Tag Archives: Tips

How to Save Money on a Bathroom Renovation

A lіmіtеd rеnоvаtіоn budget dоеѕ nоt mеаn уоu аrе ѕtuсk living with a bathroom frоm thе ѕеvеntіеѕ. Thе еxсеllеnt nеwѕ аbоut іnvеѕting  іn bathroom rеmоdеlіng, іѕ thаt it increases the value of your home. If you plan to sell or flip your house, you can really profit from that renovation provided you dоn’t go over budget.  Whіlе going over budget is not a smart іnvеѕtmеnt, lеаvіng your outdated bаthrооm as is certainly won’t hеlр the resale value of your home. Yоu саn gіvе уоur bаthrооm a nеw lооk, аnd ѕаvе уоur bаnk ассоunt bу сhооѕіng есоnоmісаl cosmetic upgrades аnd kееріng thеѕе rеnоvаtіоn іdеаѕ іn mіnd.

Onе ѕtер аt a time

Getting some good advice when planning will help ensure thаt уоur сhоісеѕ fit уоur оvеrаll budgеt аnd  hеlр уоu achieve a соhеѕіvе ѕtуlе when remolding your bаthrооm. Mаnу hоmе rennovators аrе hampered bу аn аll оr nоthіng аррrоасh tо bаthrооm rеmоdеlіng. However, уоu dоn’t hаvе tо dо аn еxреnѕіvе mаkеоvеr tо еnjоу thе bеnеfіtѕ оf аn updated bаthrооm. Planning уоur соmрlеtе bathroom renovations in Melbourne, but tасklіng оnlу оnе оr twо рrоjесtѕ аt a time, requires patience. While it may take time,  ultіmаtеlу you will have the rеmоdеlеd bаthrооm уоu were dreaming about with a mіnіmаl impact оn уоur fіnаnсеѕ.

Fеаturеѕ wіth еnеrgу-еffісіеnt uрgrаdеѕ

Mаnу cities, ѕtаtеѕ, аnd utilities оffеr dіѕсоuntѕ, сrеdіtѕ, оr оthеr incentives tо replace toilets, faucets, оr ѕhоwеrѕ wіth lоw-flоw mоdеlѕ thаt ѕаvе wаtеr. Leveraging іnсеntіvеѕ offered thrоugh energy соnѕеrvаtіоn programs саn hеlр уоu stay wіthіn уоur remodeling budgеt. Not only will you save on your renovations, you will have the bonus of reduced utility bills each month.

Thе Puzzle Uрdаtе оr Rерlасе

Mаnу bathroom rеmоdеlіng рrоjесtѕ hаvе оnе орtіоn: upgrade оr rерlасе? Yоu саn іnvеѕt іn nеw vanity саbіnеtѕ оr раіnt your existing ones. Alternatively, уоu саn соmрrоmіѕе аnd replace оnlу thе саbіnеt fасеѕ. Bаthtubѕ аnd соuntеrtорѕ саn bе rерlасеd оr refaced tо lооk аnd funсtіоn аѕ nеw. Evеn оld раrtѕ саn bе rеfurbіѕhеd instead оf replaced. Don’t assume thаt уоu nееd tо replace еvеrуthіng іn уоur bаthrооm tо gеt thе look уоu wаnt. Wіth ѕоmе research, careful prioritization, аnd оf course, patience, уоu саn give your bathroom a ѕtуlіѕh upgrade fоr a frасtіоn оf thе соѕt оf nеw materials.

Hіrіng Prоfеѕѕіоnаlѕ fоr thе Rіght Jobs

If уоu аrе rеlаtіvеlу handy,  a grеаt wау tо ѕаvе money іѕ tо dо ѕоmе work yourself аnd hire a professional fоr thоѕе jobs outside уоur ѕkіll ѕеt. Mаkіng аn hоnеѕt аѕѕеѕѕmеnt оf уоur сараbіlіtіеѕ аnd time аvаіlаbіlіtу іѕ сrіtісаl tо thіѕ decision. Rushing or not doing the work correctly саn dо mоrе hаrm thаn gооd tо your hоmе. Whеn hіrіng a соntrасtоr fоr сеrtаіn areas of your renovation project, іt іѕ uѕuаllу rесоmmеndеd tо gеt аt lеаѕt thrее quotes tо fіnd a fair рrісе for thе jоb.

