Some of you may know that one of the other hats I wear professionally is as a staff writer for a baby and children’s industry trade publication. I think it compliments my blog very well because we are often the first to get a peek at all the new looks, trends and products well before they are set to launch. Usually we are writing about products or clothing collections that are so new and always a season ahead at least that there is no actual product but look books and the designers photos to work with. When we review books though, well it is necessary to have them in hand for a thorough review. Recently I was sent a copy of The Pout-Pout Fish Book & CD Set for an article I was writing. While I was writing up the book review, I thought this book set would be perfect to share with you and so I contacted the publishers and asked if they would mind me also sharing it with you on our blog and doing a giveaway. They were all for it, so let’s get on with it shall we?
Little Orphan Annie reminded us that we’re never fully dressed without a smile. What a great message for children to remember. A smile goes a long way and is quite contagious. Gloominess can be contagious too! It’s no fun to be around someone who is grumpy and frowny all the time. The Pout- Pout Fish Book & CD Set by Deborah Diesen , is a delightful children’s story about a gloomy pout-pout fish and his cheerful ocean friends who try their hardest to turn his frown upside down. Dan Hanna’s vivid illustrations of the frowning fish and his well-meaning friends, really give life to the pages of this inspiring story. The CD is narrated by the very talented Alexander Gould, who was the voice of Nemo in Disney’s iconic Finding Nemo. The CD also features a read- along track with an underwater tone that lets children know when it is time to turn the page.
Deep in the water, Mr. Fish swims about with his fish face stuck in a permanent pout. Can his pals cheer him up? Will his pout ever end? Is there something he can learn from an unexpected friend?
Swim along with the pout-pout fish as he discovers that glum isn’t really his destiny. Bright ocean colors and playful rhyme come together in this fun fish story that is sure to bring smiles and eradicate frowns. One by one, pout-pout fish is approached by his sea pals to try to do something other than frown. Ms. Clam tries to give him a pearl of advice and suggests he try smiling but pout-pout fish gives his standard reply. “I’m a pout-pout fish with a pout-pout face. So I spread dreary-wearies all over the place.” He then slumps down as low as he can go with a Blub, Bluuuub, Bluuuuub and his infamous frown. A jellyfish tries and pleads his best but pout-pout fish is the first to confess, he would like to be friendlier but he hasn’t a choice. With the same old answer he glumly explains that his pout-pout face is for spreading dreary-wearies all over the place. A squid and an octopus have no luck either in their quest to set the sulking fish straight. He just gives them the same old answer and sinks slowly to ocean floor.
While pout-pout fish wallows in the dreariness he is sure is his destiny, he sees a fish coming toward him that he has never seen before. She comes upon him in a silent silver shimmer and is a bright and brilliant swimmer. She approaches Mr. Fish but instead of saying hey, she plants a kiss upon his pout and quickly swims away. Mr. Fish is astounded in fact he’s aghast and after a blink he speaks at last. “My friends,” says Mr. Fish, “I should have known it all along. I thought that I was pouty, but it turns out I was wrong. I’m a kiss-kiss fish with a kiss-kiss face for spreading cheery-cheeries all over the place!” What a wonderful message for children to hear, that sometimes a kiss is all it takes to turn things around.

Deborah Diesen is the bestselling author of The Pout-Pout Fish in the Big-Big Dark. She has worked as a bookseller and a librarian and now works for a small nonprofit organization, but her greatest joy comes from writing for children. She lives with her family in Michigan.
Macmillan is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings. One lucky blog reader will win The Pout-Pout Fish Book and CD Set. Thank you Macmillan for sponsoring this great giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!! Open to US residents.

The Pout-Pout Fish Book & CD Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:
Please enter the giveaway using Rafflecopter below. Good Luck!!!
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