If you remember my indecision on the master vanity, mirrors and medicine cabinets, it may amaze you to know that the vanity is not only finalized but ordered and being shipped. The mirrors are here and the medicine cabinets are as well.
We toyed with the idea of constructing our own recessed storage cabinets on the sides of the vanity, but the more we looked at components we would need and the work involved, especially given the amount of projects we still had to complete, it started to make sense to go with something finished. I did try, even went to Hobby Lobby and other stores for something that would work as a door but look like a nice piece of wall art on the wall concealing a medicine cabinet. In the end we went with The Concealed Cabinet because we can still make custom tweaks like add a power strip inside the cabinet, but the basics are done. The other great feature is that we can customize the door with a print, photograph, artwork from our children or whatever we like and we can change it as often as the mood strikes.
I am so excited to tell you and show you more on these great cabinets. We are going to take you through the entire installation process not only of the cabinets but of the entire master bath and master bedroom renovations. Feel free to share any ideas and tips you have or tell us about any projects you are working on. We chose the extra-large size and will have one on either end. So now the next decision is picking out the art to display on the door frame.

This is the extra-large cabinet we choose and we get to customize with our own choice of art work to make the design original and truly “us”
The other news is that the new whirlpool tub is being delivered on Wednesday. I have been holding off demo until then but it’s almost time to get the rest done and start rebuilding. I tell you I am so looking forward to a long relaxing soak in that tub. We are having some design brainstorming sessions regarding the freestanding tub filler and its placement.
My husband assures me all is good, but I have to tell you, I’m a bit stressed by some placement issues we have. I still need to make a decision on the vanity lighting. The bathroom has recessed lighting in most areas except by the vanity area. I have been looking at so many different styles of lighting and my brain is on overload.
I picked up a great mirror I want to use as an accent in the bathroom at Hobby Lobby the other day. It is huge, heavy, and gorgeous. It is nearly the same color as the vanity I refinished for my sewing table last year and I have decided to use that color as an accent color in the bathroom. I see that color everywhere and yet I am so stressed picking out towels and rugs.
My daughter and I went to Home Goods a few days ago and I picked out some towels that I thought were in the same color family and bought them to hang on the towel bars that will be around the tub. When I found 3 rugs that also looked to be perfect I was ecstatic but a little perplexed.
I was so stressed if I had the right shade and then my daughter told me to chill out because there was a 30 day return policy if they weren’t. I get home and now, I don’t know if I am losing my mind or if the lighting in the store affected it, but they look more like a sea-foam greenish type blue than what I thought they were. Not sure what I am going to do yet, but I need to decide before my 30 days are up!