Parenting is a dirty job! New babies can be a challenge for even seasoned parents. One of the messiest parts of training is dealing with baby blow outs. If you don’t know what a baby blow out is, you probably are not yet a parent. There is a stage that babies go through that is commonly known as the “blowout stage”. This stage is due to the undeveloped nature of the baby’s digestive and excretory system. What was previously wholly supported by the placenta is now developing on its own. This causes the stool of the newborn to be similarly immature. The formation of the baby’s excretion will miss certain steps that sustain the poop to some degree causing it to be loose and unruly. As a result, a diaper will have a hard time containing the liquid-like substance that all parents hate.
If a blow out happens at home, it is easier to deal with but if it happens when you are out, it is much more complex. I still remember when my son Ethan was only a few weeks old. My husband and I went out, it was a nice day and we stopped in at a restaurant. I was seated at a table while we waited for our food and Ethan was in his infant car seat on the table. In a nano second the scene went from peaceful and relaxed to sheer chaos as he had the dreaded baby blowout. It was a mess like no other and he of course started crying and when I tried to pick him up discovered how extensive it was and had to get out of Dodge before we grossed anyone out. I am not even sure of exactly what I did but I motioned to my husband that we had a situation and he told them to make our food to go as he and I ushered our poop filled newborn out to the car. In the car we went through what seemed a box of wipes, had to bag up his clothing, clean the car seat as best we could and then my husband ran in and picked up our food and we headed home.
I am sure nearly every parent has a story that can relate to the one I shared and if not, you are one of the lucky ones who escaped. There is a sort of insurance policy against the “oozing” effects of a baby blowout and it is called Poopsies.

Poopsies are unique onesies for babies that contain a special lining made of waterproof, breathable material that effectively protects against diaper leaks and blowouts, saving time and money for busy parents. The unique waterproof lining in a poopsies keeps diaper blowouts from getting out and ruining clothing. The baby diaper blowout mess that you see in the image to the right is actually contained in the poopsies on the left. The blowout doesn’t get through, keeping outfits and everything around baby safe from stains and inconvenient mess.
Poopsies are made of satiny smooth cotton / rayon blend that stretches with baby and machine-washes beautifully. All poopsies contain a special, unique lining that is made of waterproof, breathable material that is often used to make diapers, changing mattress covers, and bibs.

poopsies are:
- Breathable (no diaper rash)
- Stretchy, with complete recovery
- Hypoallergenic
- Lint free
- Made in the USA
- Machine washable
- Waterproof

Want to win a Poopsie? Then enter our giveaway where one lucky blog winner will win a long sleeve 3-6 month Dakota Poopsie! Thank you to Poopsie for sponsoring this great giveaway and for the onesie!!! Open to US residents.

Poopsie, Dakota, Long Sleeve, Waterproof Onesie Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:
Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget. Good Luck!!!
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