Do you like to do crafts with your kids? We like to do crafts and I have a lot of supplies but many parents find that it takes a lot of time to get to the creative part of crafting. More time is spent finding inspiration, shopping for supplies and getting everything organized. Well, Green Kid Crafts help parents get right to the fun and creative part of crafting. A mom and woman owned business, Green Kid Crafts is a mother’s invention, created by a working mom who wanted to make the most out of the limited time she had to spend with her kids. Green Kid Crafts is a green company that provides creative activities to do with kids through their craft kit subscription service and eco-friendly art boxes. With Green Kid Crafts, both parents and kids can enjoy sustainable crafts and activities that spark creativity, build confidence and cultivate respect and love for the environment.
We recently spent some quality time with a Green Kid Crafts box. Our box was #10 and celebrates World Music, containing supplies to make some fun musical instruments. We started making the spin drum which my husband helped with and the tambourine which I assisted the kids with. We still have a couple more instruments to make but with 2 very young little ones we have to pace ourselves so we will do the others another day.

Everything is packaged nicely and has little cards that show you a picture of the finished product and give you the instructions as well as helpful tips and other information. All the supplies are included and so it’s easy to just get to work. There were certain parts that my husband and I had to do because they would just be too difficult for very young children like ours, but other parts were perfect for them and it really ensures everyone cooperates and works together to get the crafts done. Being a very musical family this box was perfect for us and we can’t wait to make the other musical instruments.

If you are looking for an easy way to have creative time with your kids then check out Green Kid Crafts!!!

Thanks to Green Kids Crafts for supplying a Green Kids Craft box to facilitate our review. All opinions are our own.