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So many people ask how I do it with 5 kids, a husband and all the jobs I juggle. I always tell them you must have a sense of humor. If you take things too seriously you are bound to be disappointed. Motherhood is full of twists and turns and if you think it’s going to be a smooth ride, you are in for a bit of a shake up. So when the perfect family dinner out turns into a three-ring circus or the relaxing family vacation gives you more stress than anticipated just drop all the expectations and learn to laugh and love your family for keeping it real.
When it has been a rough day and let’s face it motherhood has a lot of them, a good laugh can help so much to lighten your mood and lift your spirits. Laughing with other moms who face the same issues and challenges can be super comforting too and that’s why I love NickMom.com. There are so many great ways to laugh there. I love looking at the photos, I actually laugh out loud looking at some. I want to share some of my favorites I found there today with you:

Something seems really off here doesn’t it.

Okay all you moms who have to name your child an unusual name or a common name with an unusual spelling,..This is for you!!!

Okay this is too much, makes me want to join the YMCA just to do this.

You might not get why I think this is so funny. If I tell you we have our older son’s friend Keith living with us for the last 3 years you might understand why I LOL at this big time!!!
- This definitely is fitting for our family!!!

This is funny because it is and because it is so close to Halloween!!!
Besides funny photos, you can browse through lots of side-splitting content on the site. See what your shoe choice really says about you. I did not see one for flats so I chose Crocs because I wear them around the house and I’m insane! They hit that nail right on the head, Muhahahaha!

What your shoe choice says about you.
Feel free to share what your shoes are saying about you in the comments. Another great thing to check out is stand up comedy short videos like this one you can watch here about the mom that makes you feel guilty, or here for the mom who gets other mothered. There are so many others that I am sure you will find you can relate to as you lose some stress and laugh.
So I hope you all check out NickMom.com and you can watch every night at 10 pm ET. Check out the TV schedule Here to see what’s on. You can also stay connected with NickMom on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest. Now go get your laugh on and stop fretting that you are not crafty, knits her own sweaters out of Alpaca yarn she spins herself after shearing her herd and making her own soap while homeschooling her 17 kids mom; because you know there is more to that story than what makes it to Instagram right?
I LOVE your comments! I need to hear more about your eldest’s BFF Keith, and now I want to cancel my membership to the YMCA just so I can put that on my application!
Love the what shoes say about you lol
Hahaha sounds like a fun site! Love the YMCA photo! LOL!
Love these! Especially the “They didn’t have your name” mug- classic!
I didn’t know so much was offered on the site. Gotta visit and check it out more. Love the what do your shoes say about you. Funny!