My family loves fresh pineapple but one thing I notice is that no one likes to cut it, and many times we buy them with the best of intentions but we end up leaving them out too long and they go bad. I usually am the only one that cuts them up and I have a good system but it takes time and it’s a hassle I was looking at the various options on and found the Vacu Vin, Stainless Pineapple Slicer with Wedger for only $10.60. It had good reviews so I placed my order and couldn’t wait for it to arrive. I was even ready with 2 fresh pineapples.
As soon as the UPS truck delivered it, I washed it and went out on the deck with a pineapple and the slicer. It was simple to use. You just attach the handle, cut the top off the pineapple, align the slicer so the center is over the pineapple core. Next, turn clockwise all the way until you hit the bottom of the pineapple and you can turn it counter-clockwise to bring it back up or just pull it like I did. Then you detach the handle and if you want rings you would be set to just remove it and slice, if you want wedges just place the wedger over the pineapple and push down and you have perfect pineapple wedges. The entire pineapple was devoured in minutes.

Now, I am one of those crazy people that likes to eat the core of the pineapple, I always have even before knowing the health benefits in the core. I could not believe how delicious this core was and I know it was not the slicer but seriously it was sweet and juicy and I ate half of it before I remembered to take the picture. So many people throw the core away. I urge you to put it in your smoothies if you can’t eat it plain because the core contains bromelain,
Bromelain is an enzyme well-known for its ability to prevent and speed the healing of bruises. Some cosmetic surgeons even recommend this enzyme to reduce bruising after cosmetic procedures. Bromelain inhibits the formation of the blood clots that can block blood circulation.
Bromelain has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects that counter a range of chronic diseases and infections. Bromelain has been used to reduce inflammation in arthritis, sinusitis, inflammatory bowel disease, sports injuries, trauma, burns, prostatitis, and swelling after surgery. This enzyme may aid in reducing the effects of toxic organisms in your intestines as well as help antibiotics to work more effectively when you need to take them.
Bromelain works to destroy cancer cells. In fact, bromelain is already used by some clinicians as part of the chemotherapy process. A 2011 study in the peer-reviewed journal Molecular Carcinogenesis found that bromelain was effective in suppressing the growth of two kinds of human cancer cells, including melanoma cells. A 2010 study in the journal BioFactors showed that bromelain delayed growth and eventually induced the death of human breast cancer cell.
Pineapple is brimming with nutrients in addition to bromelin. This whole food is dense with fiber, vitamin C, and phytochemicals, beneficial nutrients found only in plants. These antioxidants fight the free radicals that can damage your cells and cause disease.
So if you are looking for an easy and fun way to quickly get this superfruit from the counter to your families stomachs, try the Vacu Vin, Stainless Pineapple Slicer with Wedger. If you are looking for an even bigger bargain you can get the Vacu Vin Pineapple Slicer for only $5.85.