Tag Archives: Warm Weather

Spring Is Coming!!!

I can totally feel it!  Everyday I hear of birds that are back in town and about the Easter candy being out at Wal-Mart.  The temperatures are getting higher and we are supposed to be near 60 on Friday!!!   I am planning on walking outside instead of on my treadmill.  The other thing that makes me know spring is coming, is we just signed Ethan up for T-ball.  We have literally been waiting for years, (I know he is not even 4 yet) but this child was ready pretty much out of the womb.  Last night, Jimi took him to a basketball game at the school. Afterward, Ethan was playing, dribbling, and shooting while Jimi was talking to a friend, who also coaches a basketball program for kindergarten and 1st graders.  The friend said he has not one 5-7 year old who can handle the ball the way Ethan does.  So being able to finally play a sport, is very big here.  T-ball is the first and then he will be eligible for soccer in the fall.  Anyway, just thinking to warm evenings at the ball field watching the little ones embark on their first season of T-ball can even make a skeptic smell spring in the air.  Oh, and I got my latest issue of Martha Stewart Living and the cover stated it was time to start planting.   Which reminds me, the last time I was at the store, all the peat pots and seeds were making their debut.   Believe me I am just planning my  vegetable garden in my head and cannot wait to see how my perennials will look this spring.

What have you seen that tells you spring is near?   I would love to hear.  Hope everyone is doing well and remember we have our give-away for the Gourmac cookie stamps ending soon so be sure to get yourself in it.


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