This post is sponsored by the Together Counts/Girl Scouts of USA as always my words and views are 100% my own.

I was a girl scout starting as a Brownie when I was a girl, my daughter was too and I was her Girl Scout Troop Leader. I have such fond memories of my time as a Girl Scout and my daughter does as well. Earning badges was such a fun time and we had a blast while mastering life long skills that would serve us well no matter where life led us. I was blessed to see it from both sides, as a scout and as a scout leader. The relationships built during that time are still with me today and have enriched my life. The Girl Scouts is a wonderful organization that goes above and beyond for Girls.
Did you know that Together Counts and Girl Scouts of the USA Healthy Habits Journey are partnering in the Together Counts Program. The Together Counts Program is active nationwide and provided by the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation to inspire active and healthy living via physical activity and nutrition, a fundamental underpinning of efforts to reduce obesity. The principle behind the program is called Energy Balance, which just means balancing the calories we consume with the calories we expend.
o Energy In: the calories you get from eating and drinking.
o Energy Out: the calories you burn from physical activities

Healthy Habits Journey Program & Booklets
The Girl Scouts created three “healthy habits” booklets in conjunction with the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation, These booklets can be a great resource for volunteers to use in conjunction with their Journey Adult Guides. The free booklets help guide girls on their Journey as they learn to lead active, healthy lifestyles. Through the use of these free resources for Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors, Girl Scout volunteers and families can guide girls in fun, easy ways to achieve “energy balance.”
The three Healthy Habits Journey booklets available for download include:
o Between Earth and Sky with Healthy Habits
o WOW! Wonders of Water with Healthy Habits
o Get Moving! with Healthy Habits

I really think it’s wonderful that the Girl Scouts involvement with The Healthy Habits Journey Program & Booklets will go far in helping girls learn early on the importance of staying healthy, fit, exercising and eating well. With the technology we have today it’s all too common to see kids and their families plugged in and leading a couch potato lifestyle. I think these booklets will have a big impact in getting the girls and their families to take a closer look at their energy balance and doing active and fun activities together. You can download all three booklets HERE.
Come To The Twitter Party To Learn More About
If you want to learn more about the Girl Scouts Journeys Healthy Habits booklets and how you can encourage healthy, active lifestyles, plus have a chance to win a $50 VISA Gift Card, attend the Healthy Habits Twitter Party on September 9th from 9-10 pm est. Log onto your Twitter account and follow the hashtags #HealthyHabits and #GNO. Hope to see you there!
For the latest information and to connect on social media with the Girl Scouts and Together Counts you can connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and their website and blog links below:
- Girl Scouts of the Nation’s Capital Facebook Page
- Girl Scouts of the Nation’s Capital on Twitter
- Together Counts Website
- Together Counts on Twitter
- Together Counts Blog
- Together Counts Pinterest