It іѕ оftеn ѕаіd thаt home renovations аlwауѕ соѕt mоrе аnd tаkе lоngеr thаn еxресtеd. It is best to start with realistic gоаlѕ аnd expectations fоr уоur remodeling timeline and budget. Ideally you should set aside a соntіngеnсу fund fоr unеxресtеd еxреnѕеѕ should they arise.  Following these tips can help you with that beautiful bathroom renovation in Melbourne and bring you that state of the art style you long for.

This is a collaborative guest post. The ideas and views do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.


Filed under Home & Garden, Life, Resources

19 Ingenious Travel Hacks for Busy Families

19 Ingenious Travel Hacks for Busy Families

Whether you’re getting ready to explore the country in your RV or you’re flying out of town for a much-needed getaway, traveling with kids can be great fun, but equally hectic! Getting the whole family packed and ready to go can try the patience of even the most even-keeled parents, sometimes detracting from your enjoyment of the experience. 

If you’re already frazzled thinking about navigating the family from Point A to Point B, here are 19 ingenious travel hacks to help make your next family vacation smooth and seamless. Without further ado, let’s dive right in.

#1 – Ship, Don’t Pack

If you’re planning to be away for more than a few days and are feeling stressed about fitting all your daily essentials from snacks to diapers to baby food in your suitcase, there’s another way. Instead, order these items ahead of time and ship them to your final destination, so they are ready and waiting when you arrive. 

This will be particularly helpful if you’re renting a house and want to have everything you need at your disposal once you get there without needing to take time away from your vacation to shop.  

#2 – Send Souvenirs Ahead

If you’re going away on vacation and know you’ll likely be picking up plenty of souvenirs on your trip, save yourself a headache. Send those bulky items home through a shipping company instead of trying to fit everything in your luggage. 

Souvenir stores don’t typically have an issue wrapping up and shipping your items to your home. Some may even put them in the mail for you so your goodies are ready and waiting when you get back from your trip. 

#3 – Ziplock Packing 

Make wardrobe planning for the kiddos 10 times easier, and use ziplock bags to put all their outfits together ahead of time. Each day, they can simply grab a fresh bag with shorts, a shirt, undies, socks, etc. No need to worry about mismatched socks this time!

 #4 – Stockpile Games and Activities 

Whether you’ll be going on a short or long trip, always plan ahead by bringing a bunch of games and activities to keep the little ones occupied—at least for a few hours. Check out the dollar store before your trip for things like coloring books, craft supplies, puzzles, card games, and other fun activities you know your kids will love. 

#5 – Send Yourself Mail

A special way to commemorate your vacation is to mail postcards or notes to yourself back home as you travel to various destinations. Just throw some envelopes and stamps in your suitcase before you go. 

When you visit a museum or other nifty spot, buy a postcard, have everyone sign it, and mail it back home. Those post-vacation blues won’t seem so bad when the kids have mail to return to, postmarked from all the cool places they’ve visited. 

#6 – Make Copies of Everything 

If you’ll be flying anywhere on your trip, whether domestically or abroad, scan and copy your driver’s license, ID card, passport, itinerary, and so forth. Email yourself a copy of everything and print out one of two paper copies of each (one to store in your luggage and the other to keep with you). That way, if luggage gets lost or someone steals your purse, all your essential documents will be safe. 

#7 – Lists Are Your Friend

Don’t stress yourself out trying to remember every little thing you need to bring in your luggage. Instead, make your own ultimate packing list, print it out, and keep it with you to use for this trip and ones in the future. If you do forget something one trip, be sure to add it to your list so you remember it for the next vacation. 

#8 – Safety First

If you’re traveling with kids, particularly young ones, one simple safety measure is to write out your name and number on a piece of paper, business card, etc. and put it in their pocket. You can teach your little ones to show that card or paper to a law enforcement officer or another dependable adult.

Staying at a hotel on your trip? Take the hotel’s business card at the reception desk and write your contact information on the back. In the event you and your child get separated, they’ll not only have your name and number but the hotel’s contact details. 

#9 – Buy Travel-Size Hygiene Items 

Don’t lug big bottles of shampoo and tubes of toothpaste on your next trip. Instead, purchase travel-size hygiene and personal items ahead of time (i.e. mouthwash, body wash, shampoo, toothbrushes), that you can easily throw away when you’re done and ready to go home. 

#10 – Use Backseat Organizers for Road Trips

If you’re going on a road trip, whether for a few days or a week, backseat organizers will be your (and your child’s) new best friend. Organizers like this one are a great way to keep everything from snacks and drinks to games and tablets easily accessible and orderly.

#11 – Make Your Own First-Aid Kit 

Just in case anyone gets any scrapes along the way, put together your own first aid kit with all the essentials like bandaids, antiseptic wipes, Tylenol, etc., to ensure you’re prepared for any unanticipated boo-boos. 

