Tag Archives: giveaway

New York Ravioli & Pasta Company, Jolie Ravioli Review and Giveaway!!!


My little ones are picky eaters.  It sometimes seems like if I let them, they would eat the same things over and over.  They are reluctant to try new things for the most part, but they are getting better.  I recently made some Jolie Cheese Ravioli for them.  We’re Italian and they love their pasta!  Cheese ravioli were always a favorite of mine as a child and my kids are no different.

Jolie Ravioli

The ravioli cooked in about 9 minutes and I served them with tomato sauce and fresh grated Parmesan cheese.  I never saw my 6-year-old eat so fast and eat everything on his plate!  My four-year old was not far behind.  Mom had a taste too and they were delicious and tasted as good as any gourmet cheese ravioli that I’ve ever had.  I was happy to see that the ravioli stayed perfectly sealed during the cooking process so the cheese stayed tucked inside.  The shapes were fun for the kids and would be great to serve at birthday parties or kids play dates.

Jolie Ravioli

They have other great flavors like Cheese & Broccoli, Mac & Cheezy and Pizza-Rolis.  The 100% natural ravioli is an excellent source of protein and calcium and there are no trans fats, preservatives, artificial colors or additives.    The teddy bear, car, dinosaur, heart, rocket ship and star shapes are fun for kids and would be great to serve at birthday parties, holiday parties or kid’s play dates.  Try some today with your kids, I am certain they will love them as much as you will!!! Click HERE for a money-saving coupon for your retail store or purchase Jolie Ravioli in their online store along with their other pasta products HERE!  To see if there is a store that carries New York Ravioli & Pasta Company Products click HERE for  a listing.


Jolie Ravioli

Jolie Ravioli 2

Jolie Ravioli 3

Jolie Ravioli 5

Jolie Ravioli4

New York Ravioli & Pasta Company is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  One lucky blog reader will win 4 bags of Jolie Ravioli!  Thank you to the New York Ravioli & Pasta Company for the review Jolie Ravioli assortment and for sponsoring this delicious giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

New York Ravioli & Pasta Company, Jolie Ravioli Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafllecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!


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Ticket Giveaway to Top of the Rock Observation Deck, Rockefeller Plaza in NYC & $50 in Spending Money!!!

TOR Logo

If you live in or near New York City or plan to be traveling in the area, we have a great giveaway!  Enter to win 4 tickets to the Top of the Rock Observation Deck  70 floors up at Rockefeller Plaza!  In addition to the tickets the winner will receive $50 spending money so they can go out to dinner, buy souvenirs, use in any of the shops or restaurants in the Plaza or anywhere in Manhattan.  The latter is sponsored by Hudson Park, an apartment complex aiming to attract city dwellers looking for an alternative to expensive Manhattan apartments.


 RockeFeller Tree

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The observation deck at Rockefeller Center is an amazing location for sightseeing in NYC. Experience breathtaking views, 70 floors up, of Central Park and the gorgeous city skyline. Before or after your visit, walk the Rockefeller Center Plaza, which has some of the best shopping in New York City. Use the $50 provided by Hudson Park to buy yourself something cool or fashionable, or have a wonderful meal with your family or loved ones.  Hudson Park is a complex of Apartments in Yonkers, NY with beautiful views, spacious living, and easy commutes to Manhattan for work or entertainment.

Giveaway for 4 Tickets to The Observation Deck and $50 in Spending Money!!!  To enter use the Rafflecopter widget below.  Prize does not include transportation.  Good Luck!!!

Giveaway for 4 Tickets to The Observation Deck and $50 in Spending Money!!!


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Blu-Ray #MovieMagic Giveaway!!!

This Holiday rediscover the #MovieMagic behind your favorite films. Blu-ray offers exclusive special features that put you in the filmmaker’s chair, with a behind-the-scenes access to all of the magic: Special effects, talent interviews, alternative endings, unreleased scenes, bloopers, and more!

