I cannot believe how fast this year is flying by. I thought today that by now I have usually baked many batches of pumpkin chip cookies and this year I have not made one. I better get some made pronto or it will be time for gingerbread. ‘Speaking of gingerbread, you are probably thinking of your holiday gift list or will be soon. I really want to share an idea for truly meaningful gifts this season, The World Vision Gift Catalog offers more than 250 items that help fight poverty and save lives here in US and around the world. What a great gift to buy for anyone but especially for those who are so challenging to find the right thing for. These unique, life-changing gifts will never be too small or need to be returned and they give back all year-long. With a financial contribution, donors can select one of the 30+ Handcrafted Gifts that can be shared with a loved one and at the same time help a person in need.