#12 – Listen to Books 

Listening to audiobooks is a fantastic way to keep everyone in the car occupied on long road trips. From gripping stories to educational content, books on tape can be a dual-purpose learning and entertainment experience for the kids. 

#13 – Movie Time

If you’ve listened to your favorite book for a few hours and the kids need a change of pace, pull out your laptop and play their favorite show or movie. You can set up your laptop on the car console so everyone can enjoy. 

#14 – Plan Ahead

Whether you’re catching an early morning flight or hitting the road before the sun comes up, plan to download and pack up your kids’ game and movie entertainment the night ahead. You’ll likely be running about the morning of the trip attending to last minute details. 

Make sure your iPad or laptop is finished downloading and ready to go, and you’ll have one less thing to worry about. 

#15 – Use a Vacuum Seal Bag 

When you’re going on a lengthy getaway, it can be daunting to figure out how to fit all your clothes into your luggage. This is where vacuum-sealed bags can save the day. Put your clothes in the bags, seal them with your vacuum cleaner, and voila! The bag has shrunk down to a minute size, giving you much more room in your carry-on and suitcase. 

#16 – Pick Up Some Quirky and Bright Baggage Tags 

As fun as it is playing the waiting game standing at the luggage carousel, straining your eyes to pick out your suitcase amongst the sea of other identical baggage, why not simplify things? Before your trip, pick up some bright and colorful tags for your baggage to jot down your contact information on. Not only will you have an easier time spotting your luggage right off the bat, but the kids can compete to see who can find their quirky baggage tag first. 

#17 – Pack Empty Water Bottles to Fill Once You Get Through Security

Pack a couple of empty water bottles that you can refill after you get through airport security. Not only will you save a little money, not having to purchase airport bottled water, but you won’t have to worry about thirsty kiddos on the plane after the drink cart rolls off. 

#18 – Fix Some Meals In Your Hotel

If you’ll be staying in a hotel, consider booking a room with a kitchenette featuring a few kitchen essentials that you can prepare some easy meals in. Not only can you stretch your budget a little further, but when the kids are hungry or in dire need of a snack, you can easily whip something up. 

Check out the grocery store nearest your hotel to pick up a few favorite food items for the whole family. Your hotel room coffee maker can easily do double duty to make some instant oatmeal and ramen for those last minute snacks.

Need to stretch your legs after the long car or plane ride? Check out these 5 tips for family fitness to keep everyone active and help the kids release some of that pent up energy. 

#19 – Navigating the Airport With Ease

Okay, so this final hack is really three rolled into one. 

First, if you’re trying to get seats with your family on the plane and are unable to when you book the flight, continue to reach out to the airline in the week, 48 hours, and 24 hours preceding your departure. Airlines have been known to reserve seats just for families, then release them a week before the flight. Once you hit the 24 and 48-hour point, elites frequently upgrade, which opens up more seats in economy. 

Second, skip lengthy airport security waits by heading to the family lane at TSA. The majority of major airports have family lanes to streamlines the process for travelers with children. Finally, do yourself a favor and pre-book an airport transfer both to and from your accommodation. You’ll save money on airport parking and have one less component to worry about. 


This is a guest post, the ideas and views are not necessarily those of Mommy Ramblings.

Rachel Warren is a Research Analyst and Writer for CarInsuranceComparison.com. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Paralegal Studies from the Liberty University School of Law. Rachel leverages nearly a decade’s prior experience in the legal field and her diverse digital marketing background to create data-rich, informative, engaging content for readers regarding car insurance, legal, finance, career, and lifestyle topics.


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Filed under Family, Home & Garden, Life, Travel

Teaching Your Children About the Relationship Between Time and Money

Sadly, we’re rarely taught in schools about money. Sure, we learn about Pythagoras Theorem but when was the last time that was useful in real life? Never, right?! Your children face the same dilemma with confusing messages about what money is and how it relates to time. It’s up to you as a parent to fill in the blanks for them, so they get a more well-rounded education. Here are some ideas on how to teach your children the connection between time and money.

Preschoolers and Kindergartners

You might think the little ones don’t notice how you spend money and what you do with it, but they do. In fact, many habits around money are created when only a few years old. As we know, kids model their parents’ behavior, so parents must set a good example.

Use a Mason Jar for Savings

While a piggy bank is more traditional, a mason jar is better because a preschooler or kindergartner can see the money inside. A small amount of savings can go a long way by slowly filling up the jar and having them see how much is in there.

