Kidorable Pirate Rain Coat Review & Umbrella Giveaway

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We love Kidorable.  You may remember our other reviews of their products.  We recently were asked to check out the rain coats and Luke picked out a Pirate style.  We bought it a little big since we are not sure when or if spring will really hit this year in upstate New York. Maybe by April he will be able to wear it out into the April showers.




The raincoat has such great detail there is even an eye patch that attaches to the hooded pirate hat.  As always it is constructed of high quality material and is very well made.  These rain coats are so full of personality and really allow you child to let their imagination soar.

kidorable pirate

pirate raincoat

Kidorable has so many great styles of rain coats, rain boots, umbrellas, towels and more.  Check them out for yourself. If you would like to win an umbrella of your choice, be sure and check out the giveaway below.


Kidoarble is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!  One lucky blog reader will win an umbrella of their choice (subject to availability) . Thank you to Kidorable for the review product and for sponsoring this treasure of a  giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

Kidoarable Umbrella Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!


Filed under Giveaway, Mommy Ramblings, Review

19 Responses to Kidorable Pirate Rain Coat Review & Umbrella Giveaway

  1. Rebecca Parsons

    I just adore the Dora the Explorer Umbrella.

  2. amy pugmire

    I like the mermaid umbrella.

  3. Carmen Van Deursen

    I like the Dragon Knight Backpack for my son.

  4. laura revilla

    Dora the Explorer Umbrella

  5. Angie Moeller

    love the beach towels

  6. Casey

    I like all the towels

  7. Eva Biggs

    i like the boot and rain coats

  8. Heather!

    I love the Ladybug Towel! But boy…the sale price is $32?! It’s adorable, but it is still a towel. Why so expensive?

  9. Heidi Daily

    I also like the fireman rain gear.

  10. Christine

    I like Dragon Knight Rain Boots.
    Thanks for the chance!

  11. Leela

    I love the astronaut backpack.

  12. Jessica Beard

    I like the fireman towel.

  13. Heather Dawn

    I like the Space Hero Rain Coat.

  14. Holly Thomas

    I like and I know my son would LOVE the dinosaur towel. He is a HUGE dinosuar fan!

  15. Duane Cooper

    My niece would love the Dora the Explorer umbrella!

  16. tonya dreese

    Love the Firemen rain gear.

  17. brittany

    i love the little frog hooded towel also.

  18. Megan Swinney

    My daughter loves the lady bug towel!

  19. Heather McKenzie Carter

    I really love the Lucky Cat ensemble!

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