White Bird in Theaters Now – Amazon Gift Card Giveaway #WhiteBirdMIN #WhiteBirdMovie #BeBraveChooseKind

I had the chance to watch the movie White Bird today. White Bird is a deeply moving coming-of-age story and a testament to the courage it takes to extend kindness and love during the harshest of times. White Bird’s message of kindness is so needed, especially today.

WHITE BIRD is the right story at the right time. From the best-selling author of
WONDER, the book that sparked a movement to “choose kind,” comes the inspirational next chapter.

The movie begins at a private school in New York. A teenage boy named Julian seems out of place on his first day. He is seated alone at an empty table in the cafeteria. When a girl comes by with her lunch tray and asks Julian if anyone is sitting with him, he barely acknowledges her. It is not long before a boy comes by and says he knows Julian’s family and tells him that he is welcome to sit with them because he is sitting at the loser table. After the boy walks away, Julian says nothing to the girl.

Julian rides the subway home with his hood on and earphones in. He appears angry and uninterested in anything around him. Arriving at his upscale apartment on Park Avenue he barely acknowledges the doorman. When he arrives inside, he is surprised by his grandmother who is visiting from France. They sit down to dinner together.

Julian’s grandmother reminds Julian that he is in a new school because he was expelled from his old school for being mean to another boy. To get through to him, the grandmother, played by Helen Mirren tells her grandson the story of her life in France. The movie flashes back to show the captivating story of a young girl with two professional parents, living comfortably to one hiding in a barn when the Nazis invaded France.

We learn that, you can forget many things but you don’t forget kindness. Julian is the boy that hides a young Sara away and visits her every night to share imaginative adventures. Sara is an artist and her sketch book was taken from her when she went into hiding. Julian sees the book, takes it from the headmaster’s office and returns it to Sara. Another boy sees him and follows him with others who beat Julian to a pulp. This kind gesture brings Julian tremendous pain.

This is a story of light in the darkness. It is a warning of how the darkness of the past should never be repeated. I would highly recommend this film. It is an amazing film choice to share with your family.

Buy your tickets now to WHITE BIRD, in theaters October 4!


Enter below to win a $10 Amazon Gift Card. (We can only accept US winners who haven’t won via another bloggers’ giveaway for this campaign)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Many thanks to Kingdom Faith Marketing Services for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.


Filed under Home & Garden

6 Responses to White Bird in Theaters Now – Amazon Gift Card Giveaway #WhiteBirdMIN #WhiteBirdMovie #BeBraveChooseKind

  1. Kevin W Leonard


  2. Patricia Borelli

    I can’t wait to see it after seeing the trailer. We need uplifting movies after our works has so much sadness going on around us.

  3. Kristi

    I’m excited to see the movie WhiteBird

  4. Shelly Peterson

    I love the message this movie brings. Great movie for the family.

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