Mommy Ramblings’ readers can save 25% on your entire Label Daddy order – this is the best discount available anywhere. Use code USFAMILY25 when you checkout HERE!
Filed under Saving Money, Summer Camp, USFG
Don’t you hate writing with messy, dusty, chalk that gets all over your fingers? I remember in college one professor hated to write with it, any time he absolutely had to, he would always say that he was risking getting cancer to write on the board. He was talking about the chalk dust. Anyway, with most chalk boards you don’t have many options besides using white or colored chalk. If you’re looking for an easier option, one that is colorful, neat, non-toxic, eco-friendly and FUN…I have the answer. Fun Chalk, Liquid Chalk Markers take chalk to a whole new level.
Here are just some of the benefits of these Chalk Markers:
* 8 Bright, Eye Catching Colors
* Long lasting, quick drying ink
* Clean-up is quick and easy. Simply wipe off with water and a cloth.
* It’s dust free making it a prime choice for those with asthma or allergies
* Non-Toxic, xylene-free, odor-free
Plus, FUN CHALK’s Chalk Markers are environmentally friendly and conform to all the requirements set forth by the American Society for Testing and Materials and the European Standard for Toy Safety Testing.
FUN CHALK has been tested and APPROVED by moms, kids and teachers. It’s time to let your imagination and creativity take flight. BUY our Chalk Markers now and receive FREE SHIPPING! Just click add to cart. Your purchase will be backed by a 100% money-back guarantee.
IMPORTANT: All liquid chalk is meant to be used on non-porous materials. We recommend that you test FUN CHALK on a sample or inconspicuous spot on the material you are going to use.
I recently test drove the 8 piece broad liquid chalk markers. There is a little trick to get them started. First you push down on the tip to release any pressure, then you shake it vigorously and then depress the tip while holding it on a piece of paper until you see the color filling the tip and it flows. After that, it is time for fun!
I used them on my black dry erase board and they worked great! The eye-popping, vibrant colors made leaving messages or drawing pictures really fun! You can use the markers on non-porous blackboards, mirrors, windows and plastic. Use them at your next business meeting, on your family message board, to decorate windows or whatever. The easy, wet cloth erase will make cleanup a snap. There’s also a set of 8 fine tip fluorescent colors available. You can purchase the high-quality chalk markers on Amazon.
Fun Chalk is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings! One lucky blog reader will win a 8 pack of broad Fun Chalk, Liquid Chalk Markers.. Thank you to Fun Chalk for the review chalk markers and for sponsoring this vibrant giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!! Open to US residents.
Fun Chalk, Liquid Chalk Markers Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:
Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below. Good Luck!!!
Filed under Family Fun, Giveaway, Home, kids, Kitchen
In New York we still have several weeks of school left. I know that in the southern states some schools are letting the kids out for summer this Friday! No better time to start thinking about some great summer reading books for kids. Reading keeps kids entertained, their reading skills sharp and fuels their imagination. I have a great book I want to tell you about that may be one you want to add to your child’s summer reading list. Fans of Polly Horvath or Roald Dahl will love this quirky story of a determined girl, and some extraordinary chickens.
by Kelly Jones; illustrated by Katie Kath
Sophie Brown and her family have inherited her dead uncle’s farm—a place vastly different from her familiar hometown of LA. Due to her family’s lack of funds, though, operating a fully functioning farm is out of the question. But what happens when the farm animals come to them? Sophie begins to see chickens—very unusual chickens—appearing on her land. She chronicles their activity and her challenges in a series of fun-to-read letters to her deceased relatives. But when a respected local farmer tries to steal them, Sophie must find a way to keep them (and their superpowers) safe. Readers will become immersed in the narrator’s honest and endearing tone. Young readers will root for Sophie and her chickens until the very last page. UNUSUAL CHICKENS is an original, clucky classic in the making.
KELLY JONES has been a librarian, a bookseller, and a teacher, and is currently a raiser of (much-loved but fairly ordinary) chickens. Now she has published her first middle-grade novel, UNUSUAL CHICKENS FOR THE EXCEPTIONAL POULTRY FARMER (On sale May 12, 2015 / Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers / $16.99). Written entirely in letters, to-do lists, and quizzes, with several black-and-white drawings, this is a quirky story of a determined, strong-willed girl with some very unusual super chickens.
Penguin Random House is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings! One lucky blog reader will win their own copy of Unusual Chickens For The Exceptional Poultry Farmer. Thank you Penguin Random House for the review book and for sponsoring this fantastic giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!! Open to US residents.
Unusual Chickens For The Exceptional Poultry Farmer Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:
Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below. Good Luck!!!