Work = Money

Even a young son or daughter can begin to understand the importance of money. That mommy or daddy go out to work to earn money is something they can begin to understand. Their teacher at school makes money when teaching them too.

Things Cost Money

Showing how different items in the store cost different amounts is helpful. Even connecting which candies are tastier but cost more is a useful concept to share.


Middle School

Middle school students begin to see and touch money more often. However, that doesn’t mean that they understand how time equals money. That’s especially true when parents just hand them an allowance without having to do anything to earn it.

Pay vs Free Allowance

Kids shouldn’t be given a free allowance. This sets the stage for money being something they can just expect for free.

There’s plenty of age-appropriate chores around the house that middle schoolers are perfectly capable of doing, no matter how much they might moan about it. This might include tidying up their room and putting their toys away when they’re younger. Mowing the lawn when older and being supervised for safety reasons is another one. Dealing with the trash also makes clear that not every chore is necessarily pleasant, but rewards come from putting in the time.

Get Them Involved with Finding Bargains

Turn family food shopping into a game. Start with a budget for the week and let them plan out what should be purchased. Depending on their maturity and knowledge about what ingredients are needed for different meals, it might be necessary to create several meal plans with a list of ingredients, so they have a place to start.

They can then be allowed to choose between different meal ideas depending on the deals in the store that day. Offer them a financial incentive when they save money, as long as the meals are nutritious and sufficient for everyone in the household. Then have them save half of the money for a medium-term goal like buying a smartphone or a tablet.



With teenagers, aim for the bigger things to make an impact and let them feel more in control.

Free Samples

Teenagers love to get things for free but often don’t appreciate the time it takes to secure them. It’s true that many free samples require a time investment. And that’s perfectly okay. Most bargain hunting or coupon cutting takes time out of the day too.

Advise Against Student Loans

Teach teenagers to work part-time to make money to save for college. They’ll have an early financial goal to work towards and value the education far more. If they can get a scholarship, great, but don’t let them rely on that. Tell them that taking out student loans isn’t the answer because of all the hours of future work to repay the loans.

As long as children make a clear connection between time spent and money earned, they’ll be in a better position when they become adults. This connection avoids them spending frivolously without realizing the consequences down the line.

Student Loans

This is a collaborative guest post. The thoughts and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.

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Filed under Family, Life Stages, parenting

Tips and Tricks For The Best Kid’s Birthday Parties

Juicy Juice, Kid's Birthday Parties

As the mother of young children, children’s’ birthday parties are big on my mind. If you stress like I do over planning your children’s birthday parties, you are not alone. Kids’ birthday parties can be a finicky feat, but there are plenty of tips and tricks that parents can incorporate to make their kid’s celebration a success and avoid any birthday blunders. Birthday parties can carry expenses that are often overlooked but can quickly add up. In fact, according to the 2018 Juicy Juice Family Occasions Survey, nearly 60% of parents spend up to $500 on each child’s birthday every year.

For parents looking to save some green and avoid any mishaps and misunderstandings, try the following DIY activities (that double as decorations or favors!) and big-batch recipes to help you throw an amazing party without breaking the bank. Perfect for party-goers and parents, incorporate these ideas from Juicy Juice as you plan your next event, or keep the kids refreshed with new, organic offerings.

Check out these ideas below for you next summer birthday party.


Backyard Bug Hunt

Cute activities and recipes inspired by the creepy crawlers in your very own backyard.



Bottle Cap Ladybugs

Magic Firefly Bottle

Juicy Juice Bottle Planter

Juicy Nightcrawler Cup

Juicy Spider Eggs

Bullfrog Fruit Bowl

Outdoor Adventures

Gear up for summer birthdays with these adventurous outdoor activities and refreshing sips and snacks.



Rainbow Sherbet Punch

Juice Bottle Bird Feeder

DIY Outdoor Summer Slime

Cap Toss Game

Juicy Juice Bubble Blower

Homemade Fruit Juice Gummies


Water Works

When it gets hot, count on these aquatic activities and icy snacks to keep cool.



Juicy Juice Bottle Cap Aquarium

Juice Box Octopus

DIY Sailboat Race

Juicy Juice Sorbet Sandwiches

Cherry and Cream Bomb Pops Juice Pops


So, did you find some good ideas? I bet you did, let me know in the comments.


Filed under Entertaining, Family Fun, Home & Garden, kids

Saving Money On Your Next Home Move

It’s stressful moving to a new home. There is a lot you need to think about, from finding a new place to live, to packing everything up, to selling your current home. One of the more stressful aspects of moving however is simply the costs. There are many costs associated with moving, and if you aren’t careful, they can quickly skyrocket.

