Chicken Soup for the Soul: I Can’t Believe My Dog Did That! Review & Giveaway!!!

Having had dogs all my life, I feel I could contribute very much to a book entitled I Can’t Believe My Dog Did That!  There would be many funny stories, though I may not have felt like laughing at the time and many heartwarming tales from when my canine buddies did something very special or helped when there was danger.  Either way I would never dream of living without a dog in my life, which must be the reason we have three!

If you feel the same way I do about dogs, you will love Chicken Soup for the Soul: I Can’t Believe My Dog Did That! Book.  It is filled with 101 stories about the four-legged family members we share our homes with.  There are all kinds of stories in here from funny to heartwarming and I am sure there are more than a few you will directly relate to.  If you are a dog person you need to check this book out!

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We all rejoice in the simple absurdities, funny habits, and crazy antics of our dogs. They make us smile every day, but sometimes they really outdo themselves. You will love reading all the heartwarming, inspirational, and hysterical stories in this book. We know after reading the stories you’ll say, “I can’t believe a dog did that!”

Chicken Soup For the Soul Publishing is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings.  Three lucky blog readers will win a copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul: I Can’t Believe My Dog Did That!  Thank you Chicken Soup Publishing for the review book and for sponsoring this great giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: I Can’t Believe My Dog Did That! Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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14 Responses to Chicken Soup for the Soul: I Can’t Believe My Dog Did That! Review & Giveaway!!!

  1. Nancy

    I also like Here Comes the Bride.

  2. Laura

    I would love to read this!! We have 2 dogs and the stories I can tell.

  3. Sarah Schwartz

    I grew up reading for the teenage soul. Helped me get through A LOT of rough times.

  4. Rochelle Sindelar

    I would like to read Chicken Soup For The Soup Stay-Home-Moms

  5. Heather!

    I am looking forward to reading the Married Life edition.
    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  6. Kimberly Schotz

    I would like to read the Chicken Soup for Married Life

  7. Casey

    Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive for Great Health

  8. Mallory H.

    Chicken Soup for the Soul: Married Life 🙂

  9. Shannon Curran

    Chicken Soup for Married Life!!

  10. Shelley P

    I’d like to read Chicken Soup for the Soul: Married Life!

  11. Gianna

    Chicken Soup for the Soul: Twins and More.

  12. Stephanie from CT

    Chicken SOup for the SOul, I can’t believe my cat did that.

  13. Erika P.

    Chicken Soup for the Coffee Lover’s Soul

  14. Kelly Ann T.

    I would like Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Gift of Christmas

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