A new child is an amazing thing. Even though babies are born every day, each one is unique, a new life to nurture and a new opportunity for humanity.
Most cultures around the world celebrate the birth of a baby in some way, whether it’s a big feast, a religious service, or presenting the new child with a special gift.

In the US and Europe, new babies traditionally receive gifts like silver bracelets, metal-bound photo-albums, money boxes and photo frames. If you know that the new baby in your circle will be awash with items like these, then it might be a good idea to think outside the box a little.
Here’s some ideas for unusual – but still very much appreciated – christening gifts.

An investment for the future
Photo albums are great, they’re keepsakes and can be filled with family photos, but many parents are starting their child’s investment funds earlier than ever. How about giving the baby some valuable gold coins to either pass on to their own children or to sell when college tuition time rolls around? A good range of coins, as well as, some valuable advice, is available here, check it out, you really can’t go wrong.
Personalised jewelry
You can buy jewelry – usually a necklace – beautiful pendants with the initials of mother and child, or of the child and the entire family. These are generally not to be worn, but to be cherished as a keepsake. There are more modern, brushed metal options available in addition to, the more traditional highly polished styles. You can choose metals that have significance for the family as well.

Buy a piece of Mars
This is quite good fun, especially if the baby is born under the sign of Aries or Scorpio, which are believed by astrologers to be ruled by the red planet. This is, on the face of it, a delightful bit of whimsy – who doesn’t want to give their children the moon and the stars? However, with astronomers (the real scientists…) predicting we may be terraforming Mars within a generation or so, owning a Martian acre may turn out to be incredibly lucrative!
A Noah’s Ark
If the family is religious, it is likely the baby will probably receive gifts of crosses and christening certificate scrolls. You can still follow this theme, but approach it from a different angle and make a splash with a fancy Noah’s Ark set. Some of the best arks are carved from wood in painted or natural finishes. When choosing a set, you should aim for those with chunky, substantial pieces that are easy for babies and young children to hold and play with.
Plant a tree in the child’s name
This is a particularly poignant gesture because as we all know, trees are the lungs of the planet and future generations need them more than ever. The tree can be planted in the family garden, or in a public park, if permissible in your community. The tree can be further enhanced with a plaque engraved with the child’s birth date and name.
Feeling inspired by these ideas? Let us know what you decided upon or give us your own unique christening gift ideas.

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