Diana at The Children’s Labels Company sent me a nice assortment of their products. She sent me dishwasher safe, waterproof name labels, iron on labels for light and dark fabrics, and the cutest bag tags. I have to admit when I saw that these were waterproof and would withstand the dishwasher I was skeptical for a few reasons. The first being, I know labels and water don’t usually mix too well. Second, which will be no surprise for those who know me, since I am a germophobe, I have a dishwasher that sanitizes everything, with not only the hottest water but steam and heat. So, when you open my dishwasher the steam that emits is so strong it could strip your wallpaper.
I had just recently picked up some Curious Chef Mugs for the boys at Wegmans (love my Wegmans), so I thought I would use them as my guinea pigs. I read the instructions and you apply the labels to a clean dry surface and not wash or get it wet for 24 hours. After the time was up I placed the cups in with the dishes and ran my usual heavy-duty cycle with a high temperature scrub and sanitizing cycle. They did not stand a chance. When it was finished and I opened the dishwasher for my facial and the steam just filled the kitchen, I knew it would not be good. I was shocked to reach in and find the labels as bright and crisp and secure as they were before I put them in their exfoiliating sauna. A few days ago, we put them on the boys identical excavators. They have been playing in the dirt and rain with these trucks and the labels are readable and secure.
Now, I am going to set about labeling everything in site. It is great because we are going on vacation and I can label the kids toys and clothes. It works really well because we usually buy two of everything for our Irish Twins. It is also the start of T-ball so I can label Ethan’s bat and batting helmet and mitt so it will not get mixed up with the team equipment. These labels are great for labeling bottles and sippy cups for daycare, pre-school or the church nursery. The possibilities are endless.

After the Wash!!!

Now for the best part!!! The Children’s Labels Company is giving me three certificates for 3 lucky blog readers. You will be able to get your very own personalized labels with the gift certificate.
Mandatory Entry-Go to The Children’s Labels Company and tell the design you like the most and leave me a comment here with what it is. You must complete the mandatory entry or the extra entries will not count.
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Give-Away ends April 25th at 12am EST. Winners will be selected by Random.org.
Good luck everyone!!!