I recently received Chicken Soup for the Soul: Messages From Heaven for review. I have to tell you that having lost both my parents, I love when I see signs they are around me. There is a yellow swallowtail butterfly that I see all the time and have consistently year after year, it appears everywhere and sometimes there are two, they circle around my kids, flutter right outside the kitchen window in the morning when I am making my coffee and they are right there whenever I am having a sad moment or am upset.
Well, when my husband brought in the mail he handed me two things, one was an envelope and the other a package. I opened the package and pulled out the Messages from Heaven book and on the cover along with the title was a white picket fence with a butterfly which I thought was pretty neat but then I opened the envelope and it was a sizeable check that I had no idea I was receiving from an advertising account. I stared at the check because it was exactly the amount that was needed for something, then I glanced again at the book and burst into tears. I did not even need to read the book and it had made my day with just the cover. I thought about how God and his angels work in ways to show us that they are watching over us and will care for us until we are all home again. I am sorry if this is sappy and over the top but I have toned things down for this post so be thankful.
So I am sure many of you have experienced the loss of a loved one and perhaps you are wondering about where they are, praying for a sign they are near. This book contains over 101 Miraculous Stories of Signs from Beyond, Amazing Connections, and Love that Doesn’t Die. Read about Grace who never knew she had a brother that died when she was an infant until he came to her in a dream and became her guardian angel. Michelle who was saved from a fatal accident by her late father who spoke to her and made her sit through the green light that kept her from being in the accident. There are so many stories that really speak to us who have experienced or who have hope of experiencing a sign that our loved one is still near, still with us, watching over us always.

Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings. Three lucky blog readers will win a copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Messages from Heaven: 101 Miraculous Stories of Signs from Beyond, Amazing Connections, and Love that Doesn’t Die. Thank you Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing for the review book and for sponsoring this great giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!! Open to US residents.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Messages from Heaven: 101 Miraculous Stories of Signs from Beyond, Amazing Connections, and Love that Doesn’t Die Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:
Please enter the giveaway using Rafflecopter below. Good Luck!!!
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