With a Blu-ray combo pack, you can enjoy your favorite films in high-definition whenever and wherever you want. You can keep the Blu-ray disc in the living room, DVD in the car, and the digital copy on your phone for when you’re on the move!

Grab your favorite movie lover a Blu-ray this holiday!

• With the combo pack you can take your favorite films wherever you go. You can keep the Blu-ray disc in the living room, DVD for the car, and the digital copy on your mobile phone while on the move!
• Blu-ray lets you to watch your favorite movies with unmatched sound and video that is SIX TIMES the quality of DVDs!
• Blu-ray offers the most premium possible in home entertainment experience
• You don’t have to worry about the buffering that happens with streaming videos


Enter our  giveaway  to win one of the following movies (chosen at random from the list below) on Blu-Ray!!!  Open to US Residents.

• The Little Mermaid – Diamond Edition
• The Lone Ranger
• Monsters University
• Angels Rising
• Rise of The Guardians
• Despicable Me 2
• Turbo
• Grown Ups 2
• Wizard of Oz 3D
• The Wolverine
• Star Trek: Into Darkness
• White House Down
• Fast 6
• Pacific Rim
• After Earth
• Man of Steel
• Red 2
• World War Z
• 2 Guns
• Weeds: The Complete Collection
• Predator 3D

Giveaway Rules:

Each household is only eligible to win ONE #MovieMagic Title via blog reviews and giveaways. Only one entrant per mailing address per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you will not be eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.


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Mobi AnimaLamp, Cool-Running Animal LED Kid’s Light Review & Giveaway!!! #HolidayGiftGuide


Cute, functional, safe and sturdy are how I would describe The AnimaLamp from Mobi Technologies.  The LED light comes in adorable animal styles and the cool-running LED lights provide great light for reading, to use at a desk, for travel or just anywhere.  The lights are rechargeable and have an easy button for one touch on and off or brightness control.  These lights make the perfect gift for the little ones on your holiday gift list.  Mommy Ramblings loves our Monkey and Giraffe AnimaLamps so much we are adding the Mobi AnimaLamp to our 2013 Holiday Gift Guide!!!

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Who says children and wild life can’t play together? Mobi introduces AnimaLamps, the cool-running LED light that’s great for desktop, late night changing table and feeding, reading in bed, games, and playtime. Portable and solidly built, AnimaLamps can go anywhere. Adjustable brightness, one-touch operation and built-in rechargeable battery makes it the perfect light for children. Caution: we’ve heard reports of parents stealing AnimaLamps from  the nursery. Do your kids a favor- buy one of your own!

TRIPLE AWARD WINNER – AnimaLamps has been awarded Mom’s Choice Gold, NAPPA Gold and National Parenting Center Seal of Approval awards.
  • Portable Desk/Security Night Light
  • Great for late night changing table
  • Just the right amount of light for night feeding
  • Safe for reading in bed
  • Backseat travel light
  • Sturdy enough for games & playtime
  • Touch Adjustable Brightness Control
  • Up to 8-12 hours per charge



Mobi 5

Mobi is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!  One lucky blog reader will win their own Mobi AnimaLamp!  Thank you Mobi for the review light and for sponsoring this bright giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

Mobi, AnimaLamp  Cool-Running LED Kid’s Light Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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Simple American Style, Classic Personalized Step Stool Review & Giveaway!!! #HolidayGiftGuide

Simple American Style

I found the cutest step stool at SimpleAmericanStyle.com.  It was just like one I had as a child.  I ordered one for my son Luke.  I was happy to see the great quality and craftsmanship was the same as the stool of my youth and my son loved it.  He can sit on it like a chair or flip the back over to make a 2 step, step stool to help him reach the sink.  It looks in the kitchen, family room or his bedroom.  It is a classic piece that he can pass down to his kids someday.

Mommy Ramblings loves this classic step stool so much we are adding it to our 2013 Holiday Gift Guide!!!  The step stool and loads of other great gifts for everyone on your holiday gift list can be purchased at SimpleAmericanStyle.com.



step stool


step stool sit


step stool standing

A Classic design from the 1950’s destined to be passed down for generations to come!

