Tag Archives: giveaway

Green Farm Toys, John Deere Roar and Rumble Tractor Review & Giveaway!!!


My little guys like tractors and they love John Deere Tractors.  In our home you will find trucks, cars and tractors of every size and shape, you will also see many of the familiar green and yellow tractors that are none other than John Deere.  Still like the old saying, my boys feel, there is always room for one more.  Now add some rumble and roar to a toy tractor and you have a happy boy.  The John Deere Roar and Rumble Tractor  packs a little extra punch and has a simulated exhaust that creates “smoke” from tap water.  This smoking exhaust feature is beyond big in our house.  The tractor comes with a little plastic beaker that fits little hands perfectly and has a little spout that makes pouring easy and accurate.  This tractor has it all: lights, rumbling action, sound and simulated smoke rising from the exhaust!  If you are looking for a tractor that is sure to put a smile on any little boy’s face…you will certainly find it at Green Farm Toys with the John Deere Roar and Rumble Tractor!




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Scholastic Storybook Treasures: Stone Soup And Other Stories From The Asian Culture DVD Review & Giveaway!!!

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Get ready to learn about some of Asian culture’s best loved tales, Scholastic Storybook Treasures™ releases STONE SOUP…AND OTHER STORIES FROM THE ASIAN TRADITION.  Highlighted by author/illustrator Jon J. Muth’s award-winning take on “Stone Soup”, the new DVD also features three other classic tales, as well as a Read-Along function which highlights the words as they are spoken, allowing young viewers to follow along with the narrators.



“Stone Soup” is a classic folktale about the strength people possess when they work together. The three other stories on the DVD include “The Five Chinese Brothers”, “Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from China”and “Stonecutter” These colorfully animated adaptations of classic stories feature celebrity narration by B.D. Wong (Law and Order: SVU).


The DVD also includes a behind-the-scenes interview with Jon J. Muth, the award-winning author/illustrator of “Stone Soup”, “The Three Questions” and other popular stories for kids. Muth also illustrated cards for Magic: The Gathering.

I love that one of my favorite childhood stories, The Five Chinese Brothers is included on this DVD to share with my little ones.

Scholastic is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings.  One lucky blog reader will win their own Storybook Treasures DVD of Stone Soup and other stories from Asian culture.  Thank you Storybook Treasures for the review DVD and for sponsoring this great giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

Scholastic Storybook Treasures, Stone Soup DVD Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book 50th Anniversary Edition Review and Giveaway!!!


I challenge you not to yawn as you read the first few pages of Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book and learn about the contagious, chain reaction of yawns started by a bug who yawned so wide you could see down his neck. This book is all about drifting to sleep no matter the creature they all enjoy being a sleeper. This is a wonderful book for reading to your little ones that ends showing a picture of a house with a light on in one window and tells them that when their light is out and they are sleeping in bed their number will be added to the tally of those sleeping and slumbering all over the world.



Random House is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings.  One lucky blog reader will win Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book 50th Anniversary Edition.  Thank you Random House for the review book and for sponsoring this great giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!! Open to US residents.

Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book 50th Anniversary Edition Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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Enteral Health, All Natural Ginger and Peppermint Tummydrops Review & Giveaway!!!

enterallogoI have long been a fan of the way  ginger is very soothing and healing to upset tummies.   All Natural Ginger Tummydrops are a great way to ease occasional stomach upset, nausea, morning sickness, & motion sickness. Handy to just carry with you, the drops are delicious like gingerbread with a kick and will start to work right away to tame the tummy blues.


While prescription medications are available, many of our patients come to us asking what natural options exist.
Fortunately, Mother Nature has provided an answer in the form of Zingiber officinale, better known as ginger. Prized for its culinary uses, the root-like structure of ginger, called a rhizome, contains multiple active substances, including gingerol, which may assist with occasional nausea and vomiting.

When formulating our drops, we started by carefully selecting a natural and potent source of gingerol. Next, we added premium natural ingredients to complement the natural taste of the ginger. The result is an easy to carry, great tasting drop that you can take anywhere. So the next time an upset stomach tries to ruin your day, you’ll be prepared.

