Tag Archives: giveaway

Win an Autographed Copy of “It Ain’t Over…” By Marlo Thomas

Anyone who has ever tried to make a big life change knows it can be a bit more complicated – and frightening – than that. How do you get up the nerve and confidence to actually take the leap? No one knows better than the women profiled in this powerful book by actress, activist, and bestselling author Marlo Thomas.

It Ain’t Over . . . Till It’s Over introduces us to sixty amazing women who are proving that it’s never too late to live out a dream – to launch a business, travel the world, get a PhD, indulge a creative impulse, make a family recipe famous, escape danger, find love, or fill a void in life with a challenging new experience.



Meet a graphic artist who fulfilled a childhood ambition by going to med school at age forty-two; a suburban mom whose innovative snack recipe for her daughter’s lunchbox turned into a multimillion-dollar business; a private-practice psychiatrist who convinced her husband that they should quit their jobs and take off on an exciting, open-ended, cross-country adventure – in a giant bus, no less!; and a middle-aged English teacher who, devastated to discover that her husband was cheating on her, refused to be a victim, filed for divorce, and began the challenging journey of rebuilding her life.

Brimming with anecdotes that will inspire smiles, tears, and – most of all – hope, It Ain’t Over speaks to women of all ages with an empowering message: The best is yet to come!
Get your copy today at But anyone who has ever tried to make a big life change knows it can be a bit more complicated – and frightening – than that. How do you get up the nerve and confidence to actually take the leap? No one knows better than the women profiled in this powerful book by actress, activist, and bestselling author Marlo Thomas.

I am excited to be meeting with Marlo Thomas tomorrow during a live webinar and I can’t wait to tell you all about it!

Get your copy today on Amazon! Follow Marlo on Twitter @MarloThomas and like her on Facebook.


Win an autographed copy of the book!!!

Enter to win an autographed copy of It Ain’t Over…Till It’s Over by entering via the Rafflecopter widget below.  Open to US residents. Good Luck!!!

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Filed under Books, Main Page Post, Mommy Ramblings

Lakeshore, Are You Ready? Game Show Review and Giveaway!!!

Lakeshore Logo

It seems the end of the school year is gaining on us.  During the summer it’s important to keep your children engaged in learning, but that can be difficult since they want to have fun instead.  A great way to combine the two, is by playing a new series of play-at-home games designed to prepare children for the next grade of school by Lakeshore.  The games are called Are You Ready? Game Shows  and they are available in grades Kindergarten-5th grade.  

Lakeshore Are you ready

Lakeshore Are You Ready 1

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This new set of innovative learning games provides an easy way for parents to prevent summer learning loss and improve children’s school performance in the coming year. Perfect for summer learning, these games target the most essential math and language skills needed for success in school—while keeping kids engaged as they take on the exciting role of game-show contestant!

I received Are You Ready For 2nd Grade? Game Show for review and played it with my first grader.  He was very motivated when he saw the realistic play money.  I was amazed at how engaged he was and how well he did answering the questions.  You start with the first set and move on to the subsequent sets keeping track of each question with a handy chart that lets you note if the child answered the question correctly.

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The chart easily lets you see  skills your child has mastered or if they need extra help in a specific area.  When your child answers the question correctly they get the dollar amount of the card as a reward.  My preschooler quickly wanted to play and I am going to get him the Are You Ready for Kindergarten? Game Show to play over the summer.

Lakeshore is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings and one lucky blog reader will win an Are You Ready? Game Show in whatever grade level K-5 they like!  Thank you Lakeshore for the review game and for sponsoring this awesome giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

Lakeshore, Are You Ready? Game Show Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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Filed under Giveaway, Main Page Post, Mommy Ramblings, Review, Toys

“Count on the Subway” Book Review & Giveaway!!!

random house kids logo

Count on The Subway by Paul DuBois Jacobs and Jennifer Swender is a delightful children’s book that tells what it’s like to ride the subway counting all the way.  My little ones love this book especially since they hear all about the subway from their sister who attends school near NYC.

