Games that are fun and encourage learning are always welcome additions in our household. Recently I downloaded some Splash Math Apps for my kids. I downloaded the Pre-K to K and the version for Grades 1-5. I recently posted the following 2 reviews of them on iTunes if you want to check them out.
Splash Math Pre-K:
This fun math app is great for kids in pre-k and kindergarten. My son is in Kindergarten and loves math, his dad is a math professor so it is in his genes. The fun, friendly characters make the math games fun and kids learn and practice counting skills, addition, subtraction, compare numbers to determine which is greater than or less than, measuring, early geometry and more. If a child completed all the levels in any given learning unit they win a prize. If they get the wrong answer they are given helpful guidance to help steer them toward the right answer. This is a great app for little ones that teaches early math skills they will need to build a strong foundation. They get 20 questions daily for free.

My son is in second grade and loves math and numbers. It is in his genes as his father is a mathematics professor, lol. Anyway this app downloads easy and is great for kids in 1st thru 5th grade. It is aligned with common core curriculum my child’s school is using and teaches multiplication, division, number sense, geometry, fractions and more. There is an area for them to do their work and it offers 20 questions with the free version daily. This is a great app for kids to hone their math skills or learn some new ones.
Join the 8 million+ users!
Download Splash Math on iTunes!
Get SplashMath for Grades 1-5
Get SplashMath for Pre-K
Or check them out on Google Play!
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This post was created in partnership with Mom Buzz Media and StudyPad Inc. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Tagged as #FreeMathApp, #MomBuzz, amazon, Apps, Downloads, free, fun, Game, gift card, giveaway, Grades 1-5, iTunes, kids, learning, Mommy Ramblings, Pre-K, review, Splash Math