In an effort to help you with this, here are a few ways you can cut costs on your next move and make it a little more affordable. Hopefully, by reducing the costs, you’ll also be able to lessen some of the stress.

Compare Local Movers

First up, you should take the time to compare prices of local moving companies. Moving is a big job, and you’re probably not going to be able to do it alone. Having a team of professional and experienced movers on your side can make your day run smoother, and take a lot of the stress off of your shoulders. However, when you’re looking for a moving team, you’ll also want to consider the price.

Different movers charge different prices for your job. The bright side is most of them will provide you with a free estimate before you sign any papers. Using this estimate you can compare the costs of different movers in your area, and then select one that you can afford. Your goal is to find a mover that is both qualified for the job, but also affordable. For more information on finding a good mover, you can check out www.aandamoving.com.

Buy Supplies in Bulk

Next, you’re going to need some supplies in order to move. Boxes, bags, storage tubs, markers, bubble wrap and tape are all common supplies for moving jobs. You’re going to need more than you think though, so it’s a good idea to buy your supplies in bulk. By buying in bulk you can get a discount and save yourself a few dollars. When moving, it’s better to have too many supplies than too few. You don’t want to find out the night before you move that you don’t have enough boxes to fit everything, and suddenly you’re making a run to get more instead of packing.

Find Some Free Supplies

In some cases, you can even get free supplies. Boxes in particular, are easy to find for free, if you know where to look. One great place to check is a local grocery store or supermarket. These places get shipments all the time, but they don’t need all of the boxes. Rather than throwing them away, they’ll often give them to anyone who comes by and asks. You may not be able to fit all of your things in free boxes, but if it means having to buy a few less, it’s worth the trip.

Do as Much as You Can Yourself

When you’re in negotiations with a mover, they will tell you about all the services they provide. While it can be tempting to let your mover handle everything, you can save a lot of money if you’re willing to do some of the work on your own.

For instance, pack up your own belongings. If you give yourself plenty of time, you should be able to properly pack away all of your things before the movers arrive. Another thing you can do is help the movers load the truck. Many movers charge by the hour, so if you can speed up the process a little by helping out, it’ll save you some money. Grab some friends and at least move all of the boxes in your home closer to the exit, so that the movers can load the truck faster.


Stay Organized

Finally, the key to a successful move is organization. If you’re not organized, things take longer and are more likely to go wrong. This results in you having to spend more money. To keep yourself organized, create a moving checklist of things you need to do, and have it handy at all times. This will allow you to check things off as you complete them or add new things as they pop into your head throughout the day.

Look for Shortcuts, But Don’t Sacrifice Quality

When trying to save money on their move, many people look for shortcuts. While this is sometimes good, you don’t want to sacrifice quality. Don’t use old boxes that are about to rip just because they’re free. Don’t hire movers with no experience just because they are the cheapest. And don’t try to rush your move too much, or you may find someone ends up injured.

By taking your time and exploring your options however, you should find that you are able to not only save money on your move but ensure a smooth and safe process at the same time. Good luck!

This is a collaborative guest post. The views and ideas expressed do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.

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Children Are Being Bullied About This Common Issue

One common issue that many children (particularly boys) are bullied about is, large or protruding ears. A quick search on the Internet, will lead you to the accounts of thousands of children who report being bullied because their ears stuck out.  If your child is the target of bullying because of their ears, there is no denying it is causing them distress. Whether they are facing verbal, physical, cyberbullying or a combination of all three, there are some things you can do to help your child handle the situation.

What Causes Bullying? 

Bullying can happen for a multitude of reasons. Generally, bullies will hone in on anything that is considered ‘different’ from the norm, and continually draw attention to that to make them feel better about themselves. It could be a physical feature like protruding ears that is the focus of the bullying or something else.

While the motivations behind the bully’s actions may be unclear, they could be targeting your child because they feel jealous, want others to like them, want to fit in with their friends, because they’re angry with themselves, or because they like to exert power over others.

Tools To Help Your Child Manage

The first step to help your child manage the situation is to ensure they have the tools to be able to respond to the bullying when it happens. This might involve giving them tips on how to stand up for themselves, how to tell the bully what they’re doing is not okay, keeping their distance from the bully, or developing an understanding of  how their emotional response to the bullying will help them build resilience.

A good place to start is by seeking information and support from an organisation like BullyingUK, where you can find a range of resources and strategies to teach your child how best to manage the situation.

What are the other options?

While the ideal solution is for your child to develop the skills they need to effectively manage the bullying, if that does not work, you may look into surgical options to correct their protruding ears.