This book was very timely since she will be graduating in a few weeks and was hired as a GIS Analyst with New Jersey Transit.  So trains, subways and everything transportation is big around here.

So if you have a MetroCard of if you have never stepped foot on a subway, this book is a ticket to ride for all.  Everyone can experience a taste of navigating through NYC on this counting adventure!

Count on the Subway

1 MetroCard, Momma and me.
Down 2 flights—to catch the 3.
4 turnstiles, singers 5.
A rumble, a screech . . . the train arrives!

This bright, young counting book is a delightful trip through the New York City subway system. Hand in hand, child and mother see colorful subway signs and funny passengers, watch trains screeching by, and make new friends. With bold illustrations and a playful, rhyming text, this is not only a counting book, but also a tribute to New York and a sweet story of a child and parent navigating the city together.


Random House is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!  One lucky blog reader will win their own copy of Count on the Subway!  Thank you Random House for sponsoring this great giveaway and for the review copy.  Open to US residents.

Random House, Count on the Subway Book Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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Filed under Books, Giveaway, Main Page Post, Mommy Ramblings, Review

Yonanas, Healthy Dessert Maker Review & Giveaway

Yonanas Logo

With the unofficial start of Summer at the end of this month, cool, refreshing treats are so timely.  However, while ice cream on a hot day may be delicious, it can pack on the pounds if you’re not careful.  There’s a great way to cater to your ice cream craving with a healthy alternative.

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Yonanas, healthy dessert maker takes frozen bananas and other kinds of frozen fruit and turns it into a soft serve style dessert.  You simply freeze bananas without the skin along with frozen fruit you can buy like mixed berries, mango, pineapple etc.  Let the fruit thaw for about 15 minutes at room temperature and then run it through the Yonanas machine.

I was impressed with how easy it was to make a yummy, healthy treat with the consistency of ice cream.  It tasted like a fruity sorbet.  You can add chocolate or top with sprinkles or other toppings if desired.  For easy cleanup the components are dishwasher safe!


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Yonanas is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!  One lucky blog reader will win their own Yonanas machine.  Thank you Yonanas for the review machine and for sponsoring this sweet giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

Yonanas Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.   Good Luck!!!

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Filed under Cooking, Giveaway, Main Page Post, Mommy Ramblings, Review, Shopping

Help Aflac Kick Cancer’s Butt By Sharing #DuckPrints #Giveaway

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As the mom of a Hodgkin’s Lymphoma survivor, I find the incidences of cancer diagnosis rising so troubling.  It seems every time I turn around, I hear of another person being diagnosed.  Aflac has a goal is to raise awareness and donations to aid in the fight against childhood cancer via a variety of social media activities using #Duckprints. The ultimate mission of Duckprints is to eradicate childhood cancer.

Aflac will donate $2 to the Aflac Cancer Center for every #Duckprints tweet/retweet on Twitter or post/share on Facebook. They need your help to get the word out! It’s an opportunity to not only help spread awareness, but to contribute to a great cause!

About The Aflac Cancer Center

The Aflac Cancer Center and Blood Disorders Center of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta is one of the largest childhood cancer centers in the country.

The Aflac Cancer Center is committed to providing childhood cancer patients a brighter future through advanced medical treatment, family-centered care, a child-friendly environment and innovative research.

Aflac is proud to have donated more than $87 million to the Aflac Cancer Center, with the goal of reaching $100 million by the end of 2015.

About Childhood Cancer

According to the National Cancer Institute, the five-year survival rates for all childhood cancers combined increased from 58.1 percent in 1977 to 79.6 percent in 2003.

In 2007, approximately 10,400 children age 15 or younger were diagnosed with cancer in the United States. Cancer remains the leading cause of death by illness in the U.S. for people age 15 or younger.

Aflac Duckprints is committed in its mission to eradicate childhood cancer. Thanks to donations made to the research and treatment of this disease, 75 percent of childhood cancers can now be cured.

In honor of Mother’s Day and Aflac’s goal to help support the fight against childhood cancer, Aflac will donate $2 to the Aflac Cancer Center for every post or tweet of former Aflac Cancer Center patient Trisha Henry Gaffney’s inspiring story using #Duckprints.

