Tag Archives: Interviews

Talking with Brian Belefant Author of, “The Sultan of Garbage” – A Novella about Life, Art & Clutter

I had a great time speaking with Brian Belefant about his new Novella, “The Sultan of Garbage” available now on Amazon. Brian and I had our conversation the day his book was released. Check out the video below to hear all about his new book and off shoots of our conversation. I think you will find it all very entertaining.

I hope you enjoyed my talk with Brian. Drop me a note to know what you thought of it in the comments.

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Filed under Home & Garden

“Our New World of Adult Bullies – How To Spot Them – How To Stop Them” By Bill Eddy

Join me today when I speak live to Bill Eddy. Bill is the Chief Innovation Officer at the High Conflict Institute of San Diego, California. Bill trains judges, lawyers, therapists, and mediators across the United States and 12 other countries in managing high-conflict family, workplace, and legal disputes.

Mr. Eddy is the author of over twenty books and manuals and has a popular blog on PsychologyToday.com

Listen to our conversation about Bill Eddy’s newest book- “Our New World of Adult Bullies – How To Spot Them – How To Stop Them” You can order the book HERE

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