Let’s be real: vacuums with cords are passé. Yes, they are still used (same as some people still have push-button phones), but it’s far from being a tech trend. The thing is, cords are just not comfortable. What if you need to clean in 3-4 rooms? Then you have to take the cord out, lug the cleaner to another outlet, it all takes time, making cleaning far more time-consuming than it should be.

Cordless vacuum, on the other hand, solves these problems in the blink of an eye. So, the main advantage of cordless vacuums is that they are cordless (well, duh!). The list, obviously, goes on.
10 reasons to choose a battery operated vacuum cleaner
As we said, this type of vacuums has more than one advantage. The absence of the cord opens many possibilities for cleaning – you’ll see it yourself.
Reason #1 – Size
Battery vacuum cleaner, especially the handheld one, is small. Like, really small. When I wanted to motivate my kid do cleaning better, a handheld vacuum was a way to go. For children, it feels like a game (which is why you yet have to oversee the process) because they can easily lift a cleaner and hold it steady while cleaning.
So yeah, size matters, and not only for kids but also for older people. With age, big heavy cleaners become difficult to lift and hold. That is not something you can say about small cordless vacuum since it can be easily held in one hand.
Reason #2 – Kid-friendly
Because of their size, they are not as dangerous if dropped (yeah, cleaner could be dangerous but not these ones). Big vacuums often cause this struggle for parents: it’s impossible to get over the thought ‘what is vacuum will fall, and a kid could get hurt in the process?’ Well, luckily here this is not the case.

Reason #3 – Easy to use
Because wireless vacuum has no cords, it eliminates a whole bunch of complications. You don’t get confused by how to plug in the cleaner so you can reach as much space as possible or how to not accidentally trip over the thing. That’s exactly what makes cordless vacuum suitable for children. Although let’s be real, it’s not like adults don’t struggle with cords.
Reason #4 – Deal with dirt everywhere
Okay, so the main problem with cords and vacuums is that cords limit you from cleaning in a whole bunch of place. This is too far from an outlet, this is too high, the cord is too short, and the list goes on and on. And let’s not forget that dirt lives not as much in open space but exactly in this impossible-to-clean areas. Wireless cleaner, however, deals with them just fine. Although do your homework to buy a best cordless vacuum and make sure it has different sizes of noses to clean both large and small areas.
Reason #5 – Comfortable transportation
I know people don’t usually carry their vacuums around. That is probably the reason why the transportation issues often are forgotten when buying a new vacuum. It’s all fun and games until it’s time to actually take a cleaner to another apartment and houses. That’s where problems start. Most vacuums with cords are big (even huge) so not only they are not comfortable to carry in hands but also they don’t fit into any car. To avoid that, think about transportation before you actually face the problem.
Rechargeable vacuum, as we discussed, are smaller, therefore, they are much easier to transport. Did I mention that you don’t have to worry about whether cord won’t be tangled? Now you might not fully appreciate this advantage, but when it comes to carrying the cleaner, you’ll definitely point it out.
Reason #6 – Pet-friendly
Now, if you have a pet (or a few), you know how they react to cords. Straight up, for them, it’s game time. How about going to the cord and playing with it? ‘Will do’, thinks your cat or dog and runs right to it. Now the entire cleaning process is in jeopardy because instead of thinking about how to reach every messy place, you have to watch your pet and keep cord as far as possible. That is not how productive work is done. Yeah, cordless stick vacuum could be a slight disappointment for your pet, but you’ll feel immediate reveal. Trust me.

Reason #7 – Takes care of the furniture
Because of no cord involved in the process, you can easily reach furniture now. Not just in one room but all of them. Like, everywhere. You can clean a sofa in one room then move one to bed on another right away, without thinking where to put vacuum, so it’s comfortable to reach both.

Reason #8 – Increases efficiency
That’s true. Cordless cleaners are not only time-savers but, what’s more important, they make cleaning process much more enjoyable. When you waste your energy on small but annoying decisions like where to but a cleaner cord, it adds up, and at the end, you swear to stay away from cleaning for as long as possible. Cordless vacuums are much easier that way.
Reason #9 – Prices
I don’t know why people still think cordless vacuums are more expensive than ordinary ones. Truth be told, cordless cleaning is not that innovative anymore, therefore, prices are just ordinary. As with any kind of vacuums, there are all ranges of models and costs: some are budgetary, some are premium, with WiFi support and a whole bunch of other additional functions. If you do a little research or take a look at best cordless vacuum 2018 reviews, you’ll definitely find something affordable.
Reason #10 – Cordless vacuums are fun
But you were supposed to figure it out by now, weren’t you? After long use of vacuums with cords, cordless models feel like music. It’s 2 in 1 – efficient and pleasant. I know, cord or no cord doesn’t seem like a big deal, but the truth is, when you don’t have to take these small annoying decisions like where to plug the vacuum, the cleaning becomes fun. It gets even better now that you can do it with kids and forget about keeping pets away from playing with cords.
Cordless vacuums are not something only for the tech-savvy to embrace. It’s not as much a trend now, rather commonplace, a universal must-have for family cleaning. Switching to a cordless vacuum seems like a small thing really, but you’ll see the difference when you get one.

This is a sponsored guest post. The views and ideas expressed in this article do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.