Trisha Henry Gaffney’s Story

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On Valentine’s Day 1996, 19-year-old Trisha was diagnosed with embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, an aggressive tumor usually found in the head, neck, hands or feet of young children. Trisha’s was the first reported case to occur in the right ureter, the tube connecting the kidney and bladder.

After going through surgery to remove her right kidney, ureter and a portion of her bladder, Trisha spent a year at the Aflac Cancer Center undergoing chemotherapy and radiation.

Following her treatment for this rare form of cancer, Trisha Henry Gaffney was eager to put her health problems behind her. The last thing she wanted to do was dwell on the effects of her illness.

Trying to Get Back to Normal

Trisha was eager to get back to school, and in January 1997, she went back to Illinois ‒ where she was a student and scholarship swimmer at the University of Illinois ‒ to finish the last few months of chemotherapy.

Her treatment ended in April 1997, and she was ready to put her focus on all of the positive forces in her life. During her treatment at the Aflac Cancer Center, Trisha had started dating Andrew Gaffney, a fellow swimmer from high school. She had a big group of friends in Champaign, Ill. she looked forward to seeing again. In addition, she became a journalism major with the goal of focusing her energy on telling others’ inspirational stories of overcoming obstacles.

In 1998, a friend encouraged Trisha to visit the Cancer Survivor Program at the Aflac Cancer Center. The Aflac Cancer Center provides specialized, long-term follow-up care and helps identify and treat problems associated with the effects of cancer treatment to help survivors lead a full life, including school, work and a family of their own. However, the idea of going to even more doctors didn’t sit well with Trisha.

“You don’t want your cancer to define you,” Trisha said, “but as you get older, you realize it plays a much bigger part in your life than you’re willing to admit.”

Hearing More Bad News

After several years of going to general doctors for check-ups, Trisha finally made an appointment with the Cancer Survivor Program at the Aflac Cancer Center.

“After college, I devoted myself to my work and being normal,” Trisha said. “I put cancer behind me. Then it reared its ugly head at 32.”

During her first appointment at the Cancer Survivor Program, Trisha received her health records.  She was able to gain a broad understanding of her entire health history, including her treatments and the issues they could cause, called late effects.

After meeting with the Medical Director, Trisha went to a fertility specialist, who delivered some devastating news. The lab work showed Trisha’s chemotherapy and 23 radiation treatments had wreaked havoc on her body. Only one ovary was functional, and the radiation had damaged her uterus; she was approaching an early menopause, and she would not be able to carry a child.

“It’s devastating when you can’t have a family,” Trisha said. “I froze my eggs that year. I thought, ‘Screw you, cancer! I want my own kid.’”

After her sister’s best friend offered to be a surrogate, Trisha and Andrew, now her husband, became parents to Isabella in April 2013.  Isabella just celebrated her first birthday, and this Mother’s Day will mark Trisha’s second, thanks to the Aflac Cancer Center and its programs.

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The impact of the Aflac Cancer Center isn’t lost on Trisha. Without the intervention of doctors and nurses in her health, her life would be incredibly different. “If I hadn’t had my friend telling me to go to the Cancer Survivor Program at the Aflac Cancer Center,” Trisha said, “I wouldn’t have my daughter.”

How You Can Help

So please tweet and share your little hearts out for this great cause!!!  Now through Mother’s Day (Sunday, May 11), Aflac will donate $2 to the Aflac Cancer Center for every tweet/retweet, or post/share on Twitter or Facebook using the #Duckprints hashtag.

You can also stay up on all the latest by following Aflac on Facebook and Twitter!

Giveaway Details

Enter our giveaway to win a $50 Restaurant.com Gift Card.

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Sharing My Coffee Journey With Mr Coffee® & Millstone®!!! #CoffeeJourneys Giveaway!!!

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias, Millstone® Coffee, and Mr. Coffee® #collectivebias.

#coffeejourneys #cbias #shop #collectivebias

Growing up, whenever I heard the familiar quick double ring of the doorbell, I knew without a doubt,  behind that door stood my favorite uncle.  The sound of the doorbell had me acting like Pavlov’s dog because after letting him in, I started a fresh pot of coffee.

