I recently connected with Greenbuds and they sent me a Primrose Deluxe Organic 2 in 1 Crib Mattress to review. Greenbuds Primrose Deluxe Organic 2 in 1 Crib Mattress is designed with your child’s health, safety, and comfort in mind. The inner mattress core consists of 3″ of the purest, all natural Coconut Coir, providing a very firm support layer for infants, while another 1″ layer of all natural latex acts as a firm, yet more conforming sleep surface for your active toddler. The latex and coconut coir are encased in an Organic Cotton Cover Quilted with 100% Pure Organic Wool, which is removable, washable, and interchangeable. The wool acts as a Natural Water Barrier, and Fire Block, which are only some of its natural advantages.
I was immediately impressed with the cover on this mattresses, I truly have never seen anything like it. The mattress has a bit of weight to it, definitely not flimsy. It has two different sides, one for an infant and one for toddler. After removing the plastic we tried this out in our son’s crib. He quickly settled in at bedtime and slept extremely long the next morning. I am not kidding, when I tell you that this morning when I heard him and went to get him up for the day he told me he did not want to go downstairs just yet. He then proceeded to snuggle up and rest for a bit. I have never seen him do this so I am thinking this is one comfortable mattress and they should look into expanding to an adult line. I am thrilled to know that the mattress and everything in it is all natural. I worry more and more about the chemicals we are exposed to and have become very diligent in trying to eliminate as many as I can. Given that a baby and toddler spends quite a few hours sleeping, it is important that they be on a healthy and non-toxic mattress. Regular cotton mattresses are produced from cotton sprayed with pesticides, very often mixed with vinyl or other synthetic materials, Organic plants are free of bug repellents and harmful chemicals: the cotton that is used inside Greenbuds mattresses is completely pesticide free.
Aside from having your child inhale the toxic fumes straight off the mattress and having the risk of exposing them to respiratory tract inflammation and many other allergy and health concerns, these toxins create chemical emissions that get stronger with time. These harmful off-gases permeate throughout the room, causing further contamination to our environment. Various childhood disorders have been directly linked to those chemicals that children have been exposed to from birth. Other chemicals and materials, such as formaldehyde, polyurethane, and pesticides and herbicides, used in the production of the mattresses are just as dangerous. Formaldehyde irritates the skin, eyes, nose and throat and can cause cancer as well. People with asthma are particularly sensitive to formaldehyde particles in the air. Polyurethane is not a natural product. It is produced through the combination of harsh and powerful chemicals, and has been known to increase irritation and decrease airflow in rodents. Pesticides and herbicides were created with a lethal purpose: to kill pests, insects and weeds. Eaten or merely inhaled, they can actually alter our DNA, and thereby cause cancer. They can also trigger ADD, mental illnesses, behavioral problems, and autoimmune disorders, as well as damage the central nervous systems
I breathe easier knowing my baby is sleeping on a natural organic mattress and so does my son. Greenbuds has a complete line of mattresses, mattress protectors and sheets for toddler beds, cribs, cradles, bassinets, mini-cribs and round cribs. Greenbuds also carries very popular toddler pillows. If you are looking for all natural, quality constructed mattresses and bedding for your child, then take a look at Greenbuds, you will be glad you did.

Greenbuds is sponsoring a give-away on Mommy Ramblings. One lucky blog reader will win a Greenbuds Toddler Pillow. Thank you Greenbuds for the review mattress and for sponsoring this great give-away on Mommy Ramblings!!! Open to US residents.
Greenbuds Toddler Pillow is the purest, most comfy little pillow for a sleepy toddler’s head to rest on. Composed of 100% Organic Cotton zippered Cover, with 100% Pure Organic Wool Fill. The wool is first encased in a thinner cotton cover, allowing the top cover to be removable and washable. Greenbuds has also determined the perfect size and height to enhance comfort and promote spinal development.
Size: 8″ x 20″

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