Otoplasty (or cosmetic ear surgery) is commonly requested by parents of children with prominent ears in the hope of sparing them relentless teasing or bullying. In many cases, the parents themselves have prominent ears, and don’t want their children to experience the same torment and pain they were subjected to at school.

Sometimes referred to as ‘ear pinning’, otoplasty is a surgical procedure that can set prominent ears back and closer to the head. This helps reduce the size of large ears or reshapes ears that are distorted or damaged with the goal of creating a more balanced and symmetrical appearance.

The procedure can generally be performed on children between the ages of  5-14, as the ears are almost fully grown by age 5. Some parents opt to have the surgery as soon as the child is of suitable age and prior to them becoming self-conscious to avoid the anticipated bullying in the school yard.

Resorting to surgery in young children is often a very tough decision, and not one that is taken lightly.  It is important that parents are both aware and supportive of their child’s feelings to ensure they want the procedure. It’s likely your child will also need to wear a headband for several weeks following the procedure, so it may be a good idea to schedule it during the summer or in conjunction with school holidays.

If otoplasty is something you would consider for your child, be sure to seek out an experienced professional who has valid qualifications and be sure to carefully weigh the benefits with the potential risks to ensure the best possible outcome for your child.

This is a collaborative guest post and does not necessarily represent the views or ideals of Mommy Ramblings.



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Filed under Health, kids, Life Stages, parenting

4 Questions To Help You Determine Why Your Child Is Crying

When your child is crying and won’t or can’t tell you what is wrong, it is very frustrating. Meltdowns can be difficult for even the most experienced parents to handle. When it happens, your automatic reaction might be to tell your child to stop crying. Unfortunately, that rarely works so you might want to consider these factors.

Crying is a natural reaction for kids when they are over-stimulated, over tired, or physically hurt. Figuring out which it is and meeting their needs can help you get to the root of the problem. The next time you are faced with an outburst, take a deep breath and ask yourself these 4 simple questions before reacting.

Is it something physical?

Perhaps your child refuses to put on his shoes and bursts into tears when you stand firm. Is this a battle of wills  or could it be that they are dealing with physical pain they may not be able to express? The frustration of not being able to articulate what is going on, can trigger an epic meltdown.

Take a look at their physical condition. Could it be a toothache? According to Lane Family Dental, “Your tooth may not bother you at all until that moment you bite into a decadent slice of chocolate cake. The shock from coming in contact with sugar is a pretty sure sign that your tooth has a cavity.”

Or could it be a headache? Mayo Clinic states that headaches in children can be difficult to diagnose, but they may cry and hold their head to indicate pain. Lastly, it may be the most common physical reason of them all: your child may just need a nap.

Is your child feeling stressed?

This one is more common among older children. You may wonder what could cause a child to be stressed. Actually, any situation that is new to a child can cause their body to release the stress hormone, cortisol.

Dealing with after school activities where a certain level of performance is expected, can add stress to an already-full school day. Tears could also result from a frustrating classroom situation. It could even be  something they have heard that they don’t know how to handle. Consider that their tears may not really be about having to clean their room or do a chore. In reality that outburst may be an expression of accumulated stress.

Is your child hungry?

It happens to everyone. So much so that a new term has cropped up to describe it; Hungry + angry = “hangry.” Hangry describes how attitudes go south when our bodies are lacking fuel. Even if your child ate a good lunch, by the time they get home from school, they could be famished. If they don’t have a healthy snack, they could be heading for an emotional outburst. So, while you do not want to use food as a bribe to stop their tears, their hunger is likely what is causing them to be so cranky.

Give them a hug and  go to the kitchen and fix both of you a healthy snack. Turn it into an activity so that the association becomes one of doing something together, versus using food for emotional relief.

Is Your Child Overstimulated?

Have you ever wondered why so many meltdowns happen when shopping, on vacation or in the aisles of grocery stores? Chances are high that it’s the environment that is over stimulating your child. Places that are noisy, have crowds of people and multiple things to see can be overwhelming for kids.

With so much for a little brain to process, kids turn to the one thing they know will bring relief. Their tears will bring mommy or daddy running to fix everything. Consider a quick exit from the store or environment to get your child to a calmer place instead of demanding or pleading with them to stop crying.

Lastly, if you are always telling your child to stop crying, it could convey a message to them that negative emotions should stay bottled up. This can lead to difficulties with opening up in later years and stunted emotional growth. Studies tell us that our tears serve a good purpose. Tears and crying can reduce the body’s stress hormone and bring calm back to our physical state.