There was no question if he would like some or not, it was a given.  Coffee was a catalyst for bringing us all together.  When the coffee was ready we would all gather round the table or sit on the deck with my parents and whatever siblings were home and talk, laugh and share memories.

#CoffeeJourneys #CollectiveBias #shop #cbias

Coffee is the way I start my morning, it’s something I share with friends, it’s comfort, it means talking with family, sharing time alone or sitting back and watching my kids play. Coffee is weaved throughout my life and it’s more than a drink, it’s a link that joins people together, it’s my #coffeejourney.

Some of my greatest memories of my parents, who are no longer with me, are the talks we had over coffee.  Even as a child, before I drank coffee, the familiar smell was comforting and it meant that I could dip a shortbread cookie in my dad’s cup and savor a bit of the grown up drink that always drew people together.

#CoffeeJourneys #CollectiveBias #shop #cbias

As a mom of five, I understand that interruptions are a part of life but cold coffee shouldn’t have to be.  The Mr Coffee® 10 Cup Optimal Brew™ Thermal Coffee Maker has moms covered and I can always come back to find fresh hot coffee in the sleek, stainless steel carafe.


#CoffeeJourneys #CollectiveBias #shop #cbias

Simple pleasures are some of the best and for me, wrapping my hands around a hot mug of rich, flavorful  Millstone® coffee is the ultimate.  Millstone® has a great selection of coffee that works so well in the Mr. Coffee® drip coffee maker.

Sharing My Coffee Journey With Mr Coffee® & Millstone®!!! #CoffeeJourneys Giveaway!!!http://www.mommyramblings.org/2014/04/25/mr-coffee-10-cup-optimal-brew-thermal-coffee-maker-review-giveaway/ … #coffeejourneys #cbias #shop

#CoffeeJourneys #CollectiveBias #shop #cbias

My favorites are the flavored coffee, the smell of French Vanilla wafting through the house gets everyone’s attention.  To learn about the Journey of the Bean and get some great insight into Millstone® coffee just click HERE!

Mr. Coffee® 10-Cup Optimal Brew™ Thermal Coffee Maker and Millstone® coffees are available at Walmart.  I went to Walmart to purchase the Mr. Coffee® 10-Cup Optimal Brew™ Thermal Coffee Maker and Millstone® coffees.

#CoffeeJourneys #CollectiveBias #shop #cbias

#CoffeeJourneys #CollectiveBias #shop #cbias

The coffee maker is easy to start using right out of the box.  Just a quick rinse and wash of the water reservoir, filter basket and carafe and you are ready to brew.  I purchased a reuseable Mr Coffee basket filter because I find it more eco-friendly and cost-effective than using disposable paper filters.

#CoffeeJourneys #CollectiveBias #shop #cbias


The side mounted, filter basket is removable and makes filling a breeze.  The removable water reservoir allows for easy filling at the sink. The water filter that’s included  fits in the top of the filter basket and will remove up to 97% of chlorine  from the water.  There is a handy red, sliding clip on the top that lets you select the month you put the filter in so that you know when it is time to change it.

#CoffeeJourneys #CollectiveBias #shop #cbias

#CoffeeJourneys #CollectiveBias #shop #cbias

The clock is easy to operate and you can set it for delayed brewing.  The Fresh Brew Timer ensures your coffee is hot and fresh.  You can brew 10 cups of coffee in less than 7 minutes, and if you just can’t wait, there’s a pause and serve feature.

#CoffeeJourneys #CollectiveBias #shop #cbias

The clean cycle helps eliminate any calcium build up.  The stylish, vacuum-insulated stainless steel carafe keep your first cup as hot and fresh as your last.

#CoffeeJourneys #CollectiveBias #shop #cbias


I saved the best for last because you can WIN a Mr Coffee® 10 Cup Optimal Brew™ Thermal Coffee Maker with a bag of Millstone® French Vanilla flavored coffee!!!  To enter just use the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!! Open to US residents in the contiguous 48 states.

