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Many pregnant women use pregnancy pillows when they sleep. As a woman’s pregnancy progresses, it can be more and more difficult to get comfortable and sleep through the night. Since there will be plenty of sleepless nights after the baby comes, you need to get as much sleep as possible while you still have the chance. A pregnancy pillow provides support to your neck, shoulders, back, and legs. It also allows you to sleep in a semi-fetal position, which is the most comfortable position and is also the position recommended by doctors. There are several other ways that a pregnancy pillow can help you during your pregnancy.
Helps With Circulation
Doctors tell expectant mothers that they should sleep on their left side to help with blood circulation. Many women find this position uncomfortable due to their growing belly. A pregnancy pillow makes sleeping on your side more comfortable. Since every pregnant woman’s body is different, the pillow can be adjusted to fit just right.
Prevents Aches and Pains
Pregnancy for most women is an amazing time. Unfortunately, the excitement can be ruined with the aches and pains that many women suffer from. Studies have shown that between 50 and 80 percent of all pregnant women suffer from intense pain and numbness in their neck, back, hips, knees and legs during their pregnancy. Some suffer from these pains even after the baby is born. When you use a pregnancy pillow, it will put less stress on your body while you sleep, preventing these frustrating aches and pains.
Better Night’s Sleep
If you have aches and pains while you sleep, it can be difficult to sleep through the night. A pregnancy pillow will help you relax and it will ease the pain, allowing you to sleep through the night. The more sleep you get, the healthier you and your baby will be.
Helps With Breast Feeding
If you are planning to breastfeed, your pregnancy pillow can be very helpful. You can use the pillow to position your baby properly so that it is easy for them to latch. Because pregnancy pillows come in different shapes and sizes, it is easy to find the one that is most comfortable for you.

When you go shopping for pregnancy pillows, you will notice that there are a few different types to choose from. Each different type has its own benefits. The one that you choose depends on what you want from the pillow.
Pregnancy wedge pillows: This pillow is also known as a maternity cushion. It comes in different shapes and it is the smallest type of pillow. You can use the pregnancy pillow in a few different ways. You can put it under your belly for support, which can make sleeping more comfortable on you back and hips. You can also use it behind your back is you toss and turn while you sleep. It can be used under your regular pillow to raise your head to relieve heartburn, which is common in pregnancy.
Full length pregnancy pillow: A full length pregnancy pillow provides support for your entire body, however, it is not as sturdy as wedge pillows. You can wrap your arms and legs around the pillow while supporting your growing belly. You can find pregnancy pillows that are straight or that are full of styrofoam balls so that it can be shaped to fit your body.
Total body pregnancy pillows: Total body pillows are great for your second trimester and through the rest of your pregnancy. These pillows are between 5 and 6 feet long, and they provide support to the spine. These pillows are either U-shaped or C-shaped. They are also great for your baby after.

If you want to get a good night’s sleep while you are pregnant and you want to be comfortable, you should consider buying a pregnancy pillow.