Helpful Tips for Buying Dollhouse Miniatures – Things Every Hobbyist Should Know

dollhouse miniatures

Having dollhouse miniatures as a hobby is a lot of fun and there are many people who are passionate about collecting miniatures and building their own little world. There are so many different types of dollhouse furniture and miniatures out there and your collection will never really be complete – you will always be inspired to find more and more to add.


You can buy dollhouse miniatures online, as well as in your local miniature hobby shop. Before you start buying these tiny treasures, there are a few things that you should know which will make things easier and will help you save you a little money. Here are some tips that you can keep in mind which will help you when buying dollhouse miniatures.


Where Can You Save and Where Will You Splurge?

If you are building your dollhouse on a budget, you probably cannot afford to spend a lot of money to ensure that every detail is as luxurious as possible – such as designer wallpaper, high end miniature furniture, high quality paint and other accessories. However, if you can budget your money in a clever way you can add luxurious details to your dollhouse with breaking the bank.

Figure out on which aspects of your dollhouse you can get away with spending less. For example, you can use a cheap paint for the walls or find carpet samples for free to cover the floors with. Whenever you are able to cut down your expenses, this means that you will have more money to spend on a few lavish treats – such as a beautiful miniature canopy bed or a chandelier.

Even if you have to choose the cheapest dollhouse building supplies because you have a small budget, with a little bit of care and creativity you can make it look beautiful. Dollhouse building is more about the love and care you put into the project, rather than the cost of the materials.

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Look for Sets

Here’s a tip when you are buying furniture for your dollhouse – look for “sets”. Sometimes dollhouse furniture will come in a kitchen set, a dining room set, a bedroom set, etc. For example, a bedroom set might include a bed, a vanity with a mirror and a wardrobe. A living room set might have two arm chairs along with a footrest or a coffee table.

Usually, buying this furniture in sets means that you will save money. Also, it will ensure that all of the furniture in the room matches and has a similar style – which can be difficult when you are buying pieces separately.

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Don’t Forget to Think About Scale

It is important to make sure that the dollhouse furniture that you are buying is on the same scale – otherwise it will not work in your house and will look strange with the other furniture. Once you choose a scale you will need to stick with it and buy all of your furniture in that scale from that point on.

The scale you choose is up to your preference – so think about how much room you have for your dollhouse and how large or tiny you want it to be. The most commonly used scale is the 1/12 scale, where one inch of the dollhouse is equal to one foot of the real item. There are other scales used, but since they are not as common you might find it more difficult to locate furniture in this scale.

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Shop Online

When you are looking for dollhouse furniture, one of the best places to look is on the internet. There are many advantages to shopping for dolls house furniture online – especially because there are so many websites out there to choose from. You can quickly and easily compare prices and availability from a number of different sources and with such a large selection, you are sure to find exactly the doll house furniture that you are looking for. Make sure that you shop around and compare, as well as ask other dollhouse enthusiasts on forums for recommendations to the best deals that they have found.

These are just a few tips to keep in mind when you are buying miniatures for your dollhouse. A dollhouse hobby is a lot of fun and collecting tiny furniture can bring you a lot of enjoyment over the years. A collection is never complete, because the fun is in the challenge when hunting for the next exciting, rare, beautiful and unique miniature piece. Have fun and enjoy collecting.

dollhouse mini eggs


Filed under Collectibles, Dolls and Dollhouses

2 Responses to Helpful Tips for Buying Dollhouse Miniatures – Things Every Hobbyist Should Know

  1. I appreciate this information about what one should know when it comes to buying a dollhouse. It is wise to look for sets. It would be best to have furniture that matches and that goes together to complete the dollhouse.

  2. I appreciate how you mentioned that you should take into account the scale of the dollhouse and furniture before making a purchase in order to get the right proportions. My daughter said she would like a dollhouse for Christmas, but having only had brothers growing up, I really don’t know much about dollhouses. Finding appropriate scaling is something that I’ll be sure to do when finding wooden toy dollhouses for my daughter’s Christmas present.

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