While you are entering, I need to go because it won’t be long until I am interrupted by that familiar door bell ring.  These days taking time for conversation and coffee with my 89-year-old uncle are more precious than ever!

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Nui Organics, Kid’s Clothing Review & $50 Gift Certificate Giveaway!!!

nui organics

Kids want to be comfortable in their clothes.  Naturally, active kids want to be able to twist, turn, wiggle and jump without feeling constricted.  

Nui Organics loves producing quality clothing for children using only the world’s purest merino wools and cottons. No harsh chemicals for our children, or our planet. Everything is manufactured in a socially and environmentally responsible way.  

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I recently had the chance to try some of Nui Organics clothing with my son.  I chose the Kavi Shorts in ocean stripe and the Vic, 3/4 Sleeve Top in ocean whale.

nui Ocean Whale Top

nui organics kavi short

My son loved them and immediately started jumping around because they were so comfy and that worked to my disadvantage when trying to snap a picture of him with the outfit.

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It did show me that they are an excellent children’s clothing choice that feels great and looks great and to kids, comfort trumps most anything.  Lots of easy to mix and match pieces are available for boys and girls.

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Nui Organics is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!  One lucky blog reader will win a $50 Gift Certificate to Nui Organics!  Thank you Nui Organics for the review outfit and for sponsoring this awesome giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

Nui Organics $50 Gift Certificate Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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Filed under Baby, Fashion, Giveaway, Main Page Post, Mommy Ramblings, Review, Shopping, Toddler

Chef Apron, Father’s Day Giveaway!!!

Memorial Day is fast approaching and will fall this year on, Monday, May 26th. Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday celebrated on the last Monday of May in remembrance of the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.  It’s  also the unofficial start of  summer!

Many people break out the barbecue for the first big cookout of the season and more often than not, it will be a male member of the family that’s manning the grill!

What is it with guys, fire and raw meat?

The perfect gift for the guy that grills or any cook or chef is an apron and for that reason, Crooked Brook is sponsoring a Chef Apron Giveaway. These professional chef aprons will also make a great Father’s Day gift for dads who like to cook.

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Since 1989 Crooked Brook has designed and manufactured chef wear for the world’s most recognized men and women in the noble art and science of gastronomy. All Crooked Brook branded garments and accessories are made to order in the U.S.A and can personalized with the customer’s choice of fabric, pockets, buttons, piping and embroidery.

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The giveaway consists of:

  • Two, Apron Style #700 – 35” W x 25” L (approximately), made in white, 10 oz., 100% cotton denim. Depending on the height of the wearer, this apron is calf length.  Total Prize Value with SHI…$45.00

Aprons were originally worn as a utilitarian outer garment to cover the front of the body to protect the wearer’s clothes from soiling, wear and tear. Over the years many different styles of aprons evolved depending on the purpose and were often named after the trade, craft or profession that used that particular design.


A chef apron is waist apron which is a square or rectangular piece of fabric that ties around the waist to cover the body from the waist down. For a cleaner look, some chefs fold the top of the apron over the ties (see image). With a pocket (sometimes divided to create a pen pocket) to hold an order pad (dupe pad) it becomes a bistro apron.


These mid-calf length “old school” heavy duty chef aprons are hard to find and coveted by professional chefs and serious cooks alike.

Crooked Brook also makes a 35” W x 25” L apron that is perfect for grill masters who like to wear shorts and cook over an open or pit fire because the length protects bare legs from the heat.

Another good thing about these aprons is that after they are too dingy and beat up to wear in public, you can cut them up into 100% cotton rags.

Cant to wait to see if you won? Receive a 10% discount on all Crooked Brook Chef Wear and Accessories: Aprons, Bib Aprons (blank, printed or embroidered) Women’s Aprons (blank, printed or embroidered) Chef Coats (blank or embroidered) and Women’s Chef Coats (blank or embroidered) offer valid thru 5/13/14 with the Coupon Code “Mommy Ramblings Chef Apron Giveaway”.