Acts as a step stool, then can be changed into a toddler’s chair.

  • Lightweight to carry-but sturdy to step/sit on.
  • Holds up to 150lbs.
  • This stool is made from the finest Pennsylvania cherry wood.
  • Measures: 12″ from front to back and 15″ side to side. Steps measure: 3.5″ and 7″ high.
  • Ages 18 months and up.

Child’s name can be added to make a great personalized kids gift!

Best of all, this heirloom kids furniture is 100% made in the USA!


Simple American Style is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!  One lucky blog reader will win a classic personalized step stool from Simple American Style.  Thanks to Simple American Style for the review stool and for sponsoring this awesome giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

Simple American Style, Classic Personalized Step Stool Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Enter to win this great step stool using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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Squatchi, Children’s Shoe Sizer Review & Giveaway!!!

How many times have you found a great deal online for children’s shoes but then paused wondering  what size to get?  Have you ever guessed and ordered shoes that were too large or too small?  Then you have the hassle of returning them and usually by that time they don’t  have the size you need.  If you only were certain about the size.  Now you can be!  With Squatchi you can have a true children’s shoe sizer right in your home that will accurately measure your child’s feet.  It comes in bright colors and is simple to use and you can even fill in the date and your child’s shoe size to keep as a record of their growth.  I like that it’s sturdy and easy to store and I can rest easy knowing I am ordering the right size shoes.
Squatchi Group
Squatchi is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings.  One lucky blog reader will win their own Squatchi, Children’s Shoe Sizer!  Thank you Squatchi for the review shoe sizer and for sponsoring this ingenious giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.
Squatchi, Children’s Shoe Sizer Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:
Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!


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Wonder Forge,Richard Scarry’s Busytown Eye Found It! Game Review & Giveaway!!! #HolidayGiftGuide

Thanksgiving weekend we had a lot of great family time.  It was much-needed and greatly enjoyed.  We took a lot of time to play and just sit and talk.  My husband and I played Richard Scarry’s Busytown Eye Found It! Game with our little guys.
It’s a great game that has a huge board that connects in three pieces.  The game is very interactive and keeps little ones engaged.  In the game you need to get everyone on the ferry and to the picnic before the pigs eat all the food. Along the way you solve mysteries and race through Busytown.  We all enjoyed searching for the objects to find as many as we could before the timer ran out.
Mommy Ramblings things Richard Scarry’s Busytown Eye Found It!  is a great game and we are adding it to our 2013 Holiday Gift Guide!!!  You can buy Busytown Eye Found It!  at Amazon.com.
Richard Scarry's Busytown Eye Found It! Game
Richard Scarry's Busytown Game

Race around town solving mysteries! How many objects can you find? Join Huckle Cat and Lowly Worm on a fun-filled race around Busytown to solve mysteries and find hidden objects. Drive through lively city streets, an activity-filled farm, an action-packed airport, and a bustling harbor full of silly boats. There’s much to discover on this gigantic, colorful game board that’s over six feet long! As players race through Busytown, they’ll team up every time someone lands on Goldbug—leaving no corner of the board unexplored as they discover hidden objects and race toward Picnic Island. With hundreds of objects to find this game provides hours of fun, while building confidence each time a child says, “I found it!”

How Many Can You Find!?
Pig Will and Pig Won’t are on a mission to eat all the food on Picnic Island! Using the illustrated, over six-foot long game board, you’ll work as a team to make it to Picnic Island before they eat the food! Work together with other players to find hidden objects like buckets, traffic lights, flags, or ladders! Everyone gets a chance to say, “I Found It!”—the faster you find the hidden objects the faster you’ll move! How to play, snapshot!After setting up the game board, placing the ferry at the end of the road, and the food items on Picnic Island, everyone chooses a mover. On your turn, the spinner will tell you to move, take away one food item from Picnic Island and spin again, or solve a Goldbug Mystery! To solve a Goldbug Mystery you flip a Goldbug Card and work as a team to find the item on that card on the game board. For each item your team finds you get to move forward a space. To win, all players must be on the ferry and arrive at Picnic Island before the pigs eat all the food.


