Zarbee’s All Natural Cough Syrup Review & Giveaway!!!


I have to say this year has been horrendous for the flu, coughs, cold, sinus infections and more.  I don’t remember a time when everyone was hit so hard.  Whatever it is this year, it’s causing a hacking cough and laryngitis   As a parent I hate hearing my kids cough, but I also do not want to pump them full of  drugs or chemicals.  Zarbee’s offers a great solution for parents like me.  Their all natural children’s cough syrup soothes coughs without drugs, dyes or gluten and has immune boosters.  Zarbee’s is great for the whole family and they make cough syrup that is safe and effective for infants 2 months and up, their children’s formula is made for kids 12 months and up and their adult formula is for ages 12 and up.  The natural syrups help coughs, irritated throats, dry coughing, hoarseness and offer immune system support.  So if you are looking for something to help everyone in your family pick up some of  Zarbee’s All Natural Cough Syrups so that you all can feel well fast.




Zarbee’s is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings and one lucky winner will win Zarbee’s Children’s Nighttime Syrup and Daytime Grape Cough Syrup.  Thanks Zarbee’s for the review products and for sponsoring this great giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents!


Zarbee’s Children’s Nighttime Syrup and Daytime Grape Cough Syrup Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

 a Rafflecopter giveaway


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6 Responses to Zarbee’s All Natural Cough Syrup Review & Giveaway!!!

  1. Heather!

    I learned that Zarbee’s products were created after a 2007 study found that children’s cough products that were available were not safe for kids under the age of four. Zarbee’s was founded to create products that all kids could use!

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  2. Vivian

    I had no idea babies as young as 2 months old could use the cough syrup.

  3. Rochelle Sindelar

    I learned that dark honey is effective at calming coughs and sore throats in children and young adults

  4. Gianna

    You can buy it at target.

  5. I learned that they also have cough syrup for adults, I haven’t seen any All Natural Cough Syrup for adults.

  6. Melissa F.

    It can be purchased at Walgreens.

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