So, instead of feeling harried when your child breaks down in tears, realize that the tears are one way your child is communicating with you. That crying is their body’s way of calming down.

This is a collaborative guest post. The views and ideals expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of Mommy Ramblings.


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10 Time-Management Tips for Busy Parents

Let’s face it, most parents feel like their days are a game of beat the clock, and more often than not they end up losing. Trying to keep everything together and get that huge to-do list done can lead to frustration, losing your temper and feeling overwhelmed.

Life is unpredictable, especially with kids. Even when you plan, emergencies happen. You may not be able to avoid chaos altogether, but here are 10 Time Management Tips that can benefit busy parents. Following these tips can help bring order and peace back to your life and help you make the most of the time you have.


I cannot stress the importance of this, knowing what is a priority and what is not, is key to getting the things that matter done. Every day write your to-do list and prioritize your tasks into what you need to take care of immediately, what you need to do during the week and then your more on-going or long-term tasks


This is so hard for some of us, but as a rule, if you can delegate a task that is not something you absolutely have to do yourself to a person that you feel will do it 80% as good as you would, delegate it. It doesn’t mean you are not a good mom if you don’t go up to the school to copy and distribute 1,000 fundraiser flyers. Let someone else do that, and it will free you up to do the things that only YOU can do.

Batch Tasks

Look over your to-do list and see what tasks you have that you can batch. This means if you have to go to the bank, post office, kid’s school and the dentist, try to do it all in the same trip. This saves time and gas money!

Get organized

If you are always running late because you can’t find something you need; it is time to get that under control. Get a filing cabinet for all your important papers, birth certificates, passports, insurance documents and more. Have your kids place all homework, library books, permission slips and other things in their backpacks each night. This will save frantic library book searches in the morning.

Have everyone lay out their clothing the night before. I really like these weekly clothing organizers for kids. Having your kid’s clothes picked out and organized for the week ahead, will make mornings less stressful.

Family Message Center

Install a family message center in a central location in your home. Make sure that everyone uses it to communicate what is coming up, post shopping lists,  permission slips and school papers that need to be signed, important reminders and more.

Use the Internet

I cannot stress enough what a time saver doing things online has made in my life I shop, pay bills, do research and more online. If you do have to go out to a store, check out their current sale flyer online and make a list of what you need to buy. Taking the time to do this, will get you in and out of the store faster without forgetting things. While online, you should check to see if there are any special coupons or promo codes that can be used in store.


Do a clothing and toy purge and make it fun. Promise the kids a treat like going out for ice cream, when you go to donate the purged items. This way you won’t drive around for months with those bags in your trunk. Trimming the excess from your lives will make you feel a lot lighter and make cleaning less of a chore.

Meal Planning

Plan your meals for the week. This will simplify your shopping and you won’t be running out all the time to get something for dinner. Use a slow cooker or pressure cooker, to help you get dinner on the table easier and faster than ever. Make extra when you cook to freeze and save, or check out some freezer meals you can make ahead for the whole week.

Assign your kids Chores

Giving kids jobs to do helps them learn responsibility and improves their self-esteem. Even little ones can help with certain tasks. You can use chore charts to make it easy for kids to see what their responsibilities are.

Learn to say No

This is so important, because our inability to say NO effectively, is the reason we end up with too much on our plate. It is okay to say NO, and to say it often. You can say, I would love to help set up the school book fair, but I just cannot take on any more projects right now. Once you say it a few times, it will get easier.

Following these 10 tips can help you bring some order to your life and save you time and stress. What are your favorite ways to manage your family and your time effectively?


Filed under Family, kids, Life

Smart Tips To Follow When Choosing A Plumber

Many of us rely on various trade professionals to restore our homes when the unexpected happens. In this regard, few are as important as plumbers. Not only are plumbers in charge of repairing some of the most important parts of our home, like faucets, toilets, and water heaters, but if you choose an incompetent one, that mistake will probably be an extremely expensive one.

I am sure you can see why it is so important that you choose the right plumber, the first time, for your job.  To assist you with that, here are some things you should be aware of when searching for a plumber.

Who’s The Best Fit?

One thing to understand, is that not every plumber is experience and trained to handle every type of plumbing issue. According to Fix It Right Plumbing, a Sydney plumbing company, “If you have a large project (renovations or building a new house), it makes sense to get a plumber that specializes in this type of work (Contract plumber). The right plumber should be set up to tackle your job,  they need to have the right tools (Excavators, laser levels, pex piping tools) and give you a quote upfront that you can compare to quotes from other plumbers.