Wonder Forge has won over 120 prestigious awards by creating good-for-you games that encourage teamwork, healthy competition, and get-up-and-go active play! Disney Princess Pretty as a Picture Matching keeps little ones engaged and having fun, while it promotes key preschool learning skills.

What’s In The Box?
1 Game Board in three sections, 4 Movers, 4 Mover Bases, 1 Spinner, 1 Ferry Tile, 10 Magnifying Glass Tokens, 6 Food Tiles, 30 Goldbug Cards, 1 Sand Timer, 1 Game Rules Manual. Richard Scarry’s Busytown Eye Found it! Game is intended for 2-4 players ages 3 and up!

Richard Scarry Game


Richard Scarry Game 1


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Richard Scarry Game 2


Richard Scarry Game 3


Wonder Forge is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!  One lucky blog reader will win their own Richard Scarry’s Busytown Eye Found It! Game!  Thank you Wonder Forge for the review game and for sponsoring this Eye Opening giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

Wonder Forge, Richard Scarry’s Busytown Eye Found It! Game Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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Lost And Found DVD-A Magical Tale of Friendship Giveaway For 3 Winners!!! #HolidayGiftGuide


Lost and Found



Families will embark on an imagination-inspiring journey alongside a pair of unlikely companions when LOST AND FOUND, the deeply-heartwarming and critically-acclaimed animated film, arrived in the U.S. for the first time ever on DVD (SRP $9.98) and Digital platforms on October 15, 2013 from Entertainment One and is available now to place on every child’s Holiday Gift List!  A Winner of more than 60 international awards, as well as a coveted Parents Choice Gold Award, LOST AND FOUND will also air as a holiday special on Nick Jr.®

Based on the internationally best-selling children’s book by award-winning author, Oliver Jeffers, whose newest book has just captured the #1 spot on the New York Times Best Sellers list, the standout production was adapted and directed by Philip Hunt and features endearing narration by Academy Award®-winner Jim Broadbent (Harry Potter, Gangs of New York, Moulin Rouge), stunning CGI animation from Studio AKA, and a charming musical score by esteemed composer Max Richter (Shutter Island).  LOST AND FOUND brilliantly transports viewers from the 2D pages of the storybook to a rich and immersive world that will have both young and old alike mesmerized and brought to tears.  With more than five dozen international awards under its cap, the remarkable film is sure to find its way into audiences’ hearts with its universal and timeless message of the true value of friendship.

Lost and Found 2

Originally inspired by the real-life story of a little boy in Belfast, Ireland, who somehow managed to sneak a penguin out of the zoo during a class trip and all the way home to his bathtub before anyone noticed, LOST AND FOUND tells the unforgettable story of a little boy who one day finds a penguin on his doorstep.  Assuming that the unexpected visitor must have lost his way, the thoughtful and determined boy takes up the noble task of bringing the penguin back home – even if it means rowing all the way to the South Pole! But when the pair finally arrive at their destination, the boy soon discovers that maybe the penguin wasn’t really lost after all.  Maybe he was just lonely… And maybe he wasn’t the only one.

Lost and Found 1

Gentle and uplifting in equal measure, LOST AND FOUND provides families with a welcome alternative t0 today’s more frenetic on-screen entertainment options for kids. In addition to the movie, the DVD contains a special “Making of” featurette, showcasing interviews with Jeffers, as well as key members of the production and creative teams. The segment offers viewers a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the various elements that seamlessly come together to bring this dynamic film to memorable life.

Lost and Found should serve as an example to all children’s filmmakers

that kids don’t need a fast-paced cartoon or disrespectful characters to become engaged in a story. The pace of the 30-minute production is perfect,

as is everything else about it.”