  • You must be 18 years or older to enter.
  • Crooked Brook will ship the prizes to the winner within 30 days of contest end. If address is undeliverable or prize is unclaimed and sent back, winner is responsible for re-shipping charges.
  • Physical address required for shipping; no PO boxes, US recipients only residing in one of the 48 contiguous states.

Enter to win using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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Filed under Fashion, Giveaway, Main Page Post, Mommy Ramblings, Shopping

Celebrate Earth Day With Flight of the Honey Bee, Little Pear Tree & E.I.E.I.O!!!

Candlewick Press

April 22nd is Earth Day and I want to tell you about some great books you can read with your child to celebrate.

Flight of the Honey Bee by Raymond Huber:

Your child will get to follow the flight of a honey bee as she searches for nectar to sustain her hive and, along the way, pollinates flowers to produce seeds and fruits.

Flight of the Honey Bee

A tiny honey bee emerges from the hive for the first time. Using sunlight, landmarks, and scents to remember the path, she goes in search of pollen and nectar to share with the thousands of other bees in her hive. She uses her powerful sense of smell to locate the flowers that sustain her, avoids birds that might eat her, and returns home to share her finds with her many sisters. Nature lovers and scientists-to-be are invited to explore the fascinating life of a honey bee.The back of the book gives examples of how to save the bees that you can discuss as a family as well as an index.

Little Pear Tree by Jenny Bowers: 

little pear tree

Children will be captivated as they watch a tiny seed grows through the seasons into a fine pear tree in this beautiful book. This format showcases vibrant artwork with more than twenty-five flaps that you lift to discover creatures hidden in every scene. The charming text makes this the perfect interactive primer to a key scientific topic.


E.I.E.I.O, How Old MacDonald Got His Farm With A Little Help From a Hen by Judy Sierra:


The Little Red Hen gives Old MacDonald some pointers on composting — and a legendary farm is born — in this rhyming, rollicking read-aloud. Once upon a time, Old MacDonald didn’t have a farm. He just had a yard — a yard he didn’t want to mow. But under the direction of the wise (and ecologically sensitive) Little Red Hen, Mac learns to look at the environment in a very different way, and whole new worlds start to bloom with the help of some mud, garbage, horse poop, and worms!

Judy Sierra’s spirited verse, paired with Matthew Myers’s exuberant illustrations, yields a fresh take on a children’s classic, complete with raised-bed gardens and an organic farmers’ market—making this a perfect story for armchair gardeners and devoted locavores of all sizes.

Enter To Win All 3 Books:

My kids love books and these 3 were a big hit and have spurred some great conversation about nature, growing plants and trees and of course all the ways bees are essential in our world.  Candlewick Press is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!  One luck blog reader will win all three of these books!  Thank you to Candlewick Press for the review books and for sponsoring this Earth Day Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

Candlewick Press, Earth Day Trio of Books Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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Filed under Books, Giveaway, Main Page Post, Mommy Ramblings, Review

Kidorable, Fireman Rain Wear Collection Review & Giveaway!!!

Kidorable Logo Kidorable Logo

April showers bring May Flowers.  Time to get in gear for spring rain.  We love Kidorable Rain Wear, they are our go to brand for kid’s rain coats, rain boots and umbrellas.  The quality is great and boots, rain coats and umbrellas used by my older son can be passed down to his younger brother looking brand new.

We love the great details and designs that are used on everything and how there’s such a large selection of coordinating items for each style.  We recently had a chance to review products from the Fireman Collection.

kidorable fire raincoat

kidorable fire boots

kidorable umbrella

When everything arrived, my son could not wait to try it on.   Actually, both little boys wanted to try everything on and so they did. Everything is easy for them to get on and off and the attached hat on the hood of the rain coat provides great coverage with the wide brim.  The rain boots are fun and keep puddle jumpers dry and the umbrella is easy to open and close for little hands.  My son loved this set and his little brother can’t wait for him to outgrow it!kidorable2

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Kidorable is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings.  One lucky blog reader will win a Kidorable Umbrella in their style choice (subject to availability). Thank you Kidorable for the review pieces and for sponsoring this awesome giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

Kidorable Umbrella Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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Filed under Giveaway, Main Page Post, Mommy Ramblings, Review, Shopping