Want to save big on durable, high quality, colorful labels? Then hurry and visit Lovable Labels because for a short time you can save 50%! That’s right, half off several of their highly popular packages of labels, address labels and fun stickies! The sale is only on from December 26th thru December 31st and will be over and out along with 2014. Just check out what you can save below:
#3 50% OFF GIFT SEALS & ADDRESS LABELS—Now only $10.95
BONUS Webcrashers—The first 100 customers who spend $50 or more on their order will receive $10 off by using the code WEBCRASH14 at checkout!
Filed under Discount Code, Lovable Labels, Main Page Post, Mommy Ramblings, Toddler, Toys
Are you back to school shopping for your children? Maybe going through clothing they have outgrown, wondering what to do with it all? If you are, you may be interested to know how Schoola can help you and your child’s school. Schoola is an online shop dedicated to recycling brand-name children’s clothing, with 40% of the proceeds going to schools in need. The innovative new program – which saves parents money and gives back at the same time – has been heralded by Fox News, the LA Times, Forbes and Parenting Magazine.
Mommy Ramblings was selected to participate in a special campaign called “20 Days of Schoola” Adopt-a-School. Mommy Ramblings was given of choice of 3 deserving schools and it was hard to choose, but we selected a small school in the Bronx called KIPP Academy. KIPP Academy has a goal to raise $25,000 to fund a music program. KIPP Academy works hard to support kids who need all the help they can get. Ninety-five percent of its students qualify for free or reduced-cost lunch. More than one in seven receives special education services. Music helps KIPP Academy reach and engage every child who enters its doors. The slogan on the Music Room wall sets the stage—All of Us Will Learn Music. No matter what backgrounds they come from or what challenges they face, they learn lessons together that will serve them the rest of their lives.For more about Kipp Academy and how Schoola helps schools in need watch the video below.
I was blessed growing up to be able to go to a school that had the funding to offer all kinds of great in school and after school programs for students. Sadly many schools today cannot offer as much to students and so students are denied the opportunity to participate in art, music and sports programs that can stimulate and nurture natural or learned talent.
My older children were also able to participate in programs like I was and their school years were enriched with music lessons, great art programs, sports programs, extra curricular programs and more. My younger children who are just entering school are also able to do the same, but many schools have been impacted by lack of funding and have had to cut programs like music, art and sports.
You can shop on Schoola for back-to-school clothing, even clothing new with tags and for every transaction that is processed by going through this link, Schoola will donate $1 to KIPP Academy. That’s not all, everyone that requests a donation bag through the same link will help too because Schoola will donate $1 for every requested bag to Kipp Academy. Perhaps the best part is, if you send in a donation bag of clothing, you can fill out the name of a school you support and for every $5 in sales, Schoola will donate $2 to the school you selected!!! That’s a real win-win for Kipp Academy and the school of your choice!!! You can follow Schoola on Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date on all the latest happenings.
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Do you worry about the poor values and morals our kids are exposed to? TV shows, music, performers and celebrities do not always present the kind of values we want to instill in our children. Jeff Hutchins a father of 2 girls as well as a retired inventor and businessman, is the author of Denton the Dragon in Tales of Bubbleland. This newly released book was written by Jeff to help parents and teachers teach children universal values like honesty, gratitude and how to treat others who are different. The book contains 19 character building stories aimed at children 4-8 years old.
The book is available in both home and school editions. The school edition is made with the teacher in mind and comes in three over-sized, beautifully illustrated storybooks with an 18 week curriculum guide. Designed to be read aloud to one child or an entire class, they include the unique ability to show pictures to the children while the text remains visible to the reader. The home edition is a beautiful hardback book with 19-tales featuring Denton the Dragon and his friends. Both books were written to help parents and teachers teach character development in a fun and engaging way.
Children will be captivated by the stories and illustrations while parents and teachers will appreciate the large, easy to read book and the powerful discussions they act as a springboard for. School editions are perfect for homeschooling moms and dads too! Denton is a lovable and naive dragon that lives in Bubbleland. Children are able to easily relate to Denton and understand and discuss life lessons based on his silly yet insightful experiences.
I recently read one of the included stories, Hilwin, the Boy with Wheels. This story was about differences and Hilwin is a little boy who uses a wheelchair. Denton was curious and through his curiosity we learn about some of the things Hilwin experiences, like people looking at him funny. In the end it’s less about the ways they are different and more about how much they have in common that resonates with kids. The end of the book even includes a way to expand and get children engaged in conversation about the story. You can download, Hilwin, the Boy with Wheels for free HERE!
