The Best Valentine’s Day Gift I Bought For My Dad #Giveaway

Valentines Day Cupcakes

Cupcakes I made for a Valentine’s Day Date Night

Saint Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and if you’re like me, you love the romantic feeling in the air. Even if you don’t have a significant other or spouse in your life, you can celebrate the love between yourself and your children, grandchildren, family and friends.

I think one of the best Valentine’s Day memories I have is the time my sister and I saw a pair of Valentine’s Day Boxers in a store window. They were part of a gift set, along with a chattering red heart, that had, “My Heart Beat For You” on the top. You could wind up the heart, and it chattered around a flat surface, much like infamous chattering teeth. I am sure it was the chattering teeth that made us beg our mom to buy them for my father. We carried on until she entered the store and bought them.


Valentine's Day

These are very similar to the set we bought my father. Photo Source Collectors Weekly

Excited, we wrapped them up as soon as we arrived home and gave them to our father. Our dad went on for our sake, about how much he liked them. I was very interested in trying out the chattering heart. After that night, I would go into my dad’s dresser where the boxers and heart sat in their gift box. Every so often, I would go in, wind up the heart play with it for a while, and return it to the box. I wondered why my dad had not yet worn those loud heart boxers. Year after year, they remained in the drawer, right up until they sold the house to move closer to my sister and I, now married with kids of our own. I am not sure where those boxers ended up after that, but it sure is a memory, I don’t think I will ever forget. He obviously treasured those boxers so much,  he could not bear the thought of wearing them. At least that is what I choose to believe.

These are similar to the boxers we bought my father. Photo Source Collectors Weekly

Linzer Cookies

Another Valentine’s Day treat I made for my family.


We have a very special giveaway sponsored by Catholic Central to share with you for a St. Valentine’s Day Kit

The St. Valentine Kit includes:

1 – Red Rose LED Glass Dome elegant table lamp.

1 – Gold tone “Love” bangle bracelet

1 – Perfume card

Check out my short video below to see more:

Let me know your special Valentine’s Day Memory in the comments. 

Catholic Central is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings. One very lucky blog reader will win a special Valentine’s Day Gift Package. Thank you to Catholic Central for the St.  Valentine’s Day  gift set and for sponsoring this very special giveaway on Mommy Ramblings! Open to US Residents.


Saint Valentine’s Gift Set Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings:

Please enter for your chance to win using the Rafflecopter widget below. Good Luck!!!


a Rafflecopter giveaway



Filed under Gift, Giveaway, Home & Garden, Valentine's Day

35 Responses to The Best Valentine’s Day Gift I Bought For My Dad #Giveaway

  1. So sweet of a memory! Love the giveaway! Ive been trying to make my own beauty and the beast rose for my daughters 1st birthday and this is way better than anything I can do!

  2. Audrey Stewart

    I gave birth to my daughter on Valentine’s Day. The best gift ever, even though it was labor.

  3. Charlene S.

    I always like handmade cards or gifts. Keepsakes to last forever :o)

  4. Rebecca Snodgrass

    I always loved getting homemade gifts from my kids!

  5. Awww how sweet!! I love that your father kept those boxers!! 😂💜
    My elementary school always did candygrams for St Valentine’s Day… they would call out your name on the big speaker, say whom it was from or left that anonymous and then a brief message/shout out – then they had them delivered to each class shortly afterwards. I listened all week long not expecting to ever receive one but deep down secretly hoping that I would. I tried so hard not to care. They called the final names on Valentine’s day and ended it with a school message. I was more heartbroken about it than I ever expected to be…I suddenly found myself with tears streaming down my cheeks. Embarrassed by my sudden strong emotional reaction, I hid my face in my books so my peers couldn’t see me. All of a sudden the candygram announcer came back on and said she had forgotten one more, and it was for me! I was so thrilled and overcome with gratitude that someone actually chose to buy one for me! They remained anonymous but left me a very sweet message. I’ll never forget that. I know it’s super silly but it touched me greatly. I hope they were somehow cosmically rewarded for their kindness many times over. Happy Valentine’s Carolyn! 💖

  6. Kathy Grisaffi

    Thank you for all you do Carolyn!

  7. Janet Luty

    Taking care if my 93 year old Mom and we were going through an old trunk. I found the first Valentine I made for her among her other keepsakes. So, 57 years after I first gave it to her. We got to reshare that Valentine. I am truly blessed!

  8. Very generous 🌹I never knew love until I looked my first son in his eyes & held him close to my ❤️. He’s in college now his 1st year, in Seattle. Far. But no matter where he is I carry him still. In my heart.

  9. Meg Choy

    This is so pretty! I love the soft ambient glow it gives. I vbet the smell is lovely too! Good luck to all who enter 💘

  10. Florence Quintana

    I love Valentines day 💝💝💝

  11. Kathy Garber

    Hello, I like to get really anything for Valentine’s Day. I like to go out to dinner for Valentin’s Day. Thank you

  12. Stephanie Grant

    My favorite Valentine’ Day gift is a bouquet of carnations!

  13. Belinda Shaw

    My favorite Valentin’e Day gift is flowers especially roses. This is also my birthday so it’s an extra special day!

  14. Karen McCann

    If I had to choose one it would probably be my first Valentines day with my boyfriend who later became my husband. He gave me a dozen red Rose’s, I totally didn’t expect it.

  15. Sharon Rooney

    My favorite Valentine gift was flowers and chocolate covered strawberries.

  16. Kelly D

    My favorite Valentine’s Day gift is chocolate or jewelry.

  17. Dana Rodriguez

    My favorite gift is jewelry or flowers.

  18. Donna Clifford

    going out for chinese food

  19. Melanie Comello

    My favorite Valentine’s gift, is not for me, but actually a giant rainbow colored stuff unicorn that we got our little girl for this years Valentine’s Day. She was surprised with it this morning when she got up. As soon as she saw it you could hear her screaming through the house 😉 of course she gave it the fitting name “Rainbow”

  20. beth shepherd

    We always have dinner with the kiddos. We have a great time together. Thank you

  21. Sandy Klocinski

    A gorgeous vintage necklace that my husband gave me.

  22. Tiffany Schmidt

    We’re not big on gifts for one another but we do fun stuff for the kiddos. Heart shaped foods, heart attack of positive attributes on their doors and a few sweets.

  23. Mariah

    My boyfriend always brings me red roses and we spend the night together watching movies and having dinner together!

  24. Elizabeth Miller

    My favorite tradition is that we always do a big seafood pasta dinner.

  25. Joan Kubes

    I love to get flowers and red roses are my favorite!

  26. Aaron

    My favorite Valentine’s Day gift is chocolate.

  27. Antoinette M

    I like to give/receive flowers & chocolate.

  28. Heather!

    I try to give my husband something handmade or at least designed by me for romantic special days like Valentine’s Day or our anniversary.

  29. Amber Cheras

    My favorite valentines day gift is a candle lit dinner and a personalized photo album.

  30. Michaela R.

    My favorite tradition is that we usually get everyone within our friends and family something to make them feel loved and special on Valentine’s Day.

  31. Helen

    My husband usually cooks dinner, and we stay at home and spend some time together with our daughter and our pug.

  32. Leela

    I just love having a homemade dinner, dessert and watching a movie at home together.

  33. Deborah Smith

    My husband and I always make it so we can just relax together. We both work full time and part time jobs and have a very full schedule so we don’t see very much of each other. Valentine’s Day is the one day a year where we carve out some time together

  34. Brenda Elsner

    My favorite valentine’s gift was the birth of my son!!

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