Tummydrops also has all natural peppermint drops  with a special blend of peppermint oil that can help ease occasional upset stomach issues, cramps, nausea, bloating and urgency. The peppermint drops taste great and wow, they are potent, they could probably work better and longer than any breath mint you would ever try.  After sucking on one of these drops I almost wanted to be a “close talker” because of how fresh and minty my breath was.


For centuries, people have turned to Mentha piperita, better known as peppermint, for relief. Along with its great taste, peppermint oil may assist with common, occasional digestive complaints including cramps, urgency, nausea, and bloating.

We specially designed each all-natural, individually wrapped drop to deliver a potent dose of premium peppermint oil. Be sure to take plenty of these great-tasting drops with you wherever you go – your tummy is sure to thank you!

To you and your tummy, Dustin G. James, MD and Michael E. Presti, MD FACP Board-Certified Gastroenterologists and creators of tummy drops

  • Peppermint oil can help relax the intense contractions that cause abdominal pain and bloating.  This same relaxing effect also works on the muscles of the uterus that cause painful menstrual cramps.  Peppermint oil can also help relieve pain caused by certains foods that irritate your digestive tract


  • What about peppermint candies and tea, can they help?
  • Peppermint tea and peppermint candies are too weak and not designed to soothe the intestines.  You may have some benefit, but not nearly the effect as a specially formulated product like peppermint tummy drops.
  • What about peppermint pills, do they work?
  • Gel-coated peppermint oil capsules can help, but have a big limitation:  they need to be digested before they work, a process that can take hours.  So, if you have a sudden onset of a digestive issue, they won’t kick in right away.
  • Peppermint tummy drops are designed so that the peppermint oil enters your body immediately (even faster if you chew them) so they can help out as soon as you need them.
  • There are many different types of peppermints and mints in general, do they all work?
  • Each peppermint plant produces a unique oil.  Some taste better than others.  Some work better than others to soothe digestion.  The patent-pending formulation of peppermint oils in peppermint tummy drops was carefully designed by doctors so that they work great and act fast.


All-natural!  Brown rice syrup, dried cane syrup, natural peppermint oil (proprietary blend), and other natural flavors.Only 10 calories each (zero weight watchers points), fat and cholesterol free, GLUTEN-FREE






Would you like to win a bag of Enteral All Natural Ginger Tummydrops?  If so just enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  You can also visit the Enteral Health and Nutrition Facebook Page.

For those that don’t win the  giveaway, if you post a video to the Enteral Facebook Page explaining why Tummydrops might be a help for you or a family member while linking Enteral Health in your post (http://www.facebook.com/enteralhealth), Enteral will send you a free sample.

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Oompa Toys, Plus-Plus 600 Piece Block Set Review & Giveaway!!!

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I recently discovered Plus-Plus blocks, I opened them with my son who just turned 4 and we both had a great time, he was able to fit them together and we played for about an hour with them making all sorts of things.  When my five-year old came home from school he immediately sat down and played with them, he was totally enthralled and played for about an hour straight with them.  I like that they were both able to manipulate the pieces, excellent for fine motor skills and so happy it was not a frustrating task for them.

We know as parents that any building toy that is hard for kids to work with just makes them frustrated and thus parents frustrated.  Whatever you build with these Plus-Plus blocks is secure, can be picked up and even worn like the glasses.  These blocs are not anything they need to handle delicately which again just leads to frustration because if their structures easily come apart or fall that is no fun!  The bright neon colors are super fun to work with and the building possibilities are endless.  If you are looking for a fun toy that will hold your child’s interest, stimulate their imagination, one that you will have fun playing along with and one that will help your child with their fine motor skill development look no further than Plus-Plus blocks!


Plus-Plus 600 Piece Set (Neon Colors) was designed and made  at Plus-Plus in Denmark. Each basic H shape can be attached to another in a variety of ways allowing for endless building. The only thing you’ll have to provide is imagination! In this 600 piece set, your little builder will find shapes in 6 different colors. As your little one builds, he will be able to explore his engineering skills while experimenting with patterns, colors, and of course gravity!


