7 Tips for Getting into the Dynamic of Sleep as a Family

It’s easy to get plenty of rest when you’re a single individual, but the family dynamic can present some real challenges that might make it more difficult to stick to a preset sleep schedule. Everyone seems to have their own interests, hobbies, and habits that influence what time they wake up and fall asleep. If left unstructured, the sleep schedule can become quite erratic and inconsistent in a household with multiple people. Luckily, with a few simple measures and a bit of discipline, you can get everyone back on a good sleep schedule and prevent the increasingly common problem of family sleep deprivation in your home. With that said, here are seven tips you can use to get into the dynamic of sleep as a family:

1. Address Sleeping Disorders First

First and foremost, if any members of the family have sleeping problems such as apnea, insomnia, or circadian rhythm disorders, it’s imperative that you address those problems before doing anything else. Likewise, if anyone snores or does loud mouth breathing at night, this could be affecting not only their own quality of sleep but also that of their spouse or other family members. Mouth breathing is a common problem for people who use CPAP machines to treat obstructive sleep apnea. CPAP mouth breathing tape is one easy solution that you can use to train yourself away from breathing loudly through your mouth while sleeping.

2. Set a Bed Time and Wake Up Time and Stick to It

Consistency is key when it comes to promoting solid sleeping habits as a family. If you’re letting the kids fall asleep at odd hours and not enforcing any kind of sleeping schedule, it’s going to be difficult to ensure everyone is getting a good 8 hours of sleep per night. As a result, you’ll have people sleeping in late, staying up late, missing breakfast, and feeling drowsy in the day time. All of this can be avoided by simply having a set bed time and wake up time that everyone in the house must adhere to. Generally speaking, this should be no later than 10-11 PM to allow for 8 hours of sleep time before 6-7 AM.

3. Soak Up the Morning Sun

You might be wondering why the aforementioned hours were recommended for sleep and wake times. Well, studies have shown that rising at about the same time as the sun and being exposed to morning sun rays increases the production of serotonin and other sleep-related biochemicals. The sun also has an energizing effect that will help you stay awake throughout the day, which means you’ll be tired enough to fall asleep easily at bed time.

4. Eat Foods That Improve Sleep Quality

Certain foods can enhance the quality of your sleep when eaten within two hours of bedtime. However, try not to overindulge, as eating too many calories before bed can lead to weight gain. Sleep-enhancing foods include kiwis, cherries, fish, turkey, almonds, walnuts, and chamomile tea.

5. Don’t Take Naps Close to Bedtime

Many people find themselves feeling tired during mid-day or in the afternoon. If you feel drowsy early in the day, then take a short nap, but don’t wait until the afternoon or evening . Napping within 6 hours of bedtime will make it much more difficult to fall asleep.

6. No TVs or Devices After Bedtime

As a family rule, you should forbid the use of any electronic devices or toys after the set bedtime. While it might seem like leaving the TV on is an okay exception, a completely silent and dark room (with the exception of a gentle night light) will always be most conducive to sleep, which brings us to our next point.

7. Create an Environment That is Conducive to Sleep

Doing all of the above will set the tone for your family’s sleeping schedule and habits, but you still need to make sure the bedrooms are ideal sleeping environments throughout the night. This includes equipping beds with highly comfortable bedding and maybe having some very gentle music playing throughout the night.


Sleep is One of the Most Important Factors for Health and Growth

As a family, the top priority should be making sure the children are given everything they need to thrive and grow strong. While it can be easy to fall into the mindset of thinking that fancy toys, designer clothes, junk food, and video game systems are what your kid needs to be happy, in reality what they really need is love, food and water, shelter, guidance, protection, and good sleep. Remember that the body grows and heals during sleep, more so than at any other time of the day.


This is a collaborative guest post. The ideas expressed may not be the views or ideas of Mommy Ramblings.

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Filed under Family, Health, Life

One Response to 7 Tips for Getting into the Dynamic of Sleep as a Family

  1. Hi Carolyne,
    Loved your post.
    N o6 is vital as sooo many people take their gadgets to bed with them not realising the damage they are doing!
    Would you be up for a guest posting swap at all?

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