A safe entertainment section for kids is coming soon to the website. The music section of the website features a collection of songs inspired by the Tales of Bubbleand produced by Jeff Hutchins and George Scott and performed and written by singer/songwriters like Billy Jonas, Jane Kramer, Timmy Abell and the Swayback Sisters. You can check out the song section yourself HERE and even download a free song!!! You can find Denton The Dragon on Facebook, and Twitter . Check it out for yourself and leave a comment letting us know what you think!
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Okay, I know it is still Summer but I need to tell you about a new product that will help organize your little one when school starts. This great Homework Caddy will help make your lives easier. This great caddy will organize all the things your child needs for school, keep track of schoolwork, books, appointments, and meeting scheduling. This hanging folder system will help to organize all the papers and assignments that come home and help your child stay neat and organized and be able to find things they need. As moms I think we can relate too well to the mad dash for the library book or permission slip that needs to be found so your child will not miss the bus or be late for school. We don’t want our children to start their mornings with frantic searches to find something and the atmosphere that creates. This caddy wil be your child’s go to place for their school things and will establish organizational skills that will serve them well in life.
Ethan will start pre-school in the Fall and I was sent the sports style Homework Caddy to review. I love it, it comes with all you need to get it up including the hooks. Now we can start with a fresh slate and develop a pattern of organizing the papers we need and keep track of all the dates we need to remember. Children do better when they have structure and a schedule and this hanging folder system really helps to establish that. Mornings run much smoother when we are not frantically trying to find something while staying on schedule. I think this Homework Caddy makes lives much easier for both children and parents alike. The sports design is just right for Ethan who is a sports fanatic. This great organizational caddy is fun for him to use and we look forward to starting off the new school year with it.
So do you think the Homework Caddy could simplify things for you and your child? Then you will be happy to know that The Homework Caddy is sponsoring a give-away on Mommy Ramblings. One lucky blog reader will win their own Homework Caddy in the style of their choice. Thank you Homework Caddy for the review caddy and for sponsoring this great give-away!!!
The Homework Caddy Give-Away on Mommy Ramblings Rules:
Mandatory Entry: Go to The Homework Caddy Website and tell me what style you like best. (If this entry is not done, all others will be deleted.)
Extra Entries-Make sure to leave a separate comment for each one or they will not count.
1. Like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook, and leave me a comment here that you did.
2. Follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter, and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name.
3. Subscribe to Mommy Ramblings by email and leave me a comment here that you did.
4.Vote for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs (Button is on the side of our blog, “We’re on the Fence) and leave me a comment here you did. (You can do this every day for an extra entry, just make sure you leave a comment.)
5. Vote for Mommy Ramblings on Top Mommy Blogs (button is on the side of our blog) and leave me a comment here that you did. (You can do this every day for an extra entry, just make sure you leave a comment.)
6. Post this give away on your Facebook status and leave me a comment here that you did. (You can do this every day for an extra entry, just make sure you leave a comment.)
7. Tweet this give-away on Twitter and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name. (You can do this every day for an extra entry, just make sure you leave a comment.)
8. Like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook and leave me a comment here that you did.
Good Luck Everyone!!! Give Away Ends September 1st at 12 am EST. Winner will be selected by Random.org.
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I was very excited to be chosen to review the Classic Lunch & Go Heated Lunch Tote (www.warmandtote.com). This versatile tote can be used hot or cold. I like the fact that it allows me to keep food warm while we are traveling. I am able to keep a couple of grilled cheese sandwiches warm for the kids even if they want to eat them 3 hours after we hit the road. With 2 toddlers this is really great, plus if you are on the road for a trip you can keep food warm from a lunch stop and they can eat it later. It is also great for keeping food cold so no matter the menu, you can keep lunch fresh. Another thing I love is the adjustable strap it easily can be slung over my shoulder and feels secure, leaving my hands free for the multitude of other things I need to carry. The 10″ by 8″ roomy soft sided bag allows me to pack a variety of foods very easily. Keep a hot hero hot and a cold sub cold.
This tote is great to pack a childs lunch in school. They can have a hot healthy lunch from home that will be nice and warm hours later. This allows us to make healthy food that our kids will eat. The tote comes with 1 reusable turbo heat pack that lasts for 5 hours hot and 8-10 hours cold. The heat pack is heated in the microwave or cooled in the freezer.
Take a look at their website-www.warmandtote.com- to see the variety of great products they carry like:
The Pre-School Bundle
The Husky Lunch & Go
Warm & Tote is providing a coupon code for any order my blog readers place-Use 20% Coupon Code “MommyRamblings”
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