  • Recommended For Children 3 Years And Older
  • Includes 600 Pieces
  • Designed In Denmark By The Innovative Folks At Plus-Plus
  • Made in Denmark

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Oompa Toys is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings.  One lucky blog reader will win a Plus-Plus 600 Piece, Neon Set.  Thank you Oompa Toys for the review block set and for sponsoring this spectacular giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

Oompa Toys, Plus-Plus 600 Piece Neon Block Set Giveaway on Mommy  Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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Scholastic Storybook Treasures, March On 3 DVD Set Review & Giveaway!!!

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Perfect for celebrating Black History Month in February and learning all year about African-American culture and tradition, Scholastic presents thirteen stories on a 3-DVD set! Included in the set are the favorites Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald: The Tale of Vocal Virtuosa, March On, Martin’s Big Words, and more!

This 3 DVD set is perfect for educating your children on African-American culture and great for the classroom.



Commemorate Black History Month and learn about African American traditions with STORIES ABOUT AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE FEATURING MARCH ON!, a specially-packaged 3-disc set from Scholastic Storybook Treasures™.  Featuring thirteen award-winning animated adaptations across three hours from some of the most talented authors and illustrators working today, this is a set that will be treasured by families year round.

In MARCH ON: THE DAY MY BROTHER MARTIN CHANGED THE WORLD, written by Dr. Christine King Farris, illustrated by London Ladd and narrated by Lynn Whitfield, Martin Luther King Jr.’s sister travels back to 1963 to present a personal, stirring account of the remarkable day when Dr. King delivered his “I Have a Dream Speech”.  Powerful, entertaining and unforgettable, additional stories – narrated by celebrities such as Michael Clarke Duncan, James Earl Jones, Forest WhitakerPhylicia Rashad, Samuel L. Jackson – include: “Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears”, “Duke Ellington”, “Ella Fitzgerald: The Tale of Vocal Virtuosa”, “Henry’s Freedom Box: A True Story from the Underground Railroad” and “Martin’s Big Words”.


 As with all Scholastic Storybook Treasures releases, the stories include a Read-Along function which highlights the words as they are spoken, allowing young viewers to follow along with the narrators.  The set also features bonus programming including interviews with authors and narrators including Christine King Farris and Ellen Levine (“Henry’s Freedom Box”).

New Kideo is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings.  One lucky blog reader will win the March On 3 DVD Set.  Thank you New Kideo for the review set and for sponsoring this great giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

Scholastic Storybook Treasures, March On 3 DVD Set Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter the giveaway.  Good Luck!!!

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Buckalope Elementary DVD Boxed Set Review & Giveaway!!! 3 Winners!!!

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If you have been a loyal reader of Mommy Ramblings, you will remember last year we did a review for an episode of Buckalope Elementary series.  The episode we reviewed back then was Career Day.  Recently I was sent a DVD Boxed Set of episodes 1-6, a CD of music, videos, karaoke and sing-along of each original song and a CD of the Buckalope Elementary Soundtrack.

Buckalope Elementary is an adorable puppet educational series created for kids 5-9 or grades K-3.  Each episode explores different aspects of character and career education.  The episodes are curriculum based and feature an original song.

The puppets make the episodes very entertaining and captivating for kids and keeps them focused on the content.  The episodes included in this set are:

  1.  Interests, Hobbies & Careers
  2. Self-Esteem
  3. Career Day
  4. Responsibility
  5. Teamwork
  6. The Science Fair

The episodes are not long in length so kids stay engaged and do not feel overwhelmed.  Also the length makes them perfect to use in the classroom as well to incorporate into a lesson plan.

Buckalope Elementary Boxed Set


Buckalope Elementary DVD Boxed Set
Ages 5-9 (K-3)
The first six episodes of the Buckalope Elementary series are now available on DVD. The multi-media curriculum, which is grounded in educational theory and research, promotes character development, career awareness, problem solving, self-esteem, and above all, motivation.

