Peace of Mind Thanks To #BayAlarmMedical

Thanks to Bay Alarm Medical for sponsoring this post. bay-alarm-5

After my mom died, my 87-year-old dad was living alone and I worried about him. Even though I lived only a few houses away, I wondered, what if he fell or had a medical emergency? That was when I got him a medical alert system that he wore on his wrist to call for help.  It gave me great peace of mind to know he would be able to immediately call for help if he fell or had a health issue.

My dad has since passed away but I was thinking about how medical alert systems are not just for the elderly but could be a life saver for anyone. They are especially helpful for individuals living alone especially in remote areas.

I remember the day a friend’s dad fell shoveling snow off his walk. He could not get up, the temperature was frigid and there were no close neighbors. My brother found him thankfully or he would have frozen to death.

I have a very close relative who is in his early 60’s, not elderly but a very active and vivacious man who lives in a remote location. I thought a Bay Alarm Medical Alert unit would be perfect for him. He is always doing work on his property out in the country. He chops wood, loves home improvement projects, mows with his tractor and maintains numerous bird feeders all over his yard.


I wanted to help eliminate the stigma that a medical alert system is only for the elderly. I hoped he would be open to testing it out and indeed he was. The system we received included a main console, a secondary help button, which we mounted in the bathroom, a pendant, wrist unit, vial of life and a pair of Boomba socks.


It was a very easy process to set it up and literally took about one minute. All we had to do was hook the main console unit up to the phone line. It is advised to test the unit after installation by pressing one of the help buttons.

We pressed the button on the pendant and a Bay Alarm Medical operator promptly answered through the main console and asked if we needed help. We knew quickly everything was ready to use in an emergency.


Bay Alarm Medical sends a form that you can list the people you want called in an emergency in addition to 911 if necessary. Another helpful thing that comes with the system is a magnetic Vial of Life which can be filled in with any medications taken. It can be placed on the refrigerator using the magnet on the back. This will assist paramedics in an emergency situation.


Inside the package was a pair of Boomba Socks, they come with every subscription as a Bay Alarm Medical partner. For each pair of socks they give away, they’ll donate an additional pair to the Socks in the City Program at the St. Anthony’s Foundation.


The In-Home System like we installed for our loved one is Bay Alarm’s most popular unti and trained operators can respond through the main console 24/7. It does require a landline but there is an In-Home Cellular unit that gives 24/7 medical alert protection without a wired phone connection. That unit is powered by AT&T’s 3G Network.


The Automatic Fall Detection unit works with both landline and cellular in-home alert systems and can automatically call for help if the individual cannot. They also have a GPS Help Button which literally can go anywhere because it has the speaker and button together in a compact mobile unit!


I hope he never needs to use it but knowing he is only one button away from getting the help he needs gives me great peace of  mind.
If you would like to learn more you can check out all the Bay Alarm Medical products on their website. Follow them on Facebook and Twitter to stay in the loop with them.

So did you ever think about getting a unit like this for a loved one? I would love to hear your thoughts. Leave me a comment and let me know.


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Filed under Health, Life, Life Stages, Review

One Response to Peace of Mind Thanks To #BayAlarmMedical

  1. Heather!

    I am disabled. I’m also very strong and active. So while I don’t necessarily need this right now, I DO anticipate needing to have some kind of plan in place, probably involving this type of device, in the future. I love that it doesn’t just call 911 but allows the user to alert others for help.

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