Let me tell you, when this Lotus Home Cleaning System showed up on my doorstep I was thrilled. It is no secret that I am germophobe, but I also worry about using strong cleaners filled with chemicals. The lotus® patent technology infuses cold tap water with an extra oxygen atom, creating a natural sanitizer. By passing air through 4,500 volts of electricity, the lotus® system splits oxygen molecules into atoms and forces this extra atom to combine and form liquefied ozone. The third oxygen atom becomes the sanitizing agent, a natural oxidant — which kills bacteria and viruses, and neutralizes pesticides. I admit, I was skeptical at first, but I got the unit set up and fired it up to make my first bottle. With the included microfiber towels I wiped down my counter tops, stove, appliances, cutting boards, microwave, cabinets, handles on everything I could find and more. It cleaned great and even dissolved grease on my stove top.
Next, I decided to see how it worked on produce. I had read about how a woman used it to clean strawberries and the unit told her 1 cycle was not enough, that there were still pesticides on the fruit and it needed another cycle. Can you imagine how we just rinse fruit under the tap and eat it!!! I had three pounds of fresh cherries, I put them in the bowl and ran a cleaning cycle. I was able to just drain them in the bowl when they were done with the strainer top and they were so clean and delicious.
Fruit and veggies last longer too when the bacteria on them is killed. How many times in the last few years have we heard about salmonella on fresh veggies? Now, you can protect your family by using the lotus to sanitize all your produce, it last longer and you know it is free from bacteria and pesticides. Meats, Poultry, Pacifiers, Toothbrushes, nail clippers, toys, nipples, orthodontic retainers, and much more can be cleaned and sanitized in the bowl.
I am hooked now, we use a lot of produce in the raw form as we are big Vitamixers and believe me everything from berries to spinach will be going in this baby. I appreciate that if the kids got a hold of the bottle it is just water and not full of chemicals that tell you they are harmful to children and animals. The Lotus Home Cleaning System will save you money, because you are not buying cleaners and your food will last longer when cleaned in the Lotus, so you are wasting less food. The unit uses cartridges that will last for about 90 cycles. They only cost about $8 each so very reasonable considering you do not need to buy a ton of different cleaners.
For more videos on the Lotus Cleaning System check their page on YouTube.
So does the Lotus Home Cleaning System sound like it would have a place in your home? Then you will be thrilled to know that Lotus is sponsoring a give-away on Mommy Ramblings. One lucky blog reader will win their very own Lotus Home Cleaning System. Thank you Lotus for the review cleaning system and for sponsoring this great give-away on Mommy Ramblings!!!
Lotus Home Cleaning System Give-Away on Mommy Ramblings Rules:
Mandatory Entry: Go to the Lotus Website and look at the attachments for the Lotus Home Cleaning System. Tell me which attachement you like best, and leave your answer in a comment on this post. (If this entry is not done, all others will be deleted.)
Extra Entries-Make sure to leave a separate comment for each one or they will not count.
1. Like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook, and leave me a comment here that you did.
2. Like Lotus on Facebook, and leave a comment on their wall that Mommy Ramblings sent you. Then leave me a comment here that you did.
3. Follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter, and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name.
4.Follow Lotus on Twitter, and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name.
3. Subscribe to Mommy Ramblings by email and leave me a comment here that you did.
4.Vote for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs (Button is on the side of our blog, “We’re on the Fence) and leave me a comment here you did. (You can do this every day for an extra entry, just make sure you leave a comment.)
5. Vote for Mommy Ramblings on Top Mommy Blogs (button is on the side of our blog) and leave me a comment here that you did. (You can do this every day for an extra entry, just make sure you leave a comment.)
6. Post this give away on your Facebook status and leave me a comment here that you did. (You can do this every day for an extra entry, just make sure you leave a comment.)
7. Tweet this give-away on Twitter and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name. (You can do this every day for an extra entry, just make sure you leave a comment.)
8. Like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook and leave me a comment here that you did.
Good Luck Everyone!!! Give Away Ends August 23rd at 12 am EST. Winner will be selected by Random.org.
love the veggie retainer- this system is amazing!
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I love everything about this! It would be awesome to also have the wetmop attachment.
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I like the toothbrush attachment
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I would love the wetmop attachment!
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The tooth brush attachment for sure!!!
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i like the wet mop attachment piece
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I like the toothbrush attachment! I cannot stand the thought of bathroom germs on my toothbrush. GAK!
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Spray bottle attachment
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i like the Multi-Purpose Vessel/Toothbrush Attachment
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This product is great. I really like the Microfiber Cleaning Cloths & the Multi-Purpose Spray Bottle.
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I like the Baby Bottle Attachment the most!
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I like the vegetable retainer.
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Mandatory Entry: I like the Lotus Baby Bottle Attachment!
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I love the wetmop and the veggie/fruit bowl cleaner 🙂 What a great idea!!
I like you on FB 🙂
I liked you on Lotus and left a comment that you sent me 🙂
Facebook fan <3 love your blog
I love the toothbrush attachment!!
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I liked Lotus and told them mommy ram lings sent me:)
I would have to say I like the wet mop hands down:)
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This would be a fantastic product to win hav ing three children!!!!!!
Love the toothbrush cleaner! Wish I had know about this when my girls still used bottles…
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I would choose the multipurpose bowl. That’s a no brainer. :o}
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I like the wetmop!
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Random.org picked comment 8 for the winner. Congratulations Andrea S!!!
voted Picket fence 8/23