If things have seemed quiet here on Mommy Ramblings, there is good reason why. We are just emerging from nearly a week of having no power, no internet and no cable. That means we had no heat and it is cold here in New York!
We do have a generator but it was giving us issues causing us to rely on just our wood burning fireplace for warmth for almost 5 days before we got it up and running. Let’s just say, it was no indoor camping trip!
I have so much work to catch up on and lost a week of income with my other job that requires me to work online. More than an inconvenience it causes financial hardship for so many that work from home. Many people do not understand that aspect of it.

My Cardinal landed on my porch railing right when the electric came back on. Then he sat for a while in one of the bushes out in front.
However, nothing much can be done about that but to move forward. I feel a great deal of pressure to make up all the missed work and deadlines. I am going to do the best that I can and try to hope that is enough.
Thank you all for your patience . Let me tell you, I cannot wait for spring!!!