I wrote something 2 days ago on Facebook that received many comments and resonated with many people. I thought I would share it here today, for all the motherless on Mother’s Day.
The Cardinals’ Kiss
10 years ago on Mother’s Day, I lost my mother, my best friend, and life was forever changed. 364 days later, I lost my father. It was the end of an era. Yesterday, on the anniversary of my Dad’s passing, I saw a male and female cardinal who were nesting in our yard.
The male cardinal kept flying over to where I was sitting on the porch, and would sing sweetly, the female sang too as she stayed clearly in my view. They would at times, both fly back to a bush in the front yard and perch there.

I saw them throughout the day, and it was comforting to me. I am certain it was a sign that their spirit is still here. I am so grateful for signs like this. My two youngest children never had the chance to meet their grandparents, which is so sad to me. Last spring, I told my youngest son, Luke, that the Swallowtail butterflies that always come in a pair every spring and summer, remind me of them.
When the Swallowtails stay on the lilacs, my mother’s favorite flower or when I see them circling around my two youngest children as they play, I know it is a sign they are here. Well, Luke came in the house all excited shortly after that and said, “Mommy, I saw your mother in the garden.” He meant the butterfly, a preschooler’s take on it. It made me smile.

The other sign, is the pair of eagles on our lake, we never had eagles, until the summer after my father passed away. Now, we have a pair of bald eagles living here. Some may say I am crazy, and it is my own wishful thinking, but it pulls me from the darkest moments. Those moments, where I have thoughts that maybe “this” is all there is, maybe Heaven and eternal life is something many have to believe because the truth of “that” and the fact we would never see our loved ones again, is too painful to comprehend.
When I see these signs, it pulls me out of that thinking, it gives me hope and faith that there is so much more to “this.” I love and miss you every day Mom and Dad, please keep sending signs to let me know you are near and watching over us. I need them more than you know.
After I wrote this status, I went outside and saw the most amazing thing just as I was going back inside. I know the picture below is not the best, but I am so glad I was able to capture the moment. The male and female cardinal flew to a branch off my porch near my front door as I was going back inside, and they kissed.

When I went out early that afternoon, I sat on the porch and the male cardinal flew right across my field of vision to land in a bush directly across the yard from where I was sitting. He looked at me, and twisted his head in all sorts of ways. and then sang his beautiful song. He just stayed there singing and looking at me.

I was blown away by these moments, and so very grateful. I hope that all of the motherless have a moment like that, one so profound it lets you know her spirit is around you. I hope it gives you comfort and peace on a day that makes you remember more than ever, just how much you have lost. I wish you all of you a happy Mother’s Day, and most of all, I hope you see signs!