Do you ever feel like you have so much on your plate you can never catch up? I feel like that most days. I always look around and feel that I just have so much going on. With a house in chaos because no less than 5 major home improvement projects are happening, a very busy career as a marketing director, busy blogger and writer, brand ambassador, and handling a few businesses that my husband and I have, added to the fact that we have 5 kids and a big house (ever see the movie The Money Pit?), where there is always something to be done, I can feel like things are swirling out of control. I am blessed to be able to work from home but I still work and work a lot! I make time to play but probably not as much as I should.
When I was picking out books to review from Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, I chose The Multitasking Mom’s Survival Guide. Do you wonder how I made that decision? I didn’t think so. I love this book because it’s filled with stories with moms like me, some who juggle and wonder how to keep all those balls in the air just like I do. I have found that it’s okay to give yourself permission to say, “I am done for the day” and leave whatever for tomorrow and if it doesn’t get done then so be it.
I know that I need to prioritize what really needs to be done, my family needs, my needs, jobs that have deadlines are all first. Then the things we want to get done can come next, but if I don’t get something done, I’m going to stop beating myself up for it. The opposite is true to that too. I read in one story in the book, we are told over and over the importance of playing with our kids, that messy houses are signs of great moms, but our kids need to see that we do have to work. Whether it’s for a job or doing the laundry, we teach them important things by showing them we have responsibilities that need attention too. That really allows moms to release some of that mommy guilt we all carry in one or two large suitcases with us. Let’s unpack some of that today!
Stories that show the importance of a mom taking me time strike a very strong chord with me. Often times I want to put my needs last but really, when I do the things for me I need to do or just spend some down time doing something I enjoy, it really helps my mood, spirit and productivity. It’s just recognizing that if we don’t take care of our needs we can’t do a good job taking care of anything else and risk becoming resentful.
Stories about slowing down, learning from our kids, juggling a career and laughing after the fact among others will show you how other moms are surviving their multitasking years. Read some great tips, funny disaster stories, and fill your mind with great ideas for your own life. Best of all, you will know you are in good company and not alone. You can purchase the book on Amazon.com.

Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings! 3 lucky blog readers will win their own copy of The Multitasking Mom’s Survival Guide! Thank you to CSFTS Publishing for the review book and for sponsoring this great giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!! Open to US residents.

Chicken Soup for the Soul; The Multitasking Mom’s Survival Guide Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:
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