraction

  13. Molly

    Flexbelt looks promising!!

  14. These nerves branch out to all of the stomach muscles causing them to contract and relax naturally, working all of the muscles at the same time, not just those directly under the gel pads.

    Gladys P
    momtograndma at yahoo dot com

  15. Sandra Hurt

    You can wear it while doing everyday tasks!

  16. Heather S

    I learned that you can use this 6 weeks after giving birth!

  17. Anne

    Approved by the FDA.

  18. Jammie

    I learned that it is safe and was cleared by the FDA for sale.

  19. Carol S

    That the AB Belt is good for people with sore backs.You still get an abdominal workout without straining your back

  20. Jacqueline Parham

    The Flex Belt will stimulate all your major stomach muscles at the same time providing you with the perfect abdominal contraction.

  21. Rochelle

    I learned that there are Flex Arms product that can be attached to the Flex Belt that works the arms too. Thanks!

  22. Tammy S

    I learned that you use it daily for 4-8 weeks and then 2-3 times a week to maintain results.

  23. Claire

    I learned that 100% of the participants reported more toned and firmed abs in just 6 weeks.

  24. You must replace the pads, but you can purchase them online.

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