You want a plumber with competitive prices, who will work as quickly and efficiently as possible to complete your job. Some plumbers can be messy, hard to get a hold of (especially after hours) and are not concerned with paperwork that you need like invoices, permits etc.

Using a service based plumber on a large project is like going to the convenience store for your weekly shopping – you are paying more for convenience when you don’t need to. Making a mistake in this regard isn’t necessarily the worst thing in the world, as you will probably get good service, albeit at a higher price than you need to pay. Let’s face it, no one wants to pay more than necessary.

In order to avoid this situation, you will want to take a closer look at the website for the kind of plumber you need. Generally, you should be able to find a list of the services provided as well as, testimonials from past clients they served. Even if they don’t say contract or service-based specifically, you should generally be able to infer this from the nature of the jobs they specialize in. If you can’t be sure,  ask when you call them.  Your initial call is also the opportune time to inquire about other important details like if they are licensed and have insurance. This attention to detail, will help to make sure your plumber is following the latest business codes. This is very important, because it means you are protected in the event they have an accident on the job.

Other good questions to bring up include whether or not your plumber charges a fixed or hourly rate, and who will actually be doing the work. Some plumbers use subcontractors or helpers, and while that can be okay, you want to work with someone who is transparent about it.

Who’s The Best Option?

When you’ve narrowed the field to plumbers who will be able to work on the job you have in mind, it is time to choose the one who you think will be best. There are a few ways that you can do this. The preferable way is to get a recommendation from someone you trust, whether it is a friend, family, or coworker. Not only are these people motivated to steer you the right way, but they also know what traits in a professional you value. They will likely recommend a plumber who is competent, personable and willing to explain the exact scope of work involved in your repair. Another thing to guide you, is to spend some time looking at online resources and reviews, but keep in mind, they could be biased.

Hopefully you won’t need to call on a plumber too often. However, when something goes wrong with the plumbing in your home, it can put your entire household at a standstill. When this happens, you want to be sure to you have a professional you can trust. Take advantage of some of the tips in this article before you are faced with an emergency situation. That means that when the time comes and you need a plumber, all you need to do is call up the right company for your needs, lay back, and let them do their work.

This is a collaborative guest post, it does not necessarily reflect the words and views of Mommy Ramblings.


Filed under Home & Garden, sponsored guest post

How Pre-Planning Your Child’s Summer Benefits Both of You

When your kids get old enough to start making decisions, it’s difficult to know when to step back and when to take over. No one wants to be the helicopter mom, but you want to make sure your kids are getting the best opportunities. Summer vacation is one area where you want to get more involved.

Here are a few ways pre-planning your child’s summer benefits you.

1. You can make decisions together

When you have to make arrangements at the last-minute, oftentimes, you’re calling the shots without any input from the kiddos. But if you give yourself a little time, you can talk things over. Sure, some things won’t be negotiable, but you can let your kids choose whatever activities they can.

As soon as the options are available, collect all the possibilities and discuss them with your kids. Make sure you keep any scheduling conflicts in mind. It may help to grab a pencil and mark up a calendar. If you have more than one child, this may be a process that takes some time.

2. Your kids will have more opportunities

All the popular summer activities sell out fast. So, if your kids are going to be going to camp or taking some extracurriculars, you’ll want to book them in advance. It could be the difference between adventure camp and knitting 101, so this is very important.

Stress the importance of choosing wisely because most activities cannot be changed after you make a deposit.

3. You can arrange more free time in the summer

Just like the activities, good childcare can sell out fast too. If you’re planning to put your kids into a program or book the most reputable nanny, you’ll want to pre-plan. And as a bonus, you may be able to book more date nights if you make arrangements with a babysitter early in the season. You can even schedule a night every week or every other week to get away with your significant other.

4, You can finalize your vacation

If you book your vacation before you plan your kids’ activities, you may regret it. For example, what happens if there’s a big soccer tournament the week of your vacation? If you had booked the extracurriculars first, you could have worked your vacation around the big events.

Plan your kids’ camps, sports practices and music lessons before you decide when to take your family vacation. This will also save you from spending money on weeks of programs you won’t be using.

5. You can plan for anything

When you know what your summer is going to look like, you can plan. For example, if you’re taking a road trip, you can pre-plan vehicle service. Things like this can easily get away from you, so try booking any important appointments as soon as you plan your summer activities. This may include doctors’ visits, dentist appointments or even haircuts.

Planning doesn’t solve every problem, but it can certainly help you get the most out of your summer. What are your best summer planning tips?


This is a sponsored guest post. The views and ideals expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Mommy Ramblings.

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