This post was sponsored byDasani but all opinions as always are my own.

What makes you sparkle? For me, it’s just relaxing and soaking in the day with my family. I love taking some me time while relaxing in a comfy chair watching the birds and my kids play or sharing some morning coffee on the porch with my husband. I love summer so that is my favorite time of year to get my Sparkle on! We live on a lake so swimming and sailing definitely add to my sparkle and of course bliss would be ending the perfect day in my tub with relaxing music.
What makes you SPARKLE?
Dasani wants to know what makes you sparkle and they have an AMAZING contest for sharing your answer! All you need to do is upload a photo of what makes you sparkle to Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #SparkleWithDASANI. Make sure you like @dasaniwater so they can contact you if you win. The Grand Prize is a Sparkling Getaway to the Westin Diplomat in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida! This great prize package includes airfare, hotel and spa treatments for 4! Winner will be selected in early August!