— Parents Choice (Gold Award Winner)

Entertainment One is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings.  Three lucky blog readers will win their own LOST AND FOUND DVD.  Thank you Entertainment One for the review DVD and for sponsoring this heartwarming giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!! Open to US residents.

 LOST AND FOUND DVD Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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DreamWorks Holiday Collection DVD Boxed Set (Shrek, Kung Fu Panda, Madagascar, Dragons) Giveaway!!!


Join some of your family’s favorite characters, Shrek, Po, Toothless and the rest of the DreamWorks gang, in four timeless holiday specials, available for the first-time in one DVD box set!

Dreamworks Holiday Collection
Available for the FIRST-TIME this limited edition collection features four holiday favorites in one DVD gift set for just $19.98. The glittering box set includes Shrek The HallsMerry MadagascarKung Fu Panda Holiday and Dragons Holiday: Gift of the Night Fury as well as bonus features including games, music videos and more!

Start a new holiday tradition!  Bring the family together in front of the fire and get cozy —The DreamWorks Holiday Collection provides hours of entertainment for all ages.




Julianuary Coals

DreamWorks is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings.  One lucky blog reader will win a DreamWorks Holiday Collection DVD Boxed Set! Thank you Dreamworks for the review set and for sponsoring this Holiday Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

DreamWorks Holiday Collection Boxed DVD Set Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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The Original Christmas Classics DVD Boxed Set Giveaway!!!

Original Christmas Classics Logo

Did you look forward to watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman and Santa Claus is Coming to Town during the Christmas season when you were a child?  If you are anything like me, you sure did!  Those have to be some of the greatest Christmas Classics around and I remember introducing my older kids to them and now sharing them with my younger two is so special.  You can get all of those and 4 additional holiday favorites in a DVD boxed set! So come on, start the season off right with a Christmas themed movie night!!!

Christmas Classics

Includes 7 Holiday Favorites:

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Who has a nose for Christmas? Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer! Just in time for the holidays, here comes Rudolph in the most beloved special of all time! Packed with a sleigh full of memorable songs and unforgettable characters, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer lights up the hearts of young and old alike.

Santa Claus is Comin to Town
Where does Santas suit come from? Why does he slide down the chimney? Why does he live at the North Pole? The answers to all these questions and the origins of our favorite holiday traditions are revealed in this delightful classic about Kris Kringle, the world s most famous gift giver.

Frosty the Snowman
Look at Frosty Go! Whats become a bigger holiday tradition than building a snowman? Watching the original Christmas classic, Frosty the Snowman! Grab your scarf, bundle up, and get ready for the incredible adventure of a magical snowman who has enough personality to win over the whole family. You can t go wrong with Frosty!

Original Christmas Classics Recipe Original Santa Cookies

Frosty Returns

Mr. Magoos Christmas Carol
Bah Humbug, Mr. Magoo! In this first-ever animated holiday TV special, the bumbling and loveable Mr. Magoo is Ebeneezer Scrooge in a hilarious and heartwarming musical retelling of Charles Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol.

The Little Drummer Boy
This story has touched the hearts of families everywhere. In this holiday classic, the true spirit of Christmas is revealed when a lonely orphan stumbles upon the birth of the baby Jesus and affirms what the holidays are really about giving and love. Featuring a beautiful soundtrack by the Vienna Boys Choir, this timeless tale of generosity makes the perfect addition to your holiday collection.

Cricket on the Hearth
A delightful, animated musical version of Charles Dickens classic tale, Cricket on the Hearth, tells the story of a poor toymaker and his daughter whom a helpful Cricket named Crocket befriends on Christmas morning. When tragedy strikes the family, it s Crocket who comes to the rescue and restores peace and happiness.

Classic Media is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings.  One lucky blog reader will win their own Christmas Classics Boxed DVD Set!  Thank you to Classic Media for the review set and for sponsoring this Memory Filled Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents!

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