Each episode focuses on a different character trait or theme, and contains an original song. (See below for details)

This DVD set contains the following:
• Six full episodes.
• Music videos, karaoke, and sing-a-long videos of each original song.
• Buckalope Elementary Soundtrack CD.
• Links to additional free lesson plans, exercises, and games.
• Bonus materials and videos.

Furry Friends Productions is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings.  Three  lucky blog readers will win their own Buckalope Elementary DVD Boxed Set.  Thank you Furry Friends Productions for the review set and for sponsoring this great giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

Buckalope Elementary DVD Boxed Set Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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MobileFun,Speck iGuy Case and Stand for iPad 4/3/2 Review & Giveaway!!!

Want a fun case for you iPad that will still offer you great protection while making quite a statement?  If so you should check out the Speck iGuy Case and Stand.  This case is perfect for anyone in the family but I especially love it for my kids because the arms of the iGuy help them carry it and the drop resistant case makes me worry a lot less as they do.  The free-standing case make is so easy to just have it in an upright condition whenever you need it.  The case allows you to still have access to all the ports and camera capabilities.  Check out MobileFun and see their full line of iPad Cases and iPad accessories. 





MobileFun is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings.  One lucky blog reader will win their own Speck iGuy iPad Case.  Thanks MobileFun for the review case and for sponsoring this fun giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

MobileFun, iGuy Case and Stand for iPad 4/3/2 Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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“A Kiss Like This” by Mary Murphy Review & Giveaway!!!

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I cannot wait for spring and you will probably hear me mention that a dozen times at least before it arrives.  This Arctic blast we are experiencing can go back to the Arctic from which it came with bells on it!  I love looking ahead in the winter, love scheduling appointments in December for April at the doctor’s office but hate doing that in the Summer when they are scheduling for December!

Anyway, so looking ahead to the next month we have Valentine’s Day coming up and I just shared an adorable book with my little ones.  A Kiss Like This by Mary Murphy is all about how Mama and child animals express their love in a kiss.  It can be a fuzzy buzzy kiss like the bumble bees share or a fizzy bubbly kiss of the fish.  The unique way the pages are split and allow little hands to turn them and see the display of affection is so sweet.  If you are looking for a special book to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your little one, this book even saves the last kiss for you and your special Valentine.


A giraffe kiss is very tall — just turn the page and see! Elephant kisses are long, of course, while tiny mice and bubbly fish have kisses all their own. Using a clever split-page format that makes for charming surprises, author-illustrator Mary Murphy shares a series of animal kisses that are sure to have babies and toddlers gurgling, giggling, smiling, and leaning over for their kisses, too.

What better gift for a new baby? The creator of I KISSED THE BABY! celebrates animal moms and babies in an irresistible novelty book.

Candlewick Press is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings.  One lucky blog reader will win their own copy of A Kiss Like This!  Thank you to Candlewick Press for the review book and for sponsoring this great giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

A Kiss Like This by Mary Murphy Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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“Olive and the Big Secret” by Tor Freeman Review and Giveaway!!!

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We read the most adorable book last night at bedtime.  Olive and the Big Secret by Tor Freeman is about Olive who is told a big secret by her friend Molly.  Molly tells her not to tell anyone and Olive tries very hard not to.  She comes close to telling one friend but manages not to and then it is just too much for Olive so she tells just one friend, Joe.  Joe however is even worse at keeping secrets and tells his friend Matt who just tells the first two friends he sees and one of those friends cannot wait to tell her best friend who is Molly.  The expressions on the characters match the words so perfectly and are so hysterical like when Molly hears her secret whispered in her ear.  My little guys loved this story and the illustrations.

Olive and the Big Secret cover


Olive and the Big Secret middle


Olive and the big secret

Candlewick Press is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings.  One lucky blog reader will win their own copy of Olive and the Big Secret.  Thank you to Candlewick Press for the review book and for sponsoring this great giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

Olive and the Big Secret by Tor Freeman Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

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