For people who are looking for an effective way of measuring their nutritional intake, the NutriCrystal food scale has mobile applications that work with it to tell you if you are meeting your healthy eating goals. Unlike the existing nutritional scales, the process of taking the measurements is fully automated. All you need to do is put food on the scale and record the data using your mobile phones, tablets or desktop PCs wirelessly. In addition to tracking the amount of your nutritional intake, their software also provides you summary reports on each of your nutritional consumption and compare the result to national standards or among your friends.

NutriCrystal Wireless Smart Food Scale is the world’s first Bluetooth Smart Ready Food scale that comes with a huge selections of mobile application in iOS and Android to help people track their daily nutrients intake. Based on customer feedback, these some of the applications:
– People dealing with weight related issues are using the scale to do portion control with their own home cook meal
– Parents with type I diabetes children use our scale to educate their children how much carbohydrate their children have consumed
– Body Builders use our scale to track the sources of their protein intake.
– Individuals who want to make sure that their family members and themselves are receiving sufficient vitamins from their daily food consumption.
– And many more…..
If you are looking for a great gift for a tech savvy person on your holiday list, the NutriCrystal Wireless Smart Food Scale is the perfect choice! Mommy Ramblings is adding the NutriCrystal Wireless Smart Food Scale to our 2